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Jackies Rubino's Hobo Adventure to Challenged Tier

Creator: Jack Rubino January 17, 2014 9:49am

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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 8:29am | Report
no u


also check out my Ryze guide
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 9:00am | Report

no u

no u


Great game, no problems againist zac, he killed me once cuz lee sin ganked at lvl 5 and i was 6, but i killed lee sin as well. then ww ganked 1-2 times and we killed him both times. at lvl 6-7 i ulted our tristana on bot and ww arrived as well, we killed jinx and got the tower, then i went top and with ww help we got the top tower. Our bot played well, same for warwick. then it was all an easy game.
"Fus-Ro Dah"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 10:33am | Report
dafaq dis game
luv u percy

*cough*...So this game was going pretty good, Pantheon owning Zed and bot was doing good too, mid needed help, so i focused to gank dat lane. Pantheon got fb but died immediately after for or tower or Ignite but then he was doing great anyway, Orianna poked gragas really good and went all in at lvl 4 to kill Gragas when he had about 200 hp or even less and she got more then half life maybe, but he could kill orianna driking and going all in too cuz her cds were on,so both died. then i ganked but gragas got 6 just while fighting and he got a double kill but then again i ganked with red when orianna baited him and we killed him 1-2 times like that. Now comes the reason of why i said "dafaq dis game". Lag spikes started to hit everyone on both teams, at first they were about 140-160 ping, then was over 300 and was unplayable, but after about 2 mins everyone got dc and were "attempting to reconnect". After everyone reconnected my usually fps dropped down to 10-30 at max but to the normal 40-60. i won the game even if i died in idiot ways in the last teamfights cuz i went in, wasnt able to kill anyone but i could (with about 10 fps in teamfight) melt jinx to about 100 hp, zed to less then half life and deal a good half life damage to volibear, then orianna and pantheon and corki did the job.
"What time is it? IT'S ADVENTURE TIME!!!!!"
<Inhouse Addict>
Hannul's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 10:44am | Report
wow ur so gud

Basically how I play LoL
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 10:55am | Report
Hannul wrote:

wow ur so gud

i feel sarcasm in the air, pls.
"Some call it magic. I call it good graphic."
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 9:53am | Report

so happy to have won this.

why? cuz i died laik a dumb at lvl 6-7 cuz i didnt back and had a few secs of lag spikes, but then was all ok for the rest of the game, but the most important reason is that i won having that ezreal on my team.


At champ select he seemed alright, nothing wrong there, as usually everyone call their fav lanes/roles and i do not call cuz i learned to fill whatever my team needs since im pretty good at any role atm. But then in game. Oh, Oh pls. My team wanted to invade but our vi went too over without waiting our blitz and they saw her, so ez got mad cuz we couldnt invade and couldnt "might get 2 kills". Then he got mad when i was 0 2 1 cuz of what i said before (the second death cuz mid didnt call mia and i was already dealing with my cat going on my keyboard and trynda, funny thing is that i was almost under tower and they had no problems to kill me)

many times he said "you feeder stop that" "guys i cant carry u all" "guys stop make ****" and other no sense flame, on caps ofc.

at least they played good on bot and destroyed leona+cait , also akali got fed and could instakill cait and kill kayle 1v1 easily, i got many assists and helped with ulti, built early armor to survive that trynda and i just did my job of taunting kayle/trynda away of akali/ez.

happy for the win, sad for the Ez toxic attitude.
Oh yeah, also, i tried to keep calm and was trying to keep him calm, which worked only once, but then vi and akali had to trick him saying things like "ok bye, afk" and things like that to force ezreal to say "sorry" and keep playing. Their plan worked lel
"Ah... delicious."
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2014 8:44am | Report

1st pick(the real 1st pick was on the enemy team, but i was in the first 2 picks on my team), and since everyone asked for a role i just filled with support. I couldnt immediately engage and had to wait the best moments since enemy bot lane lvled up for first cuz we helped Jarvan IV at blue. Got lvl 6 i engaged and cait got a double kill, then we just kept winning the lane hard, Kha and jarvan played well too, nida(top Nidalee ) fed the fb to their jungler if i remember right, also she dced at lvl 7 for a while, and while she was afk jarvan and kha zix were about to give up. Me and cait tried to cheer them up and kept saying that we were not done, we got some kills while nida was afk and she eventually connected back. Between nida and jarvan there was no really nice feelings or words, tho cait kept snowballing and me to succefully grabbing the main targets, to an eventually win. Tbh, i actually was afraid that we could lose that game for a while, cuz looked like if my team (or at least Kha) was starting to throwing(except cait who was the only one with me to try to go on without giving up), im happy that i was thinking about the wrong ending for this game :3
"Such fascinating evolution."
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2014 7:50am | Report

j4 was bot with taric and nida was top againist me

i had a ****y start (something like 1 5 4 and nidalee got my second lane turret) cuz kha came and survived with about 10 hp when they both dived me and then again he killed me while elise ganked to help. My bot lane did very good and cait got fed (first time i pressed tab to see her score it was 4 1 0) then as every good shen does, i just farmed as much as i could, helped in teamfights and ganks and i just became unkillable in teamfights and saved cait from kha/yasuo with my ultis. Once i got some kills it was just too easy, especially since i built my randuin, cuz, as u can see, enemy team was full ad so it was so easy for me to own later.
"Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!"
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2014 10:19am | Report

dat game was so stupid that i almost feel like to dont need to comment it.

even tho i had a hard time on bot cuz nunu just kept spamming his e and shen ulted for the whole early game on vayne, we could totally win, but sejuani/leona kept doing some idiot engage that eventually lost the game. Placed silver 3 0lp, the difference with the previous season is that i got 64 lp less in the same division wow.
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2014 9:38am | Report
forgot to screenshot the game

I go support as Blitzcrank and my adc is Sivir facing a Ezreal Annie botlane. we had hard time, couldnt kill them(also sivir always gets pokes in da face) and my team start to search for a reason about why they are losing and they started to flame to each other, i just didnt say anything the whole game cuz didnt want to join dis flame game lel.

Oh yeah i almost forgot, i lost
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