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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Atma's Impaler

Atma's Impaler
Total Price: 2300 | Recipe Price: 780 | Sell Price: 1610

LoL Item: Atma's Impaler
  • 45 Armor
  • 15% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Gain Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health.
  • 45 Armor
  • 15% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Gain Attack Damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum Health.

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isonade | March 26, 2013 4:09pm
this item is just awesome when playing "offensive" shen. his passive gives him a boost to AA that scales with health, so you naturally favor health with him, and this just complete it, allowing an empowered strike to deal 4+(4*level)+ 0.1*bonus health+basic AD+bonus AD
now, let's say that shen took enough items to reach 4000+ health, so 2000 bonus health
he deals 4+4*18+200+115+(4000*0.015)= 451 dmg. for a tank that's pretty good, since it procs every 4-5 secs counting decrease by AA.
DarkChaosKaxi (2) | December 6, 2012 4:32am
Atma's Impaler being built from Avarice Blade makes it much more beautiful in terms of "gold efficiency" by promoting farm and gaining gold before completing it. I love this indirect buff.
husgun | November 27, 2012 11:41am
After rework this item becomes better
BillyBobSmoke | October 27, 2012 2:31am
This item it ****en awesome on crit sion.
CrowElder (6) | October 9, 2012 10:46pm
Great Item, especially for tanks & offtanks.
Warmog, frozen mallet & atmaa's impaler, that's my trinity >:D
rawfodoc | October 8, 2012 11:29pm
i havnt seen a GOOD USE FOR IT in many champions i use...that being said i believe it is a must have for late game olaf
Donamir (3) | May 26, 2012 11:02am
It seems as if you would want this when going up a route that has crit + HP items, or people with ridiculous health generation. When I take this, I like to pair it with something else with some crit chance. So say, Warmogs, Frozen Mallet, Executioners calling, and this, gives you about 32% crit, so that technically means just under 1/3rd of your attacks will crit. So giving you some survivability. Therefor making you more of threat. It got a tad of a nerf because all you had to do was Warmogs + Atmas = Win. Now you actually have to build for it. I think calling it useless is to far, but useful in the right situation, would proly work.
Twitchybird (2) | April 19, 2012 5:38am
Well this item is useless now.. Might as well remove it from the game, "good" job riot. No more Off-tank for me i guess..
Angus Mackenzie (7) | December 31, 2011 10:10am
SwedeBeans wrote:

How to feel awesome while using Atma's.
1. Start a bot game.
2. Pick Sion.
3. Farm for X amount of time (with Enrage toggled on).
4. Buy 5 Warmogs and 1 Atmas.
5. Have as much AD you want.

That's Amazing lol.
Angus Mackenzie (7) | December 31, 2011 10:06am
I love this item. I rarely see this on a ranged AD carry. Seems viable especially for the uber squishy ones like Twitch or Miss Fortune? I understand the Unique does 2% of max health in AD but still the armor and crit chance alone seem good enough...Meh I assume there are better items...but perhaps in the right situation.
DokBam (7) | December 8, 2011 6:02pm

does it actually ADD to your bonus AD? because it only says adds to your autoattacks

it doesn't say auto attacks, it says PHYSICAL attacks. it increases your AD. therefore it will scale with spells that has AD ratio.
SwedeBeans (1) | October 12, 2011 8:34am
How to feel awesome while using Atma's.
1. Start a bot game.
2. Pick Sion.
3. Farm for X amount of time (with Enrage toggled on).
4. Buy 5 Warmogs and 1 Atmas.
5. Have as much AD you want.
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