Before commenting these 3 inhouse games, something sort of quick:
1) Like Wayne said, we never had a reason to decide if inhouses are for fun or winning. When I picked
Leona ap/ad jungle,
Lulu ad jungle and all that I wasn't trying to prove any points of LOL IM SO GOOD I TROLL AND WIN, I was legitimately trying new stuff and trying to have fun. The scores also (sorta) show I was trying to win.
The thing is, there is trying to win and there is "ok your lane opponent is dc'd we pause and wait for him. Ok he's back let's resume. Oh, now you're rushing level 2 and denying your lane opponent from experience while ****ting on him/her, knowing they dc'd, that you're diamond 3 and they're gold 3 AND that you had the counterpick". This behavior, although acceptable, is not something that should happen in inhouses, because we won't even gain decent IP to make the win worth such wantom *******dom. No one would get punished for this, but it's pretty sad to watch.
2) A person's perspective of what another person is doing or how they feel is their own point of view. If you leave because you think other people are acting like this or that, that's your problem. If you didn't even have the maturity to try and see if you're right or try to make it better through the right chanels, that's also your problem. Coming here after a gazillion times and say "THIS IS WHY I LEFT" without actually having played enough to know how things are contributes 0 to current events and probably no one cares. Bye Felicia.
3) The EUW inhouses aren't currently even half as dramatic as depicted in the recent pages of this forum, but alas euphoria or mild entertainment can't really beat bickering and dissatisfaction.
I feel dirty after playing that
Miss Fortune game. She is, indeed, ******ed broken, and I apologize to both allied and enemy teams for my life options. Game 2 was actually pretty fun though!
1) Like Wayne said, we never had a reason to decide if inhouses are for fun or winning. When I picked

The thing is, there is trying to win and there is "ok your lane opponent is dc'd we pause and wait for him. Ok he's back let's resume. Oh, now you're rushing level 2 and denying your lane opponent from experience while ****ting on him/her, knowing they dc'd, that you're diamond 3 and they're gold 3 AND that you had the counterpick". This behavior, although acceptable, is not something that should happen in inhouses, because we won't even gain decent IP to make the win worth such wantom *******dom. No one would get punished for this, but it's pretty sad to watch.
2) A person's perspective of what another person is doing or how they feel is their own point of view. If you leave because you think other people are acting like this or that, that's your problem. If you didn't even have the maturity to try and see if you're right or try to make it better through the right chanels, that's also your problem. Coming here after a gazillion times and say "THIS IS WHY I LEFT" without actually having played enough to know how things are contributes 0 to current events and probably no one cares. Bye Felicia.
3) The EUW inhouses aren't currently even half as dramatic as depicted in the recent pages of this forum, but alas euphoria or mild entertainment can't really beat bickering and dissatisfaction.
I feel dirty after playing that

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