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Why don't the gods at Riot Games want me to get...

Creator: Thalia Kael September 5, 2013 5:20pm

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Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 5:20pm | Report

So here I am going mid vs Akali because Lux wanted to go vs Malphite at top. Everything is going fine. We stole their blue because we had warded their red and Noct started with it. Then Nunu comes to "gank". I see that he has only 250 hp and tell him to b. But no. Instead, he walks right into their mid turret and feeds Akali first blood and double buff. I had to go b because Akali hadh gotten level 6 from that and I was still lvl 4. Then before I can get back he runs into mid lane while Akali is there and just presses S. Another free kill. At that point I had to stay at like my 2nd tower because she could just instakill me. Then he takes red and blue and does the same thing. So far : 3 kills intentionally fed and 4 buffs. Then he afk farms his jungle for a while and did what I described but on bot lane. So far : 4 kills and 6 buffs. At that point they were all ahead enough to snowball out of our control and we lost. Then their Lucian reports me for negative attitude because I asked them to report our troll Nunu. Don't you just love this community?

At this point games like this are 1/4 times and games where at least 1 player has downs syndrome is 1/2 times.

I'm going to post more things like this here.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 5:22pm | Report
Try being nicer and not giving a **** about your teammates.

"It's ok if my teammates are 0/10 each and I'm 27/0, can't win them all, I'll try harder next game."

LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 5:32pm | Report
most kills on the team? wow nub carry harder gg

jk also youre already gold and you cant drop so why try for plat this season? why not just mess around in norms for the rest of the season or duo with scrub me

also not to sound mean or anything but i dont think youre a plat player, youre good enough for gold thats for sure but i dunno if youre good enough for plat for now, next season maybe but in two months i dont think youll be a plat player, the few plat people i play with play pretty much flawlessly when im in norms with them and have a huge knowledge about this game and calls and such, im not saying youre bad im just saying i dont think youll get plat by the end of this season, youre a good player but not plat good
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 5:37pm | Report
Maybe it's the "I'm amazing, did nothing wrong and the rest of my team has Down's syndrome." attitude. Not sure, just a guess.
<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:00pm | Report
If you really think you deserve plat, games in gold V should be a cake walk. If you lose one game because your jungler is a troll or something, just carry the next one. Pretty simple.

Most people complain about teammates more when they don't perform consistently well in ranked games. If you aren't outclassing your opponents, you rely more on your team's competence to win. You can't climb the ladder by complaining about your team or yelling at people or raging or whatever. The only thing you can do is practice and play until your skill positively influences your win rate to 55-60% or so.

You can't win every game. Even the best of players can lose games in gold if their team is bad enough, they just win all the other ones.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:03pm | Report

Maybe it's the "I'm amazing, did nothing wrong and the rest of my team has Down's syndrome." attitude. Not sure, just a guess.

maybe it's just the "i may not be perfect, but there were obvious things here I want to point out because I can't understand why people play like this"

as for me, i have a " some people use the same bag for everything".

As requested to GMD himself.
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:03pm | Report
To say it bluntly, cuz u aint belonging there - with that attitude I am actually wondering how you got into gold.

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:09pm | Report

My next game. Graves was 8/0 at one point.

And I get blamed.

You guys think this happens rarely, I tell you it's almost every game.

I don't see where I stated I was amazing. But when my jungler doesn't communicate or gank yet somehow lose in farm to the jungler that's been camping all game, I call them a downs syndrome player.

Not sure what's wrong with wanted to report an intentional feeder.

And many of my post game arguments are sparked by another person. Some by me, some not.

My negativity is saying "cmon bot" when they're 0/6 at 10 minutes.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:11pm | Report
And keep in mind that their Graves has a Runaans and Shen, Me and Naut CAMPED OUR BOT HARD while Noct ganked 1 time.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 5, 2013 6:14pm | Report


~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
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