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Hannul wrote:
The only reason why I spam laugh is to do it while I'm safe and make junglers waste their time ganking me or blow summoner spells to kill me
i find it an annoying thing tbh, also i didnt meant the /laugh, but he literally was like "xD" or "haha" every now and then.
I'm starting to love again this champion!
it was a bit "hard" early cuz of shyvana tankyness(even tho i didnt die to her or lost cs,she was bad at farming tbh) and udyr ganked well and we killed her twice, first time i got assist and died too cuz of greedy,lel, second time i killed her or elise, so i got the red buff and then was easier for me and could 1v1 shyv once i got my last whisper,after that i carried my team to victory. I must admit tho that draven,even if he fed and was very behind and useless for some time, did a pretty nice splitpushing, getting 3 bot towers + inhib while me and the rest of my team was taking the aggro of them all.
oh yeah, Promoted yay! :3
"Your life is a burden. I bring you freedom!"
Jack Rubino wrote:
i find it an annoying thing tbh, also i didnt meant the /laugh, but he literally was like "xD" or "haha" every now and then.
I'm starting to love again this champion!
it was a bit "hard" early cuz of shyvana tankyness(even tho i didnt die to her or lost cs,she was bad at farming tbh) and udyr ganked well and we killed her twice, first time i got assist and died too cuz of greedy,lel, second time i killed her or elise, so i got the red buff and then was easier for me and could 1v1 shyv once i got my last whisper,after that i carried my team to victory. I must admit tho that draven,even if he fed and was very behind and useless for some time, did a pretty nice splitpushing, getting 3 bot towers + inhib while me and the rest of my team was taking the aggro of them all.
oh yeah, Promoted yay! :3
If you haven't read it in the post your game stats here, you're going to cry soon. q on kha going down to 0.9 to 1.5 isolated, 60% reduced damage on evolved void assault, and 0.4 AD ratio on e. w is going to stay the same, q and e are nerfed, ult evolve is buffed lol
Basically how I play LoL
not like you're going to focus tanks with taste your fear anyways. idk why they nerfed Leap but they just rengr'd kha's q, rengar q used o be 150% AD ratio, went down to 100%. same with kha 1.5 and 2.1 down to 0.9 and 1.5
Basically how I play LoL
mastrer1000 wrote:
jon pls why am i not on those screenshots?
report you.
omg u such jelly
Jack Rubino wrote:
It might be hard to lane top with Kha'Zix (personally can't tell because I don't play him) but the damage he deals right now (usually as a mid or jungler in my games) is absolutely insane.
He needs a nerf.
Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
<Inhouse Addict>
Basically how I play LoL