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Teemoshy's Crawl From the Depths of Low Bronze

Creator: Teemoshy April 20, 2015 3:36pm
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2015 3:36pm | Report

Hello all. My name is Teemoshy. I've started this thread like most as a way to reflect on what I need to work on in my ranked journey. For some background, I've played League since the release of Kha'Zix and have since learned a bunch about it. I have a wonderful wife and work at both UPS as an early morning loader and at a local feed store making my days start at around 3:30 am and end work at 5:30 pm. Then like an old man I hit the sack around 8:30. I haven't had all the time most do for this game but don't want to be caught in Bronze so I'm waking up earlier on my weekends when I don't have UPS and utilizing my day off at the feed store (Mondays) to try to climb.

Last season I was in the same boat and after being placed B3 (I played support most games which wasn't the smartest on my part) and losing 10 games I wound up B5 and a hefty disgust for ranked. This season I've buckled down my champ roster (mostly) and I'm hoping to rise out of the pit.
What I'm Playing




mafia jinx

So, if anyone has helpful advice it is definitely welcome. If you do read this I hope you at least somewhat enjoy it. Thank you in advance Mobafire community.

BTW here's the Match history of the placements. They were terrible with some definite throws and some bad performances from me that landed me in Bronze 5.

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"A wild Soaz appeared! He uses arrogance, and it's very effective."


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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2015 3:43pm | Report
Good luck, buddy!
If you'd like some mentoring or game analysis, feel free to PM Me - I'd be happy to help
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2015 3:43pm | Report
Dw you can carry in low elo easily as support. Play aggressive supports like Leona and Thresh and after (winning) lane, roam and score kills for your other lanes. Mid game is key, catch people out. Just generic advice, something to consider. Good luck good buddy!
Teemoshy's Forum Avatar
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2015 4:00pm | Report

Games 1-4

Soon I'll do end game screens and not these match hist deals. Anyways Games 1 and 2 were a bit ago and I don't remember a whole lot about them. I feel like I played poorly but don't remember how. Game 3 starring Lucian was a stomp. I was fed that game like a baby.

Things I did well:
  • Played off of my supports aggression well
  • Pressed my advantages well
Things I need to improve on:
  • My CS wasn't as great as it should've been (though I was 50 above Vayne at 11 min; I said it was fed to me)
  • Didn't roam to help others (though the other lanes stomped too)
  • Need to work on The Culling; placement, timing, etc. I had some poor ults.
  • I didn't position well in mid lane phase to capitalize on some of my supports Zenith Blades.

Overall a fun game. Everyone likes getting fed. Vayne needed more practice as I and Leona bullied her to the point of not having 1 finished item at the end. Not much else to say.

Game 4 started with me feeding my Draven some juicy kills. It was a long, hard fought match that should've finished sooner but it was still a win.
Things I did well:
  • Good usage of stuns to set Draven up for a fun lane
  • Good initiations/picks with Summon: Tibbers
  • Made some good 2v3 playes that saved both Draven and myself
Things I need improvement on:
  • Died too many times, even if they led to kills for my team.
  • Took too many kills in teamfights (2 or so were to save teammates so those other 4 aren't ok)
  • Needed to roam more

Alos thanks guys for your advice when I was typing :)
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 20, 2015 5:09pm | Report

Game 5

So I had a Zed support. >:( But we won a decisive victory so it panned out. Ashe wasn't aggressive and Blitz couldn't really land hooks so we were fine. I had to buy an upgraded yellow trinket mid game though because NO ONE WARDS!!!!?!?!? in B5 (although, Zed did beat me by 2 wards, albeit baby trinket wards).
Things I did right:
  • I was aggressive when I needed to be and positioned a bit better than last game during lane phase.
  • For how many he threw I only got Blitz hooked 2 times and one was point blank
  • I made proper Dragon calls even though that technically wasn't my job.
  • Ult placement was better than last game
Things I did wrong:
  • My CS was shat. [[zed did take a metric ****ton of it but still need work on that.
  • I died late because I was super tunnel visioned and didn't see Vi running up to ult me.
  • Didn't respond to a mid lane roam fast enough which cost me my life.

