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Lord Kesharq trying his luck again (Season 6...

Creator: Lord Kesharq January 31, 2016 9:52am
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Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2016 9:52am | Report
Hey guys and girls, it been a long long time since i did one of these but hey ho here we go..

New season and i wanna try and get back into the blogging game for it, so here i am, be ready for anything in here (defo since am still confused as **** over what rito are doing with the ranked systems atm, ****ing RIP ranked teams and hello dynamic queue...).

Last season (5) info:
Highest climbed: Sliver 3
Finished: Sliver 5
Main roles: Mid/Jungle
Placed: Bronze 4/3 (cant remember)

This Season (6) goals and aims:
Rank goal: If possible Gold
Aim: Finish at least middle of silver tier
Main roles: Mid/Jungle/Any

Go to pick: Malzahar
Backups: Viegar, Diana, Kayle

Go to pick: Skarner
Backups: Warwick, Hercarim, Nocturne, Kayle

Other lanes
Go to picks:
Top - Poppy
ADC - Lucian (jihn!!!!!)
Support - Kayle (dont dis it till ya try it)

Ok then wish me luck guys, next post will be the start of the trip...
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2016 10:02am | Report

Placement Game 2/10 (Dynamic queue)

Ok 2nd placement game here (i forgot to screen the first one), was duoing this game with a friend (darkjedii93) for his final placement game and as you can see he made the right choice xD.

I was mid against there Ezreal who was very rude for most of this game and either AFKed or DCed at about the 17 minute mark for whatever reason which allowed me to roam more and really get snowballing.My farm for this game is meh i know as i didnt focus to much on it due to the amount of roaming i was doing and the kills i was picking up gave me a good enough gold income to counter blanace the low farm gold.

Since this game was played i have also played 2 more games (1 win/1 loss) taking me to 2-2 in my placments in dynamic queue atm ( i keep forgetting to screenshot games at the end of them -_-).
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 5:11pm | Report

Game 5

Forgot to screen this and the following 2 more games, was playing with friends to see if it made Dynamic queue any different.

Overall a pretty good game, the early game went badly for us but mid game we turned it around and i made some pretty good shotcalls which allowed us to get back into the game, meanwhile we focused on getting our top laner fed which lead him pretty much being able to 1v4/5 the other team with only a little bit of help from the rest of us.

Again my farm was subpar in my view, and my roaming was not much better however i did counter that some what by winning mid lane.

Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 5:18pm | Report

Game 6

This game was...rough, it started off ok but after around 10 minutes it just started going down hill. Was again duoing with friends but the teamwork from last game was not as good as the last game, comuncation was lacking, pink warding was poor and there lux rekted me in lane (helpped by my jungler given her a free kill which i was not able to counter, as she was far ahead of me in lane and to add to my woes she then killed me a few minutes later making it 2-0 to her).

There bot lane vayne got snowballing after awhile and we gave up when they broke into our base, unable to deal with them or the game any longer.

(it also didnt help that ppl kept taking kills off me and farm despite me asking ppl not to do it...)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 5, 2016 5:30pm | Report

Game 7

Ugh....This game was a compleat and utter mess. I decided to go Jihn mid, and got auto counter picked by the other team who then instalocked Yauso, as for jungler help and he said he would do what he could and so the game started.

So the game gets off to a bad start, shaco counter jungles our jungler and nearly kills him in our jungle...shaco then proceeds to gank mid but i decide to stay and fight and am able to take down Yauso for First blood and nearly get shaco too but my ignite didnt kill him by like 1 tick (i died to shaco)

Then it just kept getting worse, our bot lane fed, Shaco became a shaco god and beat the **** out of our rengar and then proceeded to cause chaos in bot and mid, i couldnt do **** and out top laner became negative as ****. I did what i could, kept trying to make calls, kept reminding ppl to ward up, but my team/friends where not paying me any heed and it all fell apart and it was clear by 20 we were not getting back into the game and called it there.

What i have learned from tonight? well for starters am not going to duo with more than 1 person from now on unless its members of my ranked teams and ppl are willing to shut up (Also not being silly and speaking english would have been great, 3 of the 4 ppl i was duoing with were spanish) and listen. In game 1 things started off poorly but we came back into really well because ppl listern, and did what they are meant to have been doing (plus we fed the **** outta darius lol). After this game tho ppl started getting silly and or not taking it as seriously i feel and that plus a general poor showing by all of us, including myself lead to the 2 defeats.

But yeah now am 3-4 in placements with 3 games left, if am lucky i can avoid bronze 5/4 still maybe...
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 4:20am | Report

Game 8

Decided to go against the lessions of my last couple of games and try duoing with people again, only this time with "good players" (well reo is anyway).

I got top against Garen and didnt really know who to play as poppy my normal go to was banned and people didnt want me to play Aatrox so i went with Jarven. Top turned out to be a farm fest for 15 minutes, with all the action going on across the rest of the map.

To sum this game up, Nocturne got fed, our jungler was **** (sorry darky), our warding was poor, we had no control of the map and the other just rolled over us the later the game got with only Talon doing well.

A final score of 2-3-6 is not bad but i wish my CS had been better.

3-5 placements (Not looking good)
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 4:31am | Report

Game 9 (I finally remembered to Screenshot this time)

Ok so after last game we decided to try one more time, i got ADC this time but since Jinx got picked up by the other team first i decided to go with Jihn (Bard was not impressed).

This game was never winnable for 1 reason, our lee sin was a ****. As soon as we loaded into the game he starts flaming everyone and everything for anything (with a lot of focus on Talon). The game started off ok with Nunu getting first blood on there Malphite but that was the high water mark, as lee sin refused to gank at all, and mid and bot were being camped by there Nidalee.

