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I need some rammus help :D

Creator: ChivKatal April 26, 2011 6:25pm
ChivKatal's Forum Avatar
Apr 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 6:25pm | Report
Hi, new guy here so be gentle...

I play on a Philippine server of LOL, or thats what i think, or Filipinos have completely invaded LOL.
Im lvl 20
I play; rammus, sona, hemer. (I bought them already too)
I also play... DOTA!!! (paypal 5 USD to anyone who was surprised)
I play invoker... and only invoker... no seriously 100% of the time...

so much for the intro, now for the question.

#1 Thornmail: does it reflect 30% of ALL damage taken? even spells? is it gross damage or actual damage taken

SITUATION: guy casts spell worth 1000 MDMG it goes through my MDEF and hits me for 800 only.
Q: does it reflect 30% of 1000 OR 30% of 800?

#2 Zhonya's Hourglass: does the 2 second invulnerability cancel rammus ulti?

SITUATION: roll, impact, taunt, ulti, hourglass(while on ulti)
will my SS stop?

#3 I read something online, which was suggestive... in my translation of it, it seems to have said that Randuin's Omen unique active which slows attack speed, WORKS ON TOWERS!!! is this true?

Hope you guys can help out a fellow gamer :D
kudos to all
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 6:30pm | Report
Hey Chiv! Welcome to the community.
#1 No, Thornmail only reflects auto attacks. I think it might reflect on hit effect spells like Parrrley too. It reflects 30% of damage before damage reduction from armor.

#2 The active of the hourglass will not stop your ult from going on.

I'm not so sure about #3. I don't use Randuin's omen but, I don't think it works.

Hope this helped!
True love is found only in yourself.
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 6:35pm | Report
1. Thornmail reflects damage from autoattacks and spells that inflict on-hit effects only. The only spells you have to worry about in that line are Mystic Shot, Parrrley, and Double Up, along with any other spell that says "Inflicts on-hit effects" in its description. Other than that, only autoattacks. It does not reflect spells except for on-hit ones.

2. No, since Rammus's ulti is not channeled. You can cast it and forget about it, and you can Zhonya's during it. Why you would get Zhonya's Hourglass on Rammus is another question entirely. :P

3. I have heard nothing about Randuin's Omen being able to slow tower shots - I don't even know if towers can be debuffed. Looking it up quickly, I see one source that says that Randuin's does not seem to affect tower fire. Don't take my word for it though.
ChivKatal's Forum Avatar
Apr 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 6:50pm | Report
Ok im getting this mixed...

#1 Im getting mixed replies... ok addition to question, can you provide a list of ALL skills that thornmail cant reflect? or a link to a list of the skills wherein it specifies which is "Inflicts on-hit effects" and which is NOT?

#2 sweet!
@Jebus McAzn - why? because im crazzzzyyy!!! (but seriously I'm trying to dodge big spell damage)

#3 ok thanks.
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 7:06pm | Report
Double Up
Mystic Shot

Other skills that give your attacks a steroid (like Ruthless Predator, Decisive Strike, Empower, etc) will still count as a normal attack when you use Thornmail. At least I think. :/
ChivKatal's Forum Avatar
Apr 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 7:12pm | Report
Thats a short list, sweet so thornmail is defo on.

#4 question: rammus def curl skill gets additional damage from 10% of armor right? so higher armor higher reflect? or is that AP?
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2011 8:12pm | Report
#4 Yes. More armor does make it reflect more. So, if you had no armor with a level 5 Defensive Ball Curl you would reflect 15 extra damage besides the base amount.

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