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kha mid works!
i probably should keep going mid instead of top, or at least depending on the enemy team.
Anyway, i got early lead cuz of the double buff i got when i killed pantheon while he was ganking me and then my udyr counter ganked very good, and it proceeded in me killing katarina every time and shutting down fiora who got 4 1 by elise. I changed the fate of this game :D!
i probably should keep going mid instead of top, or at least depending on the enemy team.
Anyway, i got early lead cuz of the double buff i got when i killed pantheon while he was ganking me and then my udyr counter ganked very good, and it proceeded in me killing katarina every time and shutting down fiora who got 4 1 by elise. I changed the fate of this game :D!
Khaz Mid and Jungle are his best roles. I'd argue to say that mid is his best spot, but he tends to be better in the jungle because you can get a more reliable and heavy ap source mid than top. And generally get a tank top as well. Covers your weakness with the pick.
idk about kha jungle, i felt he was weark early, at least i had problems at clearing jungle first levels and used many pots and couldnt gank much/at all before at least a back. Then it was good in a later stage(cant be sure since i played him jungle when his w wasnt nerfed and the game i played 2 days ago as jungle was a game where i was premade with a low level)
Bioalchemist wrote:
best kha EUW. take kha all the way to the top jack.
yes sir! <3
Jack Rubino wrote:
idk about kha jungle, i felt he was weark early, at least i had problems at clearing jungle first levels and used many pots and couldnt gank much/at all before at least a back. Then it was good in a later stage(cant be sure since i played him jungle when his w wasnt nerfed and the game i played 2 days ago as jungle was a game where i was premade with a low level)
The thing with Kha jungle is that once you get your two buffs, you gotta level 3 gank top, then gank mid then gank bot in one run through. From there you're set for curb stomping every lane, just pick a lane thats easy to gank and easiest to get a kill on, then proceed to profit and win lol.
What i learned:
Top Kha'Zix is still a litle bit good lets say, nothing super special during this meta.
Mid Kha'Zix is very good and can get fed pretty easy once he gets ahead.
I reconsidered Jungle Kha'Zix and it has enough clearing potential, and awesome damage/ganking potential. He is very good at all.
My red was warded and Jarvan IV + Fizz killed me, blowing my flash at lvl 2, pretty **** start, then i manage to play good and get 2 kills, meanwhile fizz gets very fed(he was 8 0 4 in a later stage of the game, and vayne was 4 1 6 if im not wrong) and we have very hard time, i get killed by fizz even if i was 5 1 0 cuz his burst and cc was too much if it wasnt a 2v1 at least. my team was giving up, they were like "gg" "we lose" and maybe someone tried to surrender but there were 2-3 no votes. We grouped up, enemy team throws, and you can see the results.
Top Kha'Zix is still a litle bit good lets say, nothing super special during this meta.
Mid Kha'Zix is very good and can get fed pretty easy once he gets ahead.
I reconsidered Jungle Kha'Zix and it has enough clearing potential, and awesome damage/ganking potential. He is very good at all.
My red was warded and Jarvan IV + Fizz killed me, blowing my flash at lvl 2, pretty **** start, then i manage to play good and get 2 kills, meanwhile fizz gets very fed(he was 8 0 4 in a later stage of the game, and vayne was 4 1 6 if im not wrong) and we have very hard time, i get killed by fizz even if i was 5 1 0 cuz his burst and cc was too much if it wasnt a 2v1 at least. my team was giving up, they were like "gg" "we lose" and maybe someone tried to surrender but there were 2-3 no votes. We grouped up, enemy team throws, and you can see the results.
yay, qualified for series for silver I!
i had a **** game i have to be honest, i wanted to go mid but i forgot to write it and(since i was first pick) i just picked kha and locked, then this dude picked gragas, at least he did well. Over this fail on champ select, i did many other in game and some horrible plays(maybe not that horrible, but immediately after i was thinking "WTF, why the hell i did that?",also i pressed wrong key when at my base blowing up my flash for nothing) that almost lost hard my lane, then i managed to have a little comeback to dont be useless at all, but i admit that my team carried me this one, and i have no worries to say that cuz i was disappointed to me the whole game cuz i did some completely idiot things cuz i was sleepy lol(and still i am). At least im happy to get carried for once instead of carrying :O
i had a **** game i have to be honest, i wanted to go mid but i forgot to write it and(since i was first pick) i just picked kha and locked, then this dude picked gragas, at least he did well. Over this fail on champ select, i did many other in game and some horrible plays(maybe not that horrible, but immediately after i was thinking "WTF, why the hell i did that?",also i pressed wrong key when at my base blowing up my flash for nothing) that almost lost hard my lane, then i managed to have a little comeback to dont be useless at all, but i admit that my team carried me this one, and i have no worries to say that cuz i was disappointed to me the whole game cuz i did some completely idiot things cuz i was sleepy lol(and still i am). At least im happy to get carried for once instead of carrying :O
Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!