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How to stop sucking as Swain?

Creator: ShenMasterFlash April 15, 2011 5:44pm
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Apr 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2011 5:44pm | Report
Yep, I was so excited about Swain. A caster that could also take a little damage. Plus I could heal myself with my TOGGLE ulti. PLUS I could turn into a raven! Then I started playing. And man, I stink. I typically don't die early game, and sometimes I can even snag first blood, but it goes downhill from there. Problems I have:

1. In lane, hitting Nevermove is frikkin impossible. There is so much time for them to move. It's ridic.

2. I really don't do much burst damage. I mean, if I can lock my whole arsenal onto someone, I do a LITTLE bit, but not like I was hoping.

3. Farming? What farming? I literally haven't met a worse farmer than swain. Should i be using my q and e on minions? I just have to sit there, autoattack, and then ulti sometimes, but I am so scared of overusing my ulti that I just hardly ever do. I never have ANY gold to get items. Typically, in a 30-35 minute game, if I get boots, catalyst, Rylai's, and maybe START to build another item, I'm really lucky.

4. Teamfights? Pah. I jsut wander around the edge feeling useless. If I go in too close, I get blown up like nothing. And I need to be close to get my skills off.

It is a sad day. I really wanna learn though. I just want a champ that I can really focus on. Any and all tips are appreciated, even if it's "go play xxx". (don't say ryze, i tried and hate him hah)
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2011 5:55pm | Report
1. Lead them with your Nevermove. Slow them with your Q if you can, but always land your W in front of them, not on them.

The rest of your points are all part of one problem: A lack of farming experience. You need to focus on last hitting using autoattacks and to get very good at that. Use skills when you have to (if you can snare one or two extra CS that you couldn't get without needing the mana, go for it). A better farm means better burst damage mid-game and better tankiness late-game, so you don't "get blown up like nothing".

Watch that game to get a hang of how Bigfatjiji plays Swain. That's just part 2, btw, the rest of the parts are on YouTube. He does lose the game, regardless, but he has a strong lane phase and you might learn a thing or two.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2011 6:14pm | Report
Vs Melee you should be owning house in your lane.
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Jun 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2011 6:44am | Report
full ap rune page, lead with W, E them before W lands then lazor bird and ignite, ulting next to them and auto atk, dead.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2011 12:48pm | Report
Booshido wrote:

full ap rune page, lead with W, E them before W lands then lazor bird and ignite, ulting next to them and auto atk, dead.

I hope you aren't serious.. NEVER use a full AP runepage. It's ****. AP quints are great. But in seals and glyphs you're better of with other things.. (and ofc MrP in marks)
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Apr 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2011 1:48am | Report
A lot of players know the rough cooldown of Nevermove - don't attempt to use it the minute it's off cooldown. They are going to expect it and be ready to dodge it. The first time cast Nevermove directly on top of them to see in which direction they go to avoid it. If they usually move left, cast your next one more left etc.
Swain only really has his autoattack to last hit, which takes alot of practice.
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Jun 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2011 6:24am | Report
Searz wrote:

I hope you aren't serious.. NEVER use a full AP runepage. It's ****. AP quints are great. But in seals and glyphs you're better of with other things.. (and ofc MrP in marks)

nothing wrong with ap per lvl glyphs yea flat ap quints and m.pen marks, mana regen/seals.
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Nov 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 19, 2011 7:53am | Report
I usually 1v2 top with swain with someone jungling. Once you hit 3 you should be back at your tower. Last hit like you normally would. If they rush you snare dot them up (I take ignite for the triple dot) and if they are in tower range they are dead. Once you hit 6 you can lane forever. Turn ulti on and off to heal a little and run up to last hit. If NM is off CD you are pretty safe. I usually go 3-1-2 in the lane phase when im 1v2 top.
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