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GL next season, but you will never ever ever reach Plat by legitimate means with your attitude, and honestly unless you actually reflect on a game once in a while instead of "GG **** my team" or "**** yeah I carried that **** GG noobs" then you simply won't deserve to. You complain in the veigar game about someone with 4 less deaths than you getting caught and "throwing the game" when you obviously got caught at least a couple times with 10 deaths lol. You have an unnatural amount of games where your teammates have **** scores and its undoubtedly because I would bet anything you start flaming the **** out of them when they make one mistake, which makes them play much much worse. You seem to have a half-decent skillset (nothing really special though, so no need to continually blame teammates) but you won't ever really be good at this game until you mature.
Just my two cents, coming from someone who also has big issues with rage at times in solo queue, though nothing compared to you from the looks of it.
Just my two cents, coming from someone who also has big issues with rage at times in solo queue, though nothing compared to you from the looks of it.
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
EDIT : OK NVM those paragraphs, EDIT 3 : NVM I erased them they were really stupid and embarassing, going to be more mature about this, my attitude really not helping. I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my toxicity and attitude I have always known it is a problem I just never want to admit it. I really want to climb higher in S4 so here we go.
I just read Meyjie's guide on the blame game and I am seriously going to work on following it during S4. I think working on it will help me control my emotions during the game and not only allow me to win more by putting out the blame game instead of fueling it, not get banned, make our infamous community a little better, not care about my losses but also be more happy in life in general, because I tend to ruin my day after a few (or just one) rage sessions. After I get a seriously infuriating game I go into huge loss streaks and I feel like playing is a chore. If I can control my emotions I can stop losing streaks before they even happen. I'm also going to take a few champions and practice them A LOT before I start in S4. EDIT 4 : Also I've been playing at like 10-15 FPS due to my 4 year old piece of **** laptop (I still love it tho) all throughout my career in League and I'm hoping to build an around 1000$ PC soon so that should help slightly too.
So basically my plan for S4 :
- Near master a certain number of highish skill cap champions so I can outplay my opponents (my skill has been seriously lacking lately, too much Darius)
- Work on handling my emotions
- Make my S4 ranked journey thread a bit more alive and serious
- Not get banned
- Have fun for once
- Start watching streams a lot
- Playing a lot less ranked matches, spending more of my time practicing, I feel like nonstop grinding is not the way to go unless in a win streak
- If I have an infuriating game that I (hopefully) shrugged off I take a break
EDIT 2 : Suggestions for champions I should try to master please
I just read Meyjie's guide on the blame game and I am seriously going to work on following it during S4. I think working on it will help me control my emotions during the game and not only allow me to win more by putting out the blame game instead of fueling it, not get banned, make our infamous community a little better, not care about my losses but also be more happy in life in general, because I tend to ruin my day after a few (or just one) rage sessions. After I get a seriously infuriating game I go into huge loss streaks and I feel like playing is a chore. If I can control my emotions I can stop losing streaks before they even happen. I'm also going to take a few champions and practice them A LOT before I start in S4. EDIT 4 : Also I've been playing at like 10-15 FPS due to my 4 year old piece of **** laptop (I still love it tho) all throughout my career in League and I'm hoping to build an around 1000$ PC soon so that should help slightly too.
So basically my plan for S4 :
- Near master a certain number of highish skill cap champions so I can outplay my opponents (my skill has been seriously lacking lately, too much Darius)
- Work on handling my emotions
- Make my S4 ranked journey thread a bit more alive and serious
- Not get banned
- Have fun for once
- Start watching streams a lot
- Playing a lot less ranked matches, spending more of my time practicing, I feel like nonstop grinding is not the way to go unless in a win streak
- If I have an infuriating game that I (hopefully) shrugged off I take a break
EDIT 2 : Suggestions for champions I should try to master please
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
You don't really have to master a lot of high skillcap champions. Just ones that reward you for doing something simple.
Syndra is just as rewarding to play as Annie, some might argue, but Annie is a lot simpler.
As for Supports, I'd recommend Nami since her entire kit is really stupid, and she's kind of getting buffs once season 4 rolls around.
For junglers, Maokai is great, duh. 20% damage swing for your entire team and he makes great use of the gold you're gonna get in S4. :P
Plus his kit is super easy to get a handle on.
ADC's, Sivir and Graves are both pretty decent. All high burst to capitalize on mistakes.
And... that's pretty much how I got to platinum, along with FreElo Aatrox toplane occasionally going Bork->GA, but that's just stupid.
EDIT: People saying Maokai is bad: You'll all see! He's good I tell you!
Syndra is just as rewarding to play as Annie, some might argue, but Annie is a lot simpler.
As for Supports, I'd recommend Nami since her entire kit is really stupid, and she's kind of getting buffs once season 4 rolls around.
For junglers, Maokai is great, duh. 20% damage swing for your entire team and he makes great use of the gold you're gonna get in S4. :P
Plus his kit is super easy to get a handle on.
ADC's, Sivir and Graves are both pretty decent. All high burst to capitalize on mistakes.
And... that's pretty much how I got to platinum, along with FreElo Aatrox toplane occasionally going Bork->GA, but that's just stupid.
EDIT: People saying Maokai is bad: You'll all see! He's good I tell you!
I thought my favorite roles were the sololanes but I'm rethinking that now, I've been failing a lot lately. I pretty much play every role but with the new queuing system I'll be able to just focus on one role at a time, most likely top.
I think ima get nami soon, my other main supports will be Leona and Sona (if you lolking me you'll see my success with Sona)
I might try out Mao..., I'm kinda at a loss for jungling ATM, I haven't jungled seriously in a really long time, I know I was a pretty good Vi but idk for now
I like my Twitch and Draven for ADC atm
Top and Mid I wanna get into Lissandra and back into Diana, maybe Vladimir and I'll find a good bruiser for top. Also Cho'Gath.
But what I really think I do with the new queuing system is just play Diana, Lissandra and max 3 more champions in top and mid.
I do that ALL THE TIME when I'm in mid lane to Mao and Vi, it's pretty funny when I end up getting a free kill or double kill
I thought my favorite roles were the sololanes but I'm rethinking that now, I've been failing a lot lately. I pretty much play every role but with the new queuing system I'll be able to just focus on one role at a time, most likely top.
I think ima get nami soon, my other main supports will be Leona and Sona (if you lolking me you'll see my success with Sona)
I might try out Mao..., I'm kinda at a loss for jungling ATM, I haven't jungled seriously in a really long time, I know I was a pretty good Vi but idk for now
I like my Twitch and Draven for ADC atm
Top and Mid I wanna get into Lissandra and back into Diana, maybe Vladimir and I'll find a good bruiser for top. Also Cho'Gath.
But what I really think I do with the new queuing system is just play Diana, Lissandra and max 3 more champions in top and mid.
I do that ALL THE TIME when I'm in mid lane to Mao and Vi, it's pretty funny when I end up getting a free kill or double kill
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Maokai is not that great a jungler due to team-fight issues and being a sitting duck to counter-junglers in his jungle. But at plat people rarely counter-jungle, and he's super easy to play with pretty good results if you play him well ( which is easy to do because of how easy he is ).
0.o in gold 2 and gold 1 pretty much every game one of the junglers basically lived in the enemy's jungle
I'm probably going to buy and try him eventually but I need to buy Lissandra first
I'm probably going to buy and try him eventually but I need to buy Lissandra first
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Sigh Nauti tries to invade their blue alone and gets first blooded then refuses to leave the jungle and gets counterjungled...
oh well there's always next season, I'm finished for this season
Peak : Gold 1 ~45 lp
not bad since it's my first season of playing ranked for real