That is one of the reasons some people say they are afraid to downvote other guides. They don't want revenge votes. It shouldn't really be allowed, but there is no way for anyone to know who revenge votes and who actually votes.
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B-Wong wrote:
That's a reason why the c2v is off after 20 votes. If it bothers you that much remake your guide (unsatisfied with rating? remove guide and put same guide back up as new guide yayaya).
I'm not THAT unsatisfied with the vote, as I said, it annoyed me, but trolls will be trolls. I was just clarifying if this was against the rules or not.
It was c2v, and he DID state that it was a revenge vote on the vote. Surely that's against the rules?...
I had this problem before. I remember when I had a Jungle Noc guide (which, admittedly, wasn't all that great) when he was first released. There was a guy downvoting every other Nocturne build up there, to get his guide at the top, when his guide was terrible itself. I promptly downvoted when I saw the lack of any explanation and the Rylai's Crystal Sceptre in the build. I then, later got my guide downvoted.
Edit: Wow, I found that guy's Nocturne build. This was at the top of Nocturne's builds at one point, due to him -1ing everyone else and making dupe accounts to +1 himself.
However, it does heavily imply on the comment that the guy made that it was a revenge vote, surely there's something that can be done about it?
orochinagi wrote:
and all the comments seem like they are from same guy... just look at those nicks and post count o_O
Pretty sure they are (compare "nice guide i got r fitst math 26 4 3" with "me first math with this buil ar 25 0 21"), but, well, that's not the point of the thread.
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He responded by downvoting my Comment to Vote Irelia Guide (that I assume he found in my sig) with "bad build you kal me build bad"
Essentially implying he downvoted because I downvoted him.
Is this allowed?...
There's also the matter that on his build it's glaringly obvious that he created has another account JUST to upvote his own guide. Look at the guy with the Karthus avatar, but that's another story.
I'm not actually that bothered if it is allowed, trolls will be trolls. I just really doubt that this is abiding by the rules.