Text- TheNamelessBard
Font- http://www.dafont.com/chocolate-dealer.font
Color of text- Don't really care, make it match the pony
Pony- A cute one
Item on pony- Don't care
Air or Land- Air
Image- I don't know where to find a good one o.o
Font- http://www.dafont.com/chocolate-dealer.font
Color of text- Don't really care, make it match the pony
Pony- A cute one
Item on pony- Don't care
Air or Land- Air
Image- I don't know where to find a good one o.o
Well first of all, the sig forum isn't very popular...and most requests go to Xiao.
Second, you JUST opened your shop TODAY. Most people only get around 2 or 3 requests a week that aren't Xiao.
Third, no offense but all you do is take a picture and a little thing and stick text on it.
They are cute but you aren't going to get big business so don't expect it, especially your first day :P
Second, you JUST opened your shop TODAY. Most people only get around 2 or 3 requests a week that aren't Xiao.
Third, no offense but all you do is take a picture and a little thing and stick text on it.
They are cute but you aren't going to get big business so don't expect it, especially your first day :P
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Done! -

Well first of all, the sig forum isn't very popular...and most requests go to Xiao.
Second, you JUST opened your shop TODAY. Most people only get around 2 or 3 requests a week that aren't Xiao.
Third, no offense but all you do is take a picture and a little thing and stick text on it.
They are cute but you aren't going to get big business so don't expect it, especially your first day :P
Looking back, I guess so. I've never done anything like this on a big scale or whatever, usually making them without requests. I guess I saw Xiao's thread and thought "Wow, this sure gets a lot of posts!", without really looking into it.
I suppose it was also at an obscure time for most people too, when it was peak time where I live (UK).
Yeah, I know I don't really do much, but meh, I hope to do much more adventurous stuff once I get a little more experience. Other than this, the only thing I've really done is spriting - and for that I remember getting 8 requests the first day I took requests. Obviously, sprites are nothing compared to sigs, but heh.

wRAthoFVuLK wrote:
Well first of all, the sig forum isn't very popular...and most requests go to Xiao.
Second, you JUST opened your shop TODAY. Most people only get around 2 or 3 requests a week that aren't Xiao.
Third, no offense but all you do is take a picture and a little thing and stick text on it.
They are cute but you aren't going to get big business so don't expect it, especially your first day :P
Looking back, I guess so. I've never done anything like this on a big scale or whatever, usually making them without requests. I guess I saw Xiao's thread and thought "Wow, this sure gets a lot of posts!", without really looking into it.
I suppose it was also at an obscure time for most people too, when it was peak time where I live (UK).
Yeah, I know I don't really do much, but meh, I hope to do much more adventurous stuff once I get a little more experience. Other than this, the only thing I've really done is spriting - and for that I remember getting 8 requests the first day I took requests. Obviously, sprites are nothing compared to sigs, but heh.

I'm an oboist, so an oboe would be awesome. If not I'll take the lute one cuz it's pretty epic itself.
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They are so damn fun to make for some reason.
Ponies only!
Work so far -
Backgrounds -
Signatures -
Though they all have stuff on them (since the first two are British and the last is Australian) - since I don't know the nitty gritty stuff about you, you can specify wanting something/some things.
Make your requests like this! -
Text -
Font (optional) -
Colour of Text (optional) -
Pony -
Item(s) on the Pony (optional) -
Air or Land? (if it's a Pegasus pony) -
Reference image (I'd prefer not to. The only one so far I did with one was the last one, the worst one so far, but if you insist, I'll do one from an image you post. Prefer not to though!) -
Any extra stuff you want to note? -