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let me put it to you like this, the reason you aren't winning all your games is because you aren't much better than your teammates nor smarter.
Review of da games.
Game 1:
You just said that akali got FB and a double buff and she was 2 levels in front of you, why didn't you buy defense then? If you had gotten double 400 magic resist items you would've been able to countertrade an aggressive akali even with FB.
Game 2:
You're a fed veigar against a nocturne and an aatrox... Why didn't you get a GA so your team at least had some time to peel for you after you die, because with that build you won't be doing many deeps after your initial combo because 1 you're dead or 2 you will be if you try to - you even said yourself that your ult deals 1900 damage to swain without amplification from DFG so why limit yourself to such a squishy build? Also lol at executioner shen - crit's where it's at.
And that's just about your builds. That's not accountint the fact that you probably got caught late which arguably is the supports fault but even then - that can't happen when you're hardcarrying.
A general rule of thumb, if you're getting flamed there is a reason for it so you might wanna listen to at least half of it.
And raging/arguing solves nothing whatsoever.
Thank you for actually giving me tips and telling me what I'm doing wrong. For the GA on Veigar I wasn't really dying and we would've won had I not got caught with Blitz. My main problem in that game was me bringing us back into having a chance and fixing the mess that Shen and Botlane caused and then have them blame me for the loss because I get caught at the end.
For Irelia, I didn't really have much gold on my first back and yeah that would have been a good idea. But still Nunu gave her 2 more kills and another buff on purpose right after so in the end not much would have changed. The problem she was to me was that she could zone me, which she could do either way, I mean I didn't really die to her that much, I think only even once. But yeah that could have been something to counter the FB.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Napoleon D wrote:
You lose games because you play bad champions such as Veigar
and you also build bad on certain champions.
((i read your lolking and saw that you built a Seraph's Embrace on Malzahar
WTF i feed every other game but that doesn't mean im intentionally feeding it just means im having a bad day.
Can't carry feeders?. Keep in mind This hashinshin person is diamond 1 and he doesn't feed on purpose, even though he died a lot this game he still won the game.
I fell into a slump and dropped to platinum 5 but there is no way you can fall into a slump like this and
drop to Gold 5 at 0 lp if you really don't have the skills of a platinum 5 player.
I can carry feeders, just not when they're INTENTIONAL feeders. Coming into my lane, pressing S and letting the enemy top kill you is not having a bad day, that's TROLLING. HE WANTS ME TO LOSE. I'm not sure what that second thing means because I rarely feed. But the point is I'm not calling him an intentional feeder because he did bad, I'm calling him an intentional feeder because, well, that's what he was. He got doublebuff and pressed S in the middle of a lane 4 times. That is in no way having a bad day.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Embracing wrote:
Doesn't matter how well you do.
I've went 10/2, 9/1, 8/2 ALL on mid laners and still lost. Is it "my teams fault?" No. It's my OWN fault for not being able to punish enemy mistakes.
If you wanna climb, change your mentality and work on IMPROVING, not on getting plat.
Yeah I have those games too but it's that I posted these because the 1st one there was a troll and the 2nd I get flamed and blamed for other people's mistakes and badness. I have games where I contribute to our loss. But why post those? They're normal.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
Also I think Veigar was a nice choice because he allowed me to get rid of Graves at the begining of each team fight. Also to get fed off of Swain and to have some lane safety. Also I wanted to try him out. The problem in that game wasn't the matchup or the teamfights, it was deciding to do baron but hestiating and thus getting aced and me and Blitz getting caught.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
You realise we have an edit function, right? No need to post 3 times in a row to react to different quotes >.>
(Edit: and definitely no need to add a fourth post, either)
As for an answer to your question, I've pointed out several times in your ranked thread that your attitude could be a lot better. I honestly do not believe you didn't say more than "come on bot" if people are accusing you of flaming them the entire time. I mean, I'd believe you, but every time you analyse a game you don't seem to admit doing anything wrong, so why would you now?
Anyway, it has been mentioned before, but if you're playing at a good level and are happy about your own performances, you shouldn't worry so much. The most important thing should be that you improve, not that you get plat.
(Edit: and definitely no need to add a fourth post, either)
As for an answer to your question, I've pointed out several times in your ranked thread that your attitude could be a lot better. I honestly do not believe you didn't say more than "come on bot" if people are accusing you of flaming them the entire time. I mean, I'd believe you, but every time you analyse a game you don't seem to admit doing anything wrong, so why would you now?
Anyway, it has been mentioned before, but if you're playing at a good level and are happy about your own performances, you shouldn't worry so much. The most important thing should be that you improve, not that you get plat.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
In all honesty, your build sucks. Building 2 parts of an item without finishing it is a waste. Besides, Irelia should get something defensive straight after finishing Triforce/ruined king because otherwise she's just too squishy.
Finally, if you're gold 5 and you cant carry there, you dont deserve plat at any way. You can always have a bad spree, but in the end, if you belong in plat, gold 5 should be pie.
Finally, if you're gold 5 and you cant carry there, you dont deserve plat at any way. You can always have a bad spree, but in the end, if you belong in plat, gold 5 should be pie.
I agree with Vyn, especially that since you'd see you be in a pickle. I probably wouldn't have gone for Sheen if things were so bad and would have gone for a Spectre's Cowl.
Either way, "if you are losing because of your team, its you that aren't carrying hard enough" is a flawed logic, unless you actually can 1v5 everyone while taking turrets and baron. It is a game where numbers count heavily so every mistake weights on everyone, be it someone got CS or losing a teamfight. Sometimes is simply impossible to carry, no matter how good you are.
There is a difference between going from Silver to Plat or Diamond with a breeze because you are simply good enough to withstand whatever trolls you find in the game, other thing is trying to prove you can get a bit higher than Silver to get Gold and consistently finding people that make very bad decisions that you most probably can't make up for.
Either way, "if you are losing because of your team, its you that aren't carrying hard enough" is a flawed logic, unless you actually can 1v5 everyone while taking turrets and baron. It is a game where numbers count heavily so every mistake weights on everyone, be it someone got CS or losing a teamfight. Sometimes is simply impossible to carry, no matter how good you are.
There is a difference between going from Silver to Plat or Diamond with a breeze because you are simply good enough to withstand whatever trolls you find in the game, other thing is trying to prove you can get a bit higher than Silver to get Gold and consistently finding people that make very bad decisions that you most probably can't make up for.
and you also build bad on certain champions.
((i read your lolking and saw that you built a Seraph's Embrace on Malzahar
WTF i feed every other game but that doesn't mean im intentionally feeding it just means im having a bad day.
Can't carry feeders?. Keep in mind This hashinshin person is diamond 1 and he doesn't feed on purpose, even though he died a lot this game he still won the game.
I fell into a slump and dropped to platinum 5 but there is no way you can fall into a slump like this and
drop to Gold 5 at 0 lp if you really don't have the skills of a platinum 5 player.