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Maw's S5 Failures

Creator: Jovy November 24, 2012 4:45pm
345 posts - page 27 of 35
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2015 5:12pm | Report
I dunno, following him usually gets me killed c:

Never ask you to follow me, so that's your bad. ^.^
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2015 7:02am | Report
Game 5 - Victory - 3/2
Didn't want to play Braum again (probably taking a "break" from him for a little bit) and I couldn't pick Leona as first pick so I went with Janna. It was an okay pick and I was without deaths until mid-"late" game.

The first 10ish minutes every lane but my own was losing iirc. We weren't winning either but we weren't losing for sure. At one point a ton of people showed up bot lane and stuff happened and Tristana secured 4 kills just from that little skirmish. We got Dragon off of that and Trist and I won lane after that real easy. Darius gave away a lot of kills to Riven in early game and she was virtually the only problem for us. I started dying when Jarvan decided to focus me in all the fights (I think because of Mejai's but it was unnecessary). Still, Trist being great in combination with Ashe being terrible won us the game.

Game 6 - Defeat - 3/3
Picked Janna again with the same logic more or less. Wasn't too happy with having to go Janna against their team but oh well.

There's not much to say about this game really. It went on forever but it was one sided as hell even though it doesn't look that way at first glance. Every lane was losing and then vapora managed to pick up some kills. Around 20ish-25 minutes we broke even and were stronger in 5v5 situations, but we never fought with 5 and team kept getting caught out or suiciding. The Poppy, Maokai and Corki were exceptionally bad. It felt like they were trying to lose.

Game 7 - Defeat - 3/4
Picked Morgana because of Kennen and Kassadin, sort of. It was a good pick but we still lost pretty hard and there was nothing I could do after a while. Was 2-0 until about 30 minutes and then Kennen and Kassadin started focusing me and killed me three times in three fights in a row.

Graves was pretty bad and he died to Caitlyn pre first recall by getting hit by her Q under tower. Caitlyn was actually quite good so naturally lane didn't go great. Jarvan IV came to gank and stuck around bot lane for a really long time without doing anything, setting him behind but also other lanes. Apparently he ganked mid lane and one point at lost vapora lane (likely) and Tryndamere was the only person doing well, or he was until mid lane when he was pretty useless and just kept suiciding over and over without doing anything.

Anyway silver II here I come!
<Inhouse Regular>
DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2015 7:37am | Report
best of luck
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2015 3:31pm | Report

In other news I lost another game and I'm 3-5 now woo. I don't have a screenshot and it's not worth talking about. In fact, it never happened.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2015 5:27pm | Report
Placements Done
Game 8, 9 and 10 - Defeat, Victory and Defeat - 4/6

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2015 12:06pm | Report
Game 11 - Defeat - 4/7
Decided to play Morgana again even though I didn't play her that great the last time. Thought it'd be a decent pick vs Braum, Vi and Katarina and it kind of was. However, once again, my pick was more or less unimportant as my team lost every lane, mostly because of Vi.

I played a lot better this time around and Vapora and I were doing well in lane, despite Lee Sin giving them a kill during an invade. As the other lanes were losing badly, Vi was determined to camp our lane, and that worked out pretty well for her. She got really fed and was able to secure them all the dragons, they got 8 turrets to our 2 and during the last teamfight, Katarina picked us off one at a time before we got aced. Oh and also Jax was an absolute monster too and we had no way of dealing with him either. Sad game but I was at 0 LP anyway so whatever <:

Game 12 - Victory - 5/7
Again, despite having played rather poorly in my last Thresh game, I gave Thresh a go. This time I used Blood Moon Thresh and it, naturally, increased my skill level and chance at winning. Vapora played on one of his smurfs in order to finish his placements.

Anyway I don't really understand much of what happened in this game. Vapora and I won lane and due to that we were able to secure a lot of dragons. This is what really kept us in the game despite the team overall doing rather poorly. The biggest problem we had was with Kassadin who was pretty fed, and then, somehow, so was Gankplank. We were having really messy fights at one point and then suddenly we won one, having killed four people, and we just pushed for their base as it was very late into the game and everyone had 40 second timers, but Braum who tried to defend against Jarvan, Lissandra and me, to no avail. Not the most satisfying victory, but, hey, I'll take it.

Game 13 - Victory - 6/7
Janna was banned so I felt like it was safe enough to pick Leona. They ended up picking Morgana, but I've played the match-up before so I wasn't too worried. Our entire team did well, including, to my surprise, our jungler Irelia.

At 5 minutes Vapora and I got first-blood on Morgana with the help of Irelia and at 6 minutes Maokai got a kill on Darius. He get another 2-3 kills before getting shut-down eventually, but he was really strong throughout the game. At 7 minutes Vapora and I got ganked and he died, naturally, but luckily Irelia showed up and she and I were able to kill Twitch, and, later, Morgana as well during a rather risky dive. After this Vapora and I got another two kills after I baited Morg's shield out. Did pretty much the same thing again and then we got Dragon at 15 minutes, which was followed up by a little skirmish in which we went two for two. Around this time Irelia started split-pushing and she wasn't participating in any of the fights, but we still won 4v5 and eventually her split-pushing paid off as at 34 minutes she got top inhibitor and the nexus towers while most of us were bot lane fighting. I died at 31 minutes saving Maokai and Ori :C
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2015 1:02pm | Report
good job in that leo game
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2015 12:57am | Report
Hope I can keep that up, yeah <:

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2015 5:09am | Report
Having said that thoughhhhh.

They ended up picking Morgana, but I've played the match-up before so I wasn't too worried.

"Man why'd they have to pick Morgana. I would have preferred literally anyone over Morgana."

I wasn't too worried
Jovy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2015 5:22am | Report
I was only worried you'd get hit by Q all the time and lose us the lane ^_^


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