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After 3-4 days im back!
when the game started, this appearead in chat
Annie: Camp top he will feed
i didnt even talk the whole game lol
also i was so relaxed after 3 days of skyrim that i didnt even care about the chat, full of flame between bot, and even jungler, maybe it involved even mid, but im not sure. The weird thing is that we praticaly owned almost the whole game, and every time we 2-3 of us died(cuz they stayed too much after we won tf and ended up to die after enemy respawned) the flame was flowing. Then jinx decided to afk farm cuz idk, maybe cuz jungler or support blamed her. Then annie went fake afk for about 3 mins and she came back again, same for jinx. me vlad and amumu could even win teamfights 3v4, then i think my team realized we only needed to group to push and end. Funny thing is that at a point jinx said something like "yeah blame me more, im unskilled no?" then annie said "who said that?" and jinx replied "Amumu. Mundo." when the only thing i said the whole game was "pls" in all chat after elise survived with about 10 hp after my q. lol.
when the game started, this appearead in chat
Annie: Camp top he will feed
i didnt even talk the whole game lol
also i was so relaxed after 3 days of skyrim that i didnt even care about the chat, full of flame between bot, and even jungler, maybe it involved even mid, but im not sure. The weird thing is that we praticaly owned almost the whole game, and every time we 2-3 of us died(cuz they stayed too much after we won tf and ended up to die after enemy respawned) the flame was flowing. Then jinx decided to afk farm cuz idk, maybe cuz jungler or support blamed her. Then annie went fake afk for about 3 mins and she came back again, same for jinx. me vlad and amumu could even win teamfights 3v4, then i think my team realized we only needed to group to push and end. Funny thing is that at a point jinx said something like "yeah blame me more, im unskilled no?" then annie said "who said that?" and jinx replied "Amumu. Mundo." when the only thing i said the whole game was "pls" in all chat after elise survived with about 10 hp after my q. lol.
the score was 7 kills for my team, 2 for the enemy(during early game), i was ****ing fed and even pantheon was doing well, but then my team decides to throw, idk how they fed gragas and sivir, and nasus just afk farmed top/bot and never came in teamfights. I even did nothing but roaming bot and top once vi and gragas destroyed my turret, then it proceeded in enemy team pushing all the time the whole mid lane to even get inhib and a nexus turret in about 26-27 mins of game. Nasus still afk farming/pushing on botlane. Also my tristana was getting caught and dieing idiotly the whole time. i couldnt deal vs fed gragas, fed sivir, their tons of cc, and akali(cuz cuz is akali) all by myself. my back wasnt strong enough.
what kind of afkfarming was that? the one where you only have 126 cs? :O
also check out my Ryze guide
mastrer1000 wrote:
what kind of afkfarming was that? the one where you only have 126 cs? :O
ye i kno, he cant even afkfarm, but actually it was he did, or tried to do
Just bought shyvana, tried first time in ranked.
might seem a very bad game, but wasnt at all, i swear.
just owned renekton in 1v1 but he got away with about 10 hp from my ignite 2-3 times and pantheon hard camped top, using ulti everytime he had it. Also died sometimes cuz when i engaged my team just ****focused or were doing other useless stuff. At least this lux was dealing a ****ons of damage
might seem a very bad game, but wasnt at all, i swear.
just owned renekton in 1v1 but he got away with about 10 hp from my ignite 2-3 times and pantheon hard camped top, using ulti everytime he had it. Also died sometimes cuz when i engaged my team just ****focused or were doing other useless stuff. At least this lux was dealing a ****ons of damage
idk, i won hard againist panth on top, my team sucked hard, as usually, but then seemed that we had a great comeback, we aced them 2 times, then i think things went very wrong when my idiot team wanted to baron at half life after pushing. they died all. Also i had like 4100 hp and 210 armor, and i felt like a squishy adc dieing too easily, in teamfight i always engaged going into their team trying to stun lucian/velkoz or even panth, and still we lost some of them. In one teamfight i even went in, zoned velkoz and killed him 1v1, and i was still nearly full hp and he didnt join the teamfight at all, but somehow my team managed to lose again. Then again idk how but they were just dealing ****ons of damage on my in idk which way since i was full tank, and also just a random vel'koz ulti in teamfight was enough to destroy everyone. the other could just use their cc, vel'koz ulti was pretty enough to kill everyone. idk. this game so ****ed up.
I was so ****ing annoyed by that ori that i just had to mute her to manage to play a bit well. She just no sense flamed the whole game and didnt help me when vi was near me at lvl 6 under turret and she just looked at me and she even said it was on purpose. then she kept flaming at me the whole time and when i was seriously pissed off, and my premade told me to dont even think at her, i just muted her(and eventually reported). Also even if i made shyvana recall 2 times during lane just to make olaf's game easier, he fed shyv anyway and that made us have very hard time. i was like giving up, my team made 2 times the surrender vote but i always voted no, then i managed to steal baron, and we kept engaging carefully and eventually win(also cuz their frontline, leona,shyvana and vi, let me jump on lucian and brand, and most of times it resulted in me killing lucian and almost killing brand, then my team winning the teamfight.