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Cooper112 wrote:
Im guessing everyone but Aphro will be dropped here is your new CLG EVERYONE ENJOY.
Just need a mid lane
CLG Nien
CLG Thinkcard
CLG Chaox
CLG Aphro
Just need a mid lane
CLG Nien
CLG Thinkcard
CLG Chaox
CLG Aphro
You have literally 0 idea what you're talking about.
Nebrasketball wrote:
I wonder if CLG completely ****ed Seraphs career. I hope he finds a different team to get another chance where he isn't surrounded by such ****ty management and support staff.
The only reason why he's in NA to begin with is because he wasn't good enough for Korea. Who does he even have to turn to? I don't see where ****ty management/support staff comes into the equation either. They went to Korea because he had to renew his visa and had everything completely laid out for them (scrim partners, accounts until Riot ****ed up, a place to stay, a schedule, etc.). Management/support staff doesn't make players play any better, they just provide everything that players need in order to help them play better. I mean maybe they could have used a more mature, objective person in the house during the internal headbutting, but past that I don't see how anything other than the players themselves is going to make them better.
Cooper112 wrote:
clg ****ed alot of peoples career's they need a hole rebuilding of everything.
This doubly confirms that you have no idea what you're talking about
Cooper112 wrote:
Triply confirms that you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're a goldmine bro

B-Wong wrote:
You have literally 0 idea what you're talking about.
The only reason why he's in NA to begin with is because he wasn't good enough for Korea. Who does he even have to turn to? I don't see where ****ty management/support staff comes into the equation either. They went to Korea because he had to renew his visa and had everything completely laid out for them (scrim partners, accounts until Riot ****ed up, a place to stay, a schedule, etc.). Management/support staff doesn't make players play any better, they just provide everything that players need in order to help them play better. I mean maybe they could have used a more mature, objective person in the house during the internal headbutting, but past that I don't see how anything other than the players themselves is going to make them better.
This doubly confirms that you have no idea what you're talking about
Triply confirms that you have no idea what you're talking about.
You're a goldmine bro
Dude there my opinions if you dont like them ignore them.
I never claimed i knew what i was talking about i just love to troll you all sometimes.
B-Wong wrote:
It comes with 0 consequence for me to call you out on your ********. Stay mad.
Im alot more accurate than everyone here i said darien would be replaced everyone argued no and i was right.
Trust me clg will lose 3 of its current memembers.
Cooper112 wrote:
Im alot more accurate than everyone here i said darien would be replaced everyone argued no and i was right.
Trust me clg will lose 3 of its current memembers.
I mean, congrats? Darien wasn't a very good top laner anyway and even if he was some kind of godlike top laner, Gambit has fallen off into irrelevancy so it's not even a discussion worth having.
CLG might lose 3 of its members, who knows, but they're not going to be replaced with the people that you listed. But maybe u r le mastor trole lele and u got me~!!111!

Great series, I really want to see LMQ at world's so I hope they take 3rd.
And at the angry dude: CLG consistently performs at a mediocre level even when they have some of the most talented players players in the league. Management/support staff have done a terrible job at putting the players in a position to succeed and contribute either through attitude or lack of action to the team atmosphere, see hotshots tweet. CLG is so incredibly frustrating to watch, obviously the players have fault as well but it's blatantly clear that CLG has not given the players an optimal situation to thrive in, rather what sounds like to be a hellish one.
And at the angry dude: CLG consistently performs at a mediocre level even when they have some of the most talented players players in the league. Management/support staff have done a terrible job at putting the players in a position to succeed and contribute either through attitude or lack of action to the team atmosphere, see hotshots tweet. CLG is so incredibly frustrating to watch, obviously the players have fault as well but it's blatantly clear that CLG has not given the players an optimal situation to thrive in, rather what sounds like to be a hellish one.
Nebrasketball wrote:
Great series, I really want to see LMQ at world's so I hope they take 3rd.
And at the angry dude: CLG consistently performs at a mediocre level even when they have some of the most talented players players in the league. Management/support staff have done a terrible job at putting the players in a position to succeed and contribute either through attitude or lack of action to the team atmosphere, see hotshots tweet. CLG is so incredibly frustrating to watch, obviously the players have fault as well but it's blatantly clear that CLG has not given the players an optimal situation to thrive in, rather what sounds like to be a hellish one.
And at the angry dude: CLG consistently performs at a mediocre level even when they have some of the most talented players players in the league. Management/support staff have done a terrible job at putting the players in a position to succeed and contribute either through attitude or lack of action to the team atmosphere, see hotshots tweet. CLG is so incredibly frustrating to watch, obviously the players have fault as well but it's blatantly clear that CLG has not given the players an optimal situation to thrive in, rather what sounds like to be a hellish one.
The players themsevlves created that environment though? I mean sure there needed to be support staff to come in and diffuse the situation but that's not why they "consistently perform at a mediocre level". Not to mention in the beginning of the split they were considered a top 3 team tied with Dignitas.
