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JEFFY40HANDS' Signature Shop (Creating...

Creator: JEFFY40HANDS August 3, 2011 8:27am
Vort's Forum Avatar
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 1:43pm | Report

GIMP is great ^_^


Roughly ~1 month of me using GIMP I feel a lot more comfortable in it now. Sigs taking me ~30-45 minutes (without having to make a render). And I'm able to do things that I wasn't when I first started. I'm a graphic desing major in college, but I've only learned the CS5 basics/intermidiate level. But GIMP is similar in many ways, a lot of the features CS5 currently has are present in GIMP, idk how to describe it. GIMP permits me to do what I want now that I have a handle on it. ^_^

Ahh, jealous of your major :P. I almost went down that path but decided I'd rather swing towards engineering. Yeah, the one thing I find with photoshop is, despite having quite a few hours with it, i'm still pretty stupidly slow with it. Huzzah for super dense interfaces! I feel GIMP does a lot of the same, in a much more streamlined environment.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 1:57pm | Report
PS "streamlines" by macroing multiple tools to the same button, you just gotta find em.

GIMP is a bit more organized and disorganized at once. It's a different layout and set up, a lot of what PS does automatically GIMP gives you a tool for. Like resizing is just a simple tool away in GIMP whereas PS is just like "herp what do you want me to resize? Derp insert specific pixel size you wish to resize to....TY"

They have their pros and cons, I think the software power PS uses is a few levels above GIMP. I'm sure after ~1-2 months of using PS without using GIMP I'd feel as comfortable in PS as I do in GIMP.

And yeah I'm happy to be on this path, wherever it may lead me.
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 2:28pm | Report
I suppose that's a fairly accurate breakdown. It's been a while since I've used GIMP, tbh. I don't remember much about it, aside from how it felt using it. But yeah, resizing in photoshop can be a bit annoying. The transform function is a bit... awkward.

Good to hear you're getting along well with the major. Keep it positive, and i'm sure you'll end up doing something awesome. you've got talent.
HazSezNo's Forum Avatar
Sep 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 2:30pm | Report

Guides: Singed - Flingin' it up | Will be making more soon!

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<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 2:41pm | Report
I don't do sigs for people under 25 posts...I wish more people would read the OP.

EDIT: The 25 posts thing is because I don't want to spend time on a request just to have the work completely go un-used because someone quits Mobafire. It's nothing personal just don't want to essentially "waste my time"

@Vort: It's a long road ^_^ but I'm liking where it's going so far. Appreciate the support, make a request anytime. Seems like you meet the requirements too so sall good ^_^
Vort's Forum Avatar
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:44pm | Report

It's a long road ^_^ but I'm liking where it's going so far. Appreciate the support, make a request anytime. Seems like you meet the requirements too so sall good ^_^

If you feel at all interested in trying your hand at it, an idea just came to mind. Dunno if you ever came across the animorphs series of books back in the day, but I thought it'd be cool to do something similar to the cover of one of those, with Nidalee. Bit of a fun, silly idea, but it could be cool. No necessity, rush, or pressure, though.

Holy Toledo, Batman, It's Cho'Gath!
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:48pm | Report
I do know of the books you speak.
I can give it a try. Definitely Not something I've tried before. But let us hope the muse Decends.
Vort's Forum Avatar
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:52pm | Report
No worries. I don't actually recall reading them ever. It's the visual concept that intrigued me. If it'll be too time consuming, don't worry about it.

Holy Toledo, Batman, It's Cho'Gath!
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:54pm | Report
I've got an idea of an image to use. We shall see what I can do. Only way to learn is to do. And I think it will be fin :)
Vort's Forum Avatar
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Aug 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 10, 2011 3:58pm | Report
Awesomesauce! I look forward to seeing what you create.

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