Pretty quickly Yasuo started to get ahead and in bot lane i had died twice in 11 minutes and our tower went down, lee flamed more and still didnt gank (he didnt care about Objectives either). Lee picked up a few kills in clean up fights after either talon or us in the bot had died, feeding his ego that he was the only good player on our team and that he shouldnt have been in bronze.

At around 16 minutes reo (Talon) afked due to having had enough of Lee sin, me and Bard went mid to try and hold the 2nd mid lane tower but it fell and i was killed for my 3rd death in a tower die after getting hit by a nidalee spear.

With talon gone and all 3 lanes now pretty much gone (bot lane was down to the tier 3 tower, top was also on its tier 3 and mid lane was down finished) we surrendered before they could finish the game.

Rough game..

My warding was horrible, and my CS was seriously bad this game, i cant fully blame the jungler for everything that happened in bot but help would have been nice, and Bard never used his ulti once the entier game.

3-6 Placements
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 4:47am | Report

Game 10/10 Final Placement game: Result Bronze 4

****ing note to self, ****ing duoing. After 2 games of duoing with people i decided i was going to solo my last game, thank ****ing god i did. A very nice and easy win here to finish off my placements (and am sure it kept me out of bronze 5). Getting place into bronze 4 was expected, and iv learnt my lession, if i wanna win, i gotta solo it seems.

Game was a bit odd, the other team had Ashe mid after a comuncation error in team select (going by info from the cross team chat), however my Malzahar was not about to let this upstart ADC ruin my last game of placements and i first blooded her at 4 minutes (burned my flash to do it and took a couple of tower shots too many but oh well).

I then proceeded to destory Ashe everytime she showed up in lane, meanwhile our bot lane was also destorying the other teams bot and our jungler was wipping the floor with there Vi in her own jungle. Only our top laner did bad as he was first timing Shen and there pantheon shat on him meaning he became a problem which neeeded to be dealt with which me and Rengar then proceeded to do (i died to him tho, that being my only death of the game, but rengar picked up the kill).

By 17 minutes in we were inside there base already as i had pushed down the entier mid lane, and was nuking anyone that game near me (was even able to take down pantheon solo until he got his Maw, and even then it was just a matter of pokeing him down a bit before going all in on him). At 20 we had 1 big team fight which killed all there team minus Jihn (i didnt pick up any further kills but did get 3 assists) and they surrenderd before we could finish off there nexus + nexus towers.

A good game to finish off my placements on, not as good as last year tho were i seeded into bronze 3 and its a far cry for my hoped for placement of silver 5/bronze 1 but oh well, just means am going to have to put in alot of work.

My CS this game was nothing speical, however it was offset somewhat by the amount of kills i was getting, and my warding was subpar but a win is a win.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 5:04am | Report

Game 11

******** it, this game was close, very close.

Game started of well, with me owning Swain in lane (3/4-0 by 15 minutes) and getting a nice lead over him, our bot lane however was very bad, and kept arguing with each other and getting there vayne fed. Our Shaco did Shaco things and Gangplank did his thing in the top lane against there Rammus (beileve he was ahead by 1 as well).

So we had 2 winning lanes and winning jungler but a heavy losing bot lane, we can still win this.

After the 15 minute make bot lane final fell and we lost both outta towers in a fast push by there bot and jungler, Shaco tried to hold the tier 2 tower but got killed for it and i killed swain again in our jungle as he tried to move over to bot lane but he kept me away from the fighting there until it was too late for me to do anything.

After this everyone went mid and sieging began, and for the next 20 minutes it was a mix of too and throwing between both teams with ppl getting picked off and then large fights happening which then lead to towers falling or objectives being taken. We however started to fall behind, Swain picked up a few kills and started getting items, i died a couple of times, our bot laners fed more but Shaco did pick off a dragon steal.

By 35 minutes in it was clear the game had swung against us badly as there team was getting very tanky and vayne was dealing damage like a *****, and our leona had given up on life and stopped warding and missing all her ultis. By this point we were stuck in our own base and they started setting up for Baron, i used my Farsight thingy to get Vision of them doing it and we raced over to try and stop them/ steal it, but Shaco got murdered before he could do anything and they got the baron and proceeded to catch Coki and Gangplank in our jungle before they could get back to the base.

With just me and Leona left to defend, the other team smashed there way into our base, taking down all 3 tier 3 towere and all 3 inhibs, Shaco came back up but got killed right away as he dived into them without support from me or Leona as we both needed to heal up.

The other team then backed off (losing Poppy after me, leona and Gankplank cauth her backing in a jungle bush) but even that was not enough to stop them as they charged up the mid lane and back into our base, we put up one last fight in a 4v4 but Corki got deleted, leona attacked rammus instead of Vayne, me and Gankplank then killed Vayne but Swain then killed Gankplank and dropped me aswell (with help from blitzcrank).

Over all a rough game, our bot lane was trash, i should have roamed more but was too focused on killing Swain and pushing mid, my warding was fine tho again am not happy with my CS (am never happy with it despite the fact that it is the 4th highest in the game).
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
Lord Kesharq
Lord Kesharq's Forum Avatar
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May 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2016 5:07am | Report

Game 12

Nothing to say about this game other than it was horrible, they banned my malazhar, and i misclicked kata as i was not paying much attention to the screen. We surred at 20 before it could get any worse.

My CS was god awful.
I cant play kata on EUW
My warding was trash tier (0 pinks and only like 5/6 tringet wards)

Very annoyed with myself for this game.
Current League Goals:

Reach 1000 Normal Wins (Done)
Reach 2000 Normal Wins
Reach Gold Tier (S6)

(ty to Ninja Trigger for the sic)
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