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[EUW] Inhouse Game Discussion - November

Creator: LevasK November 10, 2015 7:15am
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sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 1:09am | Report
Nice to see EUW inhouses alive and kickin' heathily.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 1:12am | Report
You leave Meijhye alone. :[
Woaw so many things wrong with this statement I cannot even-

I don't want to sound like a ****, but the Luther discussion seems like an elementary "OMG YOU STARTED" "No I didnt" "Yes you did" "NO I DIDNT" "YES YOU DID". Doesn't seem very productive. I fully agree with Joxuu that if there are issues, they should be discussed in a calm manner so that people can actually start solving problems instead.

To me, it seems that a lot of times when there are issues, we go behind the persons back and go to a referee or a mod to solve the problem for us. Now this is fine as a temporary solution, people are sometimes just more unpleasant and discussing problems during the inhouse itself doesn't seem like a good solution. However, people that have issues with certain behaviour should mention that they are disturbed. Then a few days after the inhouse, suggest some conversation so that it can be explained why the person was disturbed and then get both sides of the story.

Once people are able to openly discuss things, then people start to understand one another's point of view better and get along much more splendid. That way the inhouse actually becomes a moment in a week where friends hang out together rather than a place where people that -kinda know each other but don't really- hang out.

I feel like as long as everyone will act for individual sake instead of sake for the group, issues will remain. Solving bad balancing, swearing and randoms is nice, but it will always just be a temporary solution.
Change is gooooood
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Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 4:31am | Report

You complained about having to face Vapora (his Lucian in particular) during the entirety of the draft and how it was ******** that you had to face him while he was tryharding. Then you left seconds after he picked Lucian. Not sure what other conclusions there were for me to draw from this. Also yeah you said you didn't feel like playing BECAUSE of the above.

Again, I never used those words and it's out of context of me already feeling uncertain about playing. Again, it's irrelevant as ****.

I have no issue with you (I've like never talked to you), I just think that it's a bit unfair for you to be a little ***** and then lie about it and try to make someone else look bad after when they call you out. What's done is done though, let's move on and focus on what matters right now.

10/10 for irony mate, that's exactly what Vapora just did. This discussion wasn't about me, so stop attacking me and my behaviour for no reason - it's just an attempt to deflect from the real issue, and it looks like it worked pretty well.

Not gonna lie though, I am toxic as hell in inhouses. They are far too frustrating at the moment between patchy balancing - not that anyone is to blame for this, balancing is incredibly hard at the best of times, let alone when there's a master player and a bronze 5 player in the same game - people being arrogant, stubborn and mildly toxic and people having no idea how to play the game (which are often the same people who have the attitudes).

It's at the point where I'd honestly rather play normal games with 4 randoms because they're more likely to be balanced and less likely to have irritating people in them, which is kind of sad.

And yes, it is somewhat tiring to play against Vapora spamming his main/broken champions every single game, especially when he often has the better support laning with him too - which is probably related to how he and Maw shamelessly blackmail people by refusing to play if they can't lane together rofl. I could play another lane but I greatly prefer ADC and there are no other ADC players I trust not to feed the **** out of him, and it's not like it's any more fun for me when he walks into mid lane/teamfights with 10 kills and one shots everyone.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 5:34am | Report
But I really think that the nature (tryhard vs not tryhard) of the inhouses should be determined ASAP by a debate or a vote so people can know what to expect when they join. We've had well-known members and regulars quit for a long time because of conflicts like this on NA.

I feel like most (if not all) EUW members play to have fun, however that's not to say they don't tryhard. Basically, some players have more variety in terms of picks than others, but everyone tries their best once we're in game, there's no random AD jungle Fiddlesticks or anything like that. I would say that has worked well for us for the most part, and the only time we really have big issues is when there's just too much stuff in the game that is broken or completely unfun (patch 5.22 is definitely not a good patch to play on in that sense).

Someone playing the same champion over and over can also get old / negatively influence how much fun people are having, but there's not much we can do about that. As an example, I know Vapora has mentioned in the past that he has the most fun playing champions he actually wants to improve on, meaning we've had to deal with a lot of Graves mid last season and will probably see him play a lot of the same in bot lane as well. That's by no means something I think we shouldn't allow him (or anyone else) to do, but - for example - it does leave less room for me to think "oh hey, I haven't played Ashe in a while, let's pick her!" because I'll just end up feeding my *** off.

As a sidenote, I'll be removing any more posts about what Luther did or did not say yesterday, because that discussion is just distracting us from the real issue here and - as Meiyjhe said - it's just not productive at all. Cut it out.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
MrMad2000's Forum Avatar
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Mar 29th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 5:57am | Report
hue, beef is fun.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with the inhouses at the moment, but I was only a part of it on Saturday, so I missed a lot of the issues that occurred on the friday. I've never really had issues with in houses, except when people overly use sarcasm and then it turns into an insult, and I've been incredibly guilty of this myself (like spamming REKT in all chat every time I kill someone, hue.)

Regardless, I think that inhouses are pretty fun and I am actually learning quite a lot from them since everyone that participates in the inhouse has a very distinct and unique playstyle, and playing against or with these regulars teaches me a lot.

