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Yea, it had to be said, to give people some erm...encouragement?
and its about build so there is plenty of point to it, thanks.
Jet, hes so op ><
and its about build so there is plenty of point to it, thanks.
Jet, hes so op ><
he is an op tank dude, last hitting is easy with his passive, team armour and atk speed buff? a shield/slow (70% slow with randuin) knockup and his ****ing ult. check out my match history.
he's a "tanky dps" that can tank but do no damage outside of his passive
his initiation is countered with summoners / blinks or good CC
yes he is a good tank but for relying on him to tank is just wrong, and relying on him to protect your team is also bad. if you're picking him with an additional tank then you're making him half effective and he'll just end up like cho'gath in teamfights - he's just there, ignore him and pick off his team first.
he's good for AoE teams but even then summoners, blinks and bad ultimates can completely screw over your entire team
comparing xin to jarvan, xin has better base stats, better early game tanking, better initation, better burst, better CC, randuins + banshee's makes xin as tanky as jarvan with strong CC and team nuke.
although xin is outshined by other tanky dps like irelia, he's still extremely strong. he compliments any team setup and brings a lot of CC to the table while additionally being a strong DPS off tank or a heavy AS based DPS/CC machine.
competitively jarvan may be better because at that level of play everyone is counting summoners, cooldowns and everyone knows how to position, but otherwise xin will always be stronger. xin can change games regardless of your team, jarvan requires his team to be on the same level and to understand completely everything he can do before he is useful
his initiation is countered with summoners / blinks or good CC
yes he is a good tank but for relying on him to tank is just wrong, and relying on him to protect your team is also bad. if you're picking him with an additional tank then you're making him half effective and he'll just end up like cho'gath in teamfights - he's just there, ignore him and pick off his team first.
he's good for AoE teams but even then summoners, blinks and bad ultimates can completely screw over your entire team
comparing xin to jarvan, xin has better base stats, better early game tanking, better initation, better burst, better CC, randuins + banshee's makes xin as tanky as jarvan with strong CC and team nuke.
although xin is outshined by other tanky dps like irelia, he's still extremely strong. he compliments any team setup and brings a lot of CC to the table while additionally being a strong DPS off tank or a heavy AS based DPS/CC machine.
competitively jarvan may be better because at that level of play everyone is counting summoners, cooldowns and everyone knows how to position, but otherwise xin will always be stronger. xin can change games regardless of your team, jarvan requires his team to be on the same level and to understand completely everything he can do before he is useful
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
You all talk of him as a tank. Just saying, my friend playing DPS Jarvan, and me being Irelia on lane together. We always get FB lol. Haven't played with him recently though. But yeah, typical dps items make him really powerfull. Just saying.
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