You need to get Adon to play his Jarvan in your ranked.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Seriously though, that Noc might have a good score but he was ****IN HORRIBLE! He gave double buffs to Ramble twice. -_-
Janna try to steal cs all game and doesn't understand how this is bad for a support champion. Taric was just flat ******, didn't stun nunu out of his ultimate which is why he has the most damage on their team dealt. xD
Xai and I carried so hard that game. Only player on that team I could trust lol, they were so bad. Who picks Janna and Taric on the same team? Janna had heal and exhaust too, I just couldn't understand. #_#
Janna try to steal cs all game and doesn't understand how this is bad for a support champion. Taric was just flat ******, didn't stun nunu out of his ultimate which is why he has the most damage on their team dealt. xD
Xai and I carried so hard that game. Only player on that team I could trust lol, they were so bad. Who picks Janna and Taric on the same team? Janna had heal and exhaust too, I just couldn't understand. #_#
Special thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the banner!
The higher your structure is to be, the deeper must be its foundation. - Augustine
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Thanks to Xiaowiriamu for the sig!