shouldn't have trusted my team to stay even in lanephase, throw down e when an assassin jumped in as soraka, provide me with a heal that wasn't 5 seconds late, or group up at all.
other lanes got super far behind in lane phase and soraka was useless all game cause she got instantly blown up and her positioning was garbage
oh well, i did pick kog into that comp, which was a dumb thing to do in bronze.
starting bootz vs velkoz really makes a difference, his damage was more than i expected but i roamed bot and top and myself and jungle picked up a lot of kills.
Ez was for the most part stomping lane and they didn't have any real tank so it was easy pickings for me.
I don't know what it is but this ali was great at comboing, pressed the r button literally once all game.
Things were going great and I was 5/1 at end of lanephase.
Then Amu dc'd, Zed got fed, as well as WW, my support didn't build mikaels, and my QSS wasn't really enough - Hec got 2 triple kills. Amu kept sporadically dcing so the game was basically 4v5.
Seems like i win more games playing mid than adc.
Quinn is a pretty **** matchup but whenever jungler ganked me quinn over extended and I killed her.
Was 5/1 at end of lanephase cause that's Garen. Team was pretty far ahead as well.
Ended out the game by making the call to towerdive with tp ghost up on inhib turret. Got a Quadra kill and that was gg. Could have ended game sooner but I was to busy diving turrets to trade kills to care.
1-5 over my last 6 games woohoo
got my first penta on lucian and still didn't win...we got camped really ****ing hard by mid and jungle and yet top still lost.
this blitz didn't build mikaels or sightstone even though i asked and hooked in zed or sion every single time except for a couple nice hooks on lulu...but was otherwise useless and didnt even use coin lol
i know i haven't been perfect over the past games but it's still frustrating when i do double everyone else's on my team damage, have the most gold, most cs, and i'm snowballing an early lead and i still can't carry.
idk what it is but that combination / situation seems to happen often for me.
at least i still believe that with enough time and without tilting and playing champs in ranked im not good at, i can still climb.
got my first penta on lucian and still didn't win...we got camped really ****ing hard by mid and jungle and yet top still lost.
this blitz didn't build mikaels or sightstone even though i asked and hooked in zed or sion every single time except for a couple nice hooks on lulu...but was otherwise useless and didnt even use coin lol
i know i haven't been perfect over the past games but it's still frustrating when i do double everyone else's on my team damage, have the most gold, most cs, and i'm snowballing an early lead and i still can't carry.
idk what it is but that combination / situation seems to happen often for me.
at least i still believe that with enough time and without tilting and playing champs in ranked im not good at, i can still climb.
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**** their comp...Karma Vel'koz is the most cancerous thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life.
I ****ed up extremely hard multiple times this game, not super happy with it. Mind you my team never listened to calls.
Enemy team got at least 3 or 4 barons but couldn't close out the game for whatever reason. They also got at least 3 5th dragons.
We got baron...once I think.
Team never wanted to do it.
I was absolutely useless since Karma or Vel'koz or Nidalee would just chunk me and I couldn't catch them.
Should have split more since no one could duel me 1v1.
Stupid game, but was a gg.