=3 meow
I am currently known as Sejwoonapiggle on EUW.
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 5:59am | Report
If people would rather be with their friend or rather not be on the same team as someone, I think that if accommodations can be made without having the exact same teams as the previous games or causing balance issues it's fine. If it would cause balance issues however, tough luck.
I think wanting to play with someone is fine, but refusing to ever be on different teams is pretty unreasonable and shouldn't be tolerated. If you want to play with the same person every game, you're welcome to play duo queue normal games or ranked games or whatever else you want to play with them, you don't need to make balancing harder in the inhouses by throwing a hissy fit if you can't play together every single game. I don't expect anyone to balance around putting GMD and I together every game, even though there are multiple people on NA who annoy the **** out of me, and never have (on either server). I'd maybe have more of an excuse for it if I asked people to accommodate that, but I never would because I don't think it's particularly appropriate. This does explain why LevasK felt the need to ask GMD if it was ok to not put us on the same team last week though.

NOTE: I'm not making any statements about anyone involved in this particular situation. I haven't played in the EUW inhouses in quite a while now, so I'm just making general observations about what I've seen in the past on both servers.
TheSilverDust's Forum Avatar
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Jan 28th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 6:11am | Report
Suddenly I want to play in inhouses. If I have good, reliable and stable internet connection...
Comic by VaporaDark!

Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 6:56am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:
And yes, it is somewhat tiring to play against Vapora spamming his main/broken champions every single game

I spam my main champions because having tested many champions, I've decided that those are my favourites. I don't play the new Graves, who's (at least formerly) the most broken ADC in the game because I don't find him fun at all. And that's such a dumb complaint. I either pick my favourite champions, or broken champions? The normal thing to complain about would be someone only picking broken champions, but apparently whether I pick broken champions or my favourite champions, both ways I'm being obnoxious. Sorry for being better than you I guess? Cuz at the end of the day your problem seems to be I'm always winning lane against you with whatever I pick, rather than that I'm picking tryhard champions, which late season 5 Graves and Lucian were not, and neither is picking first/second time Miss Fortune in inhouses.

Luther3000 wrote:
especially when he often has the better support laning with him too - which is probably related to how he and Maw shamelessly blackmail people by refusing to play if they can't lane together rofl.

"especially when he often has the better support laning with him too". You've said like, that exact sentence to me before, before I'd ever even laned with MissMaw in inhouses (and in fact, you've still only laned against us twice since she started playing inhouses a month ago), but thank you for still deciding to fit in that not-so-subtle dig, which by the way is not even accurate. The way it actually happened was I convinced MissMaw to play inhouses (which she usually hates) on the condition that I'd ask for us to be put on the same team so we could lane together. It's not about blackmailing, it's about us laning together being the only condition in which she'll be willing to put up with inhouses and the people in them (see: incident with Levask on Friday). Even then, when Kyrano wanted support on Friday she was willing to go top lane rather than making a fuss about it or leaving champion select.

Diclaimer for Wayne: I'm not addressing what Luther may or may not have said on Friday as you asked us not to, simply addressing Luther's latest post which painted me and another member in a bad light
Latest Legend
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 7:12am | Report
For BM/Trashtalking, I think that the change suggested by Latest Legend is a bit drastic, trashtalking is one of the best parts of inhouses imo (as long as it's all in good fun). I know some of you thought I was being a bit extreme on the 20th but I really hope nobody was offended by me saying things that amount to "GET REKT EU SCRUBS" or typing "NA FIZZ" in all-chat every time Latest Legend would miss his ult after the 5th time and the various jokes targeted at Levask and Falseogod. Other than that I pretty must just said that I was the best player there and that my team was stacked because they had me. What I'm trying to say is that harmless trashtalking like this should be acceptable, but if it really bothers someone for whatever reason then there's no harm in not bothering said person.
Well, apparently it isn't in good fun. When I joined in and asked who you were I remember immediately getting a PM from someone telling me you were toxic. Now, I don't want to start another "but (s)he said this" discussion, but I think this indicates that not everybody understands that stuff like this isn't meant seriously. Also taking into account that on EUW English isn't the mother tongue of most of us.

I was too busy playing that game so I didn't notice (or at least I don't remember) you typing such things but I might have gotten offended if I did. I mean, I would take it from people I regularly play with, but I was really doing my best to play Fizz and I don't think we had properly met before so I wouldn't know what to make of it (are you really flaming or just kidding?).

No harm done though, and I now understand that you're not trying to insult anybody so I wouldn't mind if you'd do it next time. I'd feel free to return the favor in good spirits too of course ^^

However, downright harassment shouldn't be tolerated. (AKA "blow me kid" "no I won't stop being an *******" "you're so ****ing dumb" "go kill yourself" "autistic white trash ****** kha'zix" etc.)
Agreed. We've got to keep in mind though that for some people things like this are also "all in good fun". I mean, to me they're mostly over the line (except for "no I won't stop being an *******", I can already hear some people saying it) but the people who said those things may not have meant it the way we receive it. Which is why I suggested what I did.

"especially when he often has the better support laning with him too". You've said like, that exact sentence to me before, before I'd ever even laned with MissMaw in inhouses (and in fact, you've still only laned against us twice since she started playing inhouses a month ago), but thank you for still deciding to fit in that not-so-subtle dig, which by the way is not even accurate.
To be fair, the first person I think of when someone talks about inhouses would be Luther. I mean, we've laned together an immense amount of times. And if I were to name the enemy support if we were to lane against you (which did not happen all that frequently at the time), it would be either Pancakes, Pengu or Hopper and objectively they're all better players than I am (all plat right?).

Don't get me wrong, that's not your fault. But I can somewhat understand the annoyance. Nowadays I hardly play support, let alone Blitz so it's kind of outdated.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2015 7:17am | Report
A braindead monkey could play Miss Fortune and be successful on this patch, and I'm not the only one who find your picks annoying. You are better than me, you know that, don't be arrogant. It doesn't make things any more fun for me whilst I'm getting **** on, and you picking the champions you're best at doesn't help matters.
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