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Lord Kesharq trip down 3v3 and 5v5 lane...

Creator: Lord Kesharq May 17, 2013 7:28am

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Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 30, 2013 11:12am | Report
Preseason Game 13

Soraka OP lol. Duo game with my mate Scfpride. Got a tad trolled in champ pick as no one picked a ADC so i picked Teemo for scf and he gave me Soraka.

Jax carried at the end of the day i know, but it was defo a very good game, i was able to ward well, kept myself out of too much trouble (only dying 3 times...IMPROVMENT) and generally being in the right place at the right time to heal the right person in a teamfight.

Improvments to my game - Well guess i should maybe have warded a tad more than i did.
-Time my Ulti heal better.

W6-7L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 30, 2013 11:25am | Report
Preseason Game 14

damn it.....Second duo game with scfpride and this one was a total fail lol. We had a flaming jungler (who i muted after just 50 seconds in the game) who never ganked any lanes in the first 15 minutes while there Xin Zhao was this scary machine ripping lanes to pieces where ever he ganked.

I was unable to go Soraka as the other team picked her before i could so i went with Zyra...not the best choice ever as iv not played her in ages and paid for it as i also have no zyra support masteries set up after they reset them all and yeah it didnt go too well this game.

AM surprised we held till 27 minutes to be fair as they just owned us.

My mistakes:
-Not enough wards
-Shouldnt have picked Zyra
-Maybe should have build some more armor and AP over the support items (also scf was lagging that game).

W6-8L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2013 7:56am | Report
Preseason Game 15

Preseason game 15, got to jungle Hecarim for this one while duoing with scfpride and his APC Teemo.

Well this game was a compleat **** up, are Nasus *****ed like a little girl all though the pre game chat then fed the other team 10 kill in a row before going afk for NO reason. No one was rude to him or anything in the pre game chat or anything he was just out to cause trouble -_-.

I ended up going top against there Kha'Zix who owned me pretty damn fast...while this was going on Xerath and Teemo were doing everything they could to get fed as fast as they could (i should have wayyy more ***its this game but for somereason it didnt give me half of what i should have had).

Well held on for as long as we could, and we came DAMN close to winning this game, but they backdoored us when we were just breaking into there base with Sion and he took out our nexus before i could return to drive him off with Teemo.

W6-9L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2013 8:05am | Report
Preseason Game 16

**** Caitlyn i carried this game! XD. Game 16 and another support game as Soraka. Started this game badly with all my team moaning at me for picking and i quote "the worst support champ in the current meta"...i think i showed them differently lol.

Me and Caitlyn dominated bot lane from the start (our tower only took like 1 hit the whole game) while cait smashed Jinx and Leona in the 2v2 fights (they made the mistake of focusing her not me, so i just stood there casting off my heal and E on them and if needed my R).

Ended the game with a penta ***it, as me and Caitlyn charged into there base and in a 2v5 she picked up a game ending PENTA kill and i picked up a PENTA kill ***it lol (once again they all went for her and left me alone so i just stood there casting of spells and using my items as needed).


W7-9L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2013 2:43pm | Report
Preseason Game 17

Not much to say about this game, broke my keybored during it and yeah i couldnt play for **** and suffered for it.

W7-10L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2013 2:50pm | Report
Preseason Game 18

Duo game with Reo here and first game with my new USB keybored...Got to ADC and went with Jinx.

Made a few mistakes early game which lost me a chance for first blood, second blood ect, and yeah early game was hard as am unused to the new keyboard (if that makes sence to you) so i kinda whiched roles with Blitzcrank and became a damage peeler for the other champs.

In the mean time Talon (reo) went ape **** and went like 30 kills to 0 deaths (think he reached 40 before they finally killed him) and yeah carried the game hard lol.

(Major mistake - need to learn my new damn keybored before playing any more ranked games lol)

W8-10L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2013 3:09pm | Report
Preseason Game 19

Second duo game with Reo, got to jungle this time and went with Hecarim and yeah, the game went ok for me in my opinon but our ADC was a lazy **** and i made the mistake of cutting bot lane free and focusing all my ganks and support on top lane and mid when really i shouldnt have given up on it (despite the ADC).

Game went ok but yeah overall we got out played and couldnt turn it around. (Also the team was annoyed with reo for not banning Amumu and Blitzcrank which are considered auto bans down in bronze it seems).

W8-11L Preseason Score
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
1jamie50's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 8, 2013 8:00pm | Report
Reo's score... what in the absolute hell... I can't even re-call ever seeing that many kills in a non-custom game before, let alone having 1 death :/

Next game... "Oh ****, you didn't ban Blitzcrank and Amumu, gg" #BronzeLogic

which are considered auto bans down in bronze it seems

Yes... yes, they are :/

Thanks to YayaFTW for the sig.
I post stuff
I post stuff's Forum Avatar
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Sep 15th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 2:04am | Report
Reo still doesn't play ranked with me, only normals. I r jelly! D:

1jamie50 wrote:

Reo's score... what in the absolute hell... I can't even re-call ever seeing that many kills in a non-custom game before, let alone having 1 death :/

Next game... "Oh ****, you didn't ban Blitzcrank and Amumu, gg" #BronzeLogic

Dude, Reo is Vapora tier Talon. 370+ ranked matches and god knows how many more normal matches with one champ sure make you darn good at it. The guy doesn't seem to want to climb at all, though.
I don't play LoL anymore.
Reo Kawamura
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Jun 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2013 9:20am | Report
Ye, I am lazy.

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