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Building Tryndamere tanky?

Creator: PotatoWedges July 29, 2011 9:08am
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Nov 3rd, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2011 9:08am | Report
Okay, since Tryndamere's new rework on his Passive, and Q, I was wondering if it would be worth while to build a tank Tryn and if it would be worth it..

His Battle Fury does is give him 31.50% critical strike at 100 Fury, not as good as before but its workable.
And his Bloodlust gives 25 Atk Damage +.35 per 1% health missing. For any of you who didn't know.

So I was wondering if it was worth building him like a tank with butt loads of health and armor items so when he actually gets hit his attack will in turn increase almost dramatically (sure his damage early game will suck if you focusing on health items)

Here are some items I was thinking about using to build him with.

Warmog's Armor Frozen Mallet Sword of the Occult Infinity Edge Zhonya's Hourglass (for the armor and slightly more damage/healing to his skills, so it would be optional) Atma's Impaler Wriggle's Lantern

I don't know what other items would be good atm..but I calculate him having over atk 500 damage and better survivability if he went with..
Sword of the Occult Infinity Edge Atma's Impaler Warmog's Armor.

This is honestly just a thought, I haven't tried it in a game, only in practice. But I was wondering if even trying a new build with Tryn is even worth it or should I just stick to the usual Infinity Edge Phantom Dancer Bloodthirster
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 29, 2011 9:34am | Report
Honestly Tryn doesn't have a skill set to benefit being a tank. He has no hard CC (Taunts or Stuns). Why would an enemy team focus Tryn if they see him building tanky? The only thing Tank Tryn would provide is some damage, but overall he makes a better DPS...To compromise this though

Building Tryn off tanky might be a suitable route.

Tri Force+Merc Treads+Warmogs+Atmogs+FoN (Force of Nature)+Late game Infinite edge.

I haven't really experimented with the idea all that much, but the basic Trinity Off Tank concept is there. It would give Tryn solid damage ~500 Damage full HP (on crits once you finish Infinite Edge) if you're lucky, a slightly better heal, some great move speed, health, armor ,and MR. If the opposing team isn't heavy on Magic then snagging yourself a Spirit visage instead of FoN would suffice.

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