I agree, many people with general guides just throw in popular champs so it will show up when people search to get more hits, a little annoying. It really is hard to get noticed on this site with so many of these guides ahead of yours already. Not to mention find a quality guide on the champion you are looking for.
Really the only way to get to the top is to put something in your signature and hope you get noticed, if you were lucky enough to get on the front page with one of your guides (my Taric guide, the first one, was lucky enough to do this) then you can get quite a bit more exposure.
But without a recommendation or timely upvotes, it is very difficult to get noticed.
Really the only way to get to the top is to put something in your signature and hope you get noticed, if you were lucky enough to get on the front page with one of your guides (my Taric guide, the first one, was lucky enough to do this) then you can get quite a bit more exposure.
But without a recommendation or timely upvotes, it is very difficult to get noticed.
Check out my Swain, Taric, and Ashe guides!
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If I helped you at all, give me a +Rep please, thanks!
This has some truth to it, but the belittling of guides that obviously don't pertain to Shen was kind of unnecessary. I think Searz just kind of threw itemss together, since it's a rune guide. Why the hell would he update the item build for shen when it's not a shen build?
Also, building a heart of gold and letting it sit is a perfectly viable way to play, maybe even moreso than the way you suggested, though that's beside the point.
I do agree that we need to separate these "general guides" from champion specific guides.
However, the rest of it is raging about how people don't know how to play shen and why isn't my favorite guide at the top? QQ.
I could go into a lot more detail about how most of what you're saying about shen is either wrong or an opinion, but that'd be going off-topic.
Also, building a heart of gold and letting it sit is a perfectly viable way to play, maybe even moreso than the way you suggested, though that's beside the point.
I do agree that we need to separate these "general guides" from champion specific guides.
However, the rest of it is raging about how people don't know how to play shen and why isn't my favorite guide at the top? QQ.
I could go into a lot more detail about how most of what you're saying about shen is either wrong or an opinion, but that'd be going off-topic.
Scrax wrote:
I believe a 'General Guides' section is on the to-do list. That would clear away all that clutter.
That's good to hear. Glad the mods are on top of things :D
Check out my Swain, Taric, and Ashe guides!
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AnIh wrote:
if you click on the champion icon at the main page it will show guides with only 1 build .
This is true, but I am so used to the search feature from when that scrolling bar wasn't implemented.
But that really isn't an excuse for me lol, also, I feel as if I have hijacked this thread.
Check out my Swain, Taric, and Ashe guides!
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Defianc4 wrote:
This build simply collectivizes the items into Doran's shield, heart of gold, then Merc Treads, Sunfire Cpae, Force of Nature, Randuin's Omen, Abyssal Scepter??????, Rylai's?????? Obviously, though a rune expert, Searz is a total Shen noob if he's buying two ap items, an extremely early HoG, and completely ignoring Aegis of the Legion.
Apparently, he hasn't played Shen since before the HoG nerf, or he would know, like any decent Shen player, that an early HoG sucks. And Shen's abilities are so badly nerfed now, that it's utterly pointless to play an AP shen unless you're playing with noobs. To round it out, the item and build explanation for shen is totally absent.
Early HoG sucks? XD
Riiight. What rock have you been living under? Everyone in high elo is going on about how OP gold per 10 items are and practically everyone but the carries buy them.
My build is a team setup. Since Janna is taking all the team oriented auras it would be a waste to get a double aura.
Shen is taking the the AP/defensive items because they give good defensive stats while at the same time strengthening his shield and ultimate. Not to mention that Abyssal reduces enemy MR for his teammates.
They also increase his threat level by a lot in fights.
So while I agree that we need a general guides section, I think you need to tone down the "THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO BUILD THIS CHAMPION" attitude.
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Today, that is impossible. The top ten Shen list is cluttered with any and everything, from generalized team setups, new player guides, to solo queue tips for Karthus. Pretty much all of these guides are fantastic for the veritable hordes of information about rune tips, ward placement, and team coordination. However, none of them have any remotely decent shen builds contained within them.