It's a win so I'm 3 for 3 today :D Hopefully I'll leave B5 sooner than I thought.

Game 6

Mid lane Luden's Tempest Corki. It's incredibly fun to poke people mercilessly with scary death rockets. Just ask Jinx. This was a pretty scary match, long, gut-wrenching with an almost Baron throw. But we persevered and had a strong, methodical finish. I was surprised this was Bronze 5.
Things I did right:
  • I did a decent job of staying at the ranges I needed to be at (Rocket max range before fights, AA range to clean up/burst, etc.) for the most part.
  • I'm getting better at farming like a mage with Luden's Corki
  • Placed more wards than support
Things I need to improve on:
  • Farm could've been better
  • I took way too much harass lvl 1-4 and had to back early
  • I died too many times; also I died in a silly fashion when I could've used Zhonya's
  • I didn't roam well, mostly because I didn't want Xerath to shove and take my tower with ease

A fun last game of the day. 4 wins out of 4 today so I'm pleased. Big things to take from today are positioning and focusing more on farm.
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2015 12:49pm | Report
Dw you can carry in low elo easily as support. Play aggressive supports like Leona and Thresh and after (winning) lane, roam and score kills for your other lanes. Mid game is key, catch people out. Just generic advice, something to consider. Good luck good buddy!

This is what I'd like to do but I've been hosed so bad before. Many times I've given my ADC the world and they throw it away by doing stupid **** like splitpushing way past any vision we've established and not pay attention to pings saying "Hey they are all coming your way" and die, then do it again about 2 more times, or get caught running in places we don't have vision without the team anywhere near.

I've been trying for carry positions and then once I'm a little higher in rank I'll support more as it's my favorite role.
"Fighting against top lane Nunu & Willump, or Nunu & Willump in general, is like having a catheter. It's not fun and you're going to have a miserable time."

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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 3:19pm | Report

Games 7 and 8

I think Luden's Tempest Corki is becoming one of my favorite things. The amount of poke you put out is just silly. This game went rather well for me. I had most damage to champs with my massive poke and helped out top and mid at a couple points during laning. This win put me into Promotions!
Things I did well:
  • I was pretty aware of what was going on in the map all game. This led to some profitable counter roams that then led to won skirmishes into objective wins.
  • Positioning was quite good.
Things I need to improve on:
  • My farm was ****. I need to have better judgment on when to counter roam and when to just shove my wave.
  • I took some very unfavorable trades early that eventually led to me giving up first blood to Kayle when my Amumu ganked.
  • My all-ins could have played out better. Some of my focus wasn't where it needed to be.

Game 8 - Loss

This game was a doosy. I did my usual thing of encouraging my team and trying to get or keep spirits high in champ select and such. Apparently the whole team took that encouragement a little too far and didn't respect the enemy and what they could do. I deserved this loss as I played like garbage. My support didn't help things by going aggressive when we were behind but I let myself get pulled into dumb situations. Anyways, I need to win the next 2 games to move up.
Things I did well:
  • Not much. I got wrecked.
Things I need to improve on:
  • Farm was terrible.
  • Hook prediction was awful. I got hooked and Condemned too many times.
  • I got Heal baited a few times which made me feel really dumb.
  • overall performance on most levels was sub par.

Wish me luck with the next 2.
"He's absolute dog****, mate."

-Thooorin, My thought whenever Luke Bryan or Sam Hunt come on the radio at work

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Oct 4th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 4:04pm | Report
Off topic, but how do you get champion portraits like that?
Short Term Goals: Silver/Gold/Platinum || Long Term Goals: Diamond/Master/Challenger
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 4:18pm | Report
[icon=champion size=number]
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Sep 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2015 5:27pm | Report
^this. or if you're meaning in my typing it's [[champion, item, spell, etc.]]
"Fighting against top lane Nunu & Willump, or Nunu & Willump in general, is like having a catheter. It's not fun and you're going to have a miserable time."

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