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They didn't really throw the game, it was more like LMQ stalling until the gold difference didn't matter enough and then they took the game. EG probably should have been able to close it out much earlier though.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Thalia Kael wrote:
They didn't really throw the game, it was more like LMQ stalling until the gold difference didn't matter enough and then they took the game. EG probably should have been able to close it out much earlier though.
Idk but giving away a baron while you're still 5-7k ahead definitely is a throw. They even had the better late game I think and were still ahead on gold even when they lost it.
Napoleon D wrote:
Stop talking ****. They had a solid composition to actually deal with the kassadin but they threw their lead by playing too carelessly. Their comp was really strong once they got ahead and they did, but individual mistakes lost the game (and solid play from curse)
Vynertje wrote:
Stop talking ****. They had a solid composition to actually deal with the kassadin but they threw their lead by playing too carelessly. Their comp was really strong once they got ahead and they did, but individual mistakes lost the game (and solid play from curse)
You mean a full AD comp?
LMQ prioritized Lee Sin Over Kassadin when kassadin and Braum was left open. Curse gave them the oppurtunity to take away the kassadin or braum. LMQ not taking those champs that curse left up is one of the reasons why LMQ lost.
i need to delete this account
Wayne3100 wrote:
Complexity is embarassingly weak, good game from EG too though :)
How so even if there worst team in lcs there still a top team compared to others below them. Seriously i dont get how even being last in lcs means your bad your still in top % of best people playing the game.
Comp is not bad they made it into lcs for a reason there is no one currently at there level in challenger anyway.
A proper show of how to throw a game...
TSM looked better, but they still got a free win.
Balls wasn't playing as he should, noticed him getting like 3 cs on 2,5 waves (even I can get at least 4 :D ) and the rest of C9 wasn't really there either.
DIG still looking good. Def top 3 for them.