I would go further: some of them aren't even related to Shen. Why is there a Nunu/Warwick guide cluttering up my Shen page? I don't give a damn about Nunu or Warwick, just get me some Shen. But let's focus on the rune guides that actually do focus a little on Shen. Take, for example, the top ranked guide for Shen: "Rune tips - What secondary and primary means and more." this is a good article... for rune tips. The title itself doesn't have anything to do with Shen, but let's delve in anyways, shall we?
Just right off the bat, the first thing I have to say about this guide is sloppy. There isn't a single intermedial item placed in here at all. In a good Shen build, let alone most decent builds for any champion, you would buy doran's shield, then regular boots, then some other item, and then ninja taibi or merc treads. This build simply collectivizes the items into Doran's shield, heart of gold, then Merc Treads, Sunfire Cpae, Force of Nature, Randuin's Omen, Abyssal Scepter??????, Rylai's?????? Obviously, though a rune expert, Searz is a total Shen noob if he's buying two ap items, an extremely early HoG, and completely ignoring Aegis of the Legion.
Apparently, he hasn't played Shen since before the HoG nerf, or he would know, like any decent Shen player, that an early HoG sucks. And Shen's abilities are so badly nerfed now, that it's utterly pointless to play an AP shen unless you're playing with noobs. To round it out, the item and build explanation for shen is totally absent.
In contrast, the seocnd top rated Shen guide without any real focus on Shen, "5 Champs You Should Know How To Play [AKA Who do I Buy Next]," at least takes a little more effort with its build. It appears that the author, Jebus McAzn, actually plays Shen competitively. However, even here, there is no item or build order explanation for Shen, and Jebus commits the worst build order crime imaginable: He builds a guardian angel before finishing Randuin's. Apparently, he hasn't played Shen too much recently, or he would understand that there are only six item slots that Shen can carry, making it impractible to stuff a Guardian Angel in between Randuin's and Heart of Gold. Every good Shen player knows to complete your Randuin's before you do anything fancy and expensive like a Guardian Angel. I could accept this as a possible build order if this guide had any real build order flexibility and recommendations for other teams; Shen's build should change depending on what the enemy team composition and gameplay is like. This build's lack of any explanation for Shen as a tank is utterly unforgivable, when flexibility is the hallmark of a good tank.
Sadly, the rest of the builds are no better. In fact, some of the item builds are substantially worse than the ones I already examined, and none provide any explanations for Shen.
With all of these "Shen guides" that don't give a damn about Shen, this leaves three real Shen guides on the list. At number 5 is an upstart Shen guide promoted by a clique of 57 people that loves Banshee's Veils, Abyssal Scepters, Ninja Taibi's, and Spirit Visage's, and hates the staple Shen items Guardian Angel and Merc treads, as well as the optional Frozen Mallet. I won't even go into why an item that gives less health than a giant's belt and 375 mana is completely worthless on an energy-based tank.
But I'm sure it must be a great guide, since it's called "Shen Is Everywhere (Main Tank Build)." So it must be for good tanks.
Then you have the only decent Shen guide on this page, Vertical DSB's "Shen out of ****ing no where," which has slid into 6th place thanks to a recent clique of 57 people who thumbs downed it in the last month. But the real issue, by far, is the non-Shen Shen guides that have pushed the top rated Shen guides into 5th place and beyond.
I can't even see Besated's definitive Shen jungling guide, it being so downgraded by the Rune Tips guides. And I somehow doubt that Besated's guide is about to get any more votes, let alone be allowed to see the light of day, because of all the stupid, annoying rune, team, what-have-you guides that have nothing to do with Shen!!! Besated's jungling guide aside, what are all the new guides going to do in order to get to the top?
This problem is not specific to Shen; it's an invasion of all the single champion guides by generalized group guides that offer pertinent information, but none of it champion specific.
Here is the solution to this huge organisational problem: The team builds/guides need to be relegated into their own section, away from the individual champion guides. When I click on the top ten rated guides by champion, or I look at the Similar builds box on the right side of the page, I don't want to see Annie or Alistar's faces. I want to see Shen's ninja mask, and nothing else. MobaFire, please do this as soon as possible, for the sake of the integrity and excellence of all your champion guides!