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Why don't the gods at Riot Games want me to get...

Creator: Thalia Kael September 5, 2013 5:20pm

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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 6:34am | Report
because they looked at your builds and died laughing
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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 6:53am | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

I agree with Vyn, especially that since you'd see you be in a pickle. I probably wouldn't have gone for Sheen if things were so bad and would have gone for a Spectre's Cowl.

Either way, "if you are losing because of your team, its you that aren't carrying hard enough" is a flawed logic, unless you actually can 1v5 everyone while taking turrets and baron. It is a game where numbers count heavily so every mistake weights on everyone, be it someone got CS or losing a teamfight. Sometimes is simply impossible to carry, no matter how good you are.

1. I would've gone for triforce and GA afterwards. Triforce is best for irelia atm and GA is good when you are the main threat.

2. Yes, there are always games that are impossible to carry, but there are also games in which it isn't. If you just play consistently at a higher level than your current elo, you WILL climb. If you can't play well consistently, you don't deserve to get higher.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 7:22am | Report
I just played a duo with Meiyjhe where we had a Platinum smurf Riven mid. Literally won us the game in 9 minutes solo. I think we had inhibitor at 12 minutes. I think it helped that I was doing a Silver version Trick2g Nunu & Willump, keeping their jungle Udyr suppressed early game. The Udyr picked up a few shutdowns on our team, so he started to be a bit of an annoyance but there was just no way they could deal with the constant super minion pressure down midlane and the follow up pushing from side lanes.

I mean, I made a few ganks top and bot, so we literally dominated every single lane, but the way the Riven was playing was on a completely different level to everyone else there.

Free dragons, free 16 min baron, end game. The pressure she put on the opponent was immense.
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 7:28am | Report
sirell wrote:

I just played a duo with Meiyjhe where we had a Platinum smurf Riven mid. Literally won us the game in 9 minutes solo. I think we had inhibitor at 12 minutes. I think it helped that I was doing a Silver version Trick2g Nunu & Willump, keeping their jungle Udyr suppressed early game. The Udyr picked up a few shutdowns on our team, so he started to be a bit of an annoyance but there was just no way they could deal with the constant super minion pressure down midlane and the follow up pushing from side lanes.

I mean, I made a few ganks top and bot, so we literally dominated every single lane, but the way the Riven was playing was on a completely different level to everyone else there.

Free dragons, free 16 min baron, end game. The pressure she put on the opponent was immense.

And don't forget we had an amazing Vladimir top, can't remember his name though.

Change is gooooood
Picture by: Janitsudude

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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 7:32am | Report
Yeah, he went balls deep and fed Ahri a kill though.

But seriously. That 2/8/5 Ahri buying a Mejai's Soulstealer, lol.
For utter hilarity, click >>here<<!

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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 7:50am | Report
it's the meta.

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Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 12:30pm | Report
sirell wrote:

I just played a duo with Meiyjhe where we had a Platinum smurf Riven mid. Literally won us the game in 9 minutes solo. I think we had inhibitor at 12 minutes. I think it helped that I was doing a Silver version Trick2g Nunu & Willump, keeping their jungle Udyr suppressed early game. The Udyr picked up a few shutdowns on our team, so he started to be a bit of an annoyance but there was just no way they could deal with the constant super minion pressure down midlane and the follow up pushing from side lanes.

I mean, I made a few ganks top and bot, so we literally dominated every single lane, but the way the Riven was playing was on a completely different level to everyone else there.

Free dragons, free 16 min baron, end game. The pressure she put on the opponent was immense.

Yeah but every lane dominated. What if your top dominated but their top and bot dominated just as much? And I'm not saying I'm god, I'm saying that I would probably make it to plat if in every game everybody was on the same skill level and not getting afks and trolls.

And I posted the first game because we had a player that downright trolled and intentionally fed and this makes it harder to climb. And I posted the second one because I get blamed by the Vayne for our loss and to show how it's not even rare that I get ******s on my team, it happened twice in a row.

Yeah the Irelia game my build was bad but I haven't played Irelia that much, especially not in mid. I guess not getting defense right away was a bad choice. It would in no way change the outcome of the game, but it was a mistake.
As for my Veigar build I don't play him much either but I don't see any problem because it allowed me to have over 1100 AP, increasing my damage to turrets and my damage from my spells. I don't think I needed a GA or extra defense because the only time I died where my death made a real impact was in a situation where I would have still died if I had built full tank.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 12:40pm | Report

And I posted the first game because we had a player that downright trolled and intentionally fed and this makes it harder to climb. And I posted the second one because I get blamed by the Vayne for our loss and to show how it's not even rare that I get ******s on my team, it happened twice in a row.

Have you considered the possibility that you lower the morale of your team?

If people are already demotivated to start a game due to the chat (or w/e) in the champion select, they are likely to play bad, and sometimes on purpose. It is possible that you might say something that others may find demeaning or hurtful, making them annoyed and demotivated.

I mean, I myself barely ever get trolls or AFK'ers, except on those bad days, when I am just pissed. My pissedness spreads over quickly to the rest of the team (since I am a talker) and then, well, I get the same problems as you do right now. On all the other days however, I stay motivated and try to keep my team motivated aswell. This makes the LoL experience more enjoyable for myself and for my team, and my team will also likely do more their best because they enjoy it.

So far, I have seen some comments you had on your team during certain end-game screens, and I must say that most of the time they weren't very positive. Maybe if you were to try to keep the morale of your team (or even get it higher), you will have less leavers and trolls in your games.

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Change is gooooood
Picture by: Janitsudude

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Feb 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 1:46pm | Report
Because your builds are terrible.
You probably make plenty of mistakes in game, be it not taking opportunities that a better player would. Perhaps its noticing an invade, perhaps its noticing the way one of the enemy team plays that you can exploit. Either way, getting teams where someone ****s you over continues all the way to plat 1 and probably beyond.

And Swain >>>>> Veigar.
That swain build makes me want to cry X_x
Thalia Kael
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 6, 2013 2:23pm | Report
w/e Swain was an easy time in lane and throughout the game, he's probably just bad (he rushed sunfire when the only person dealing damage on our team was me)

And can someone explain to me why the Veigar build is bad instead of just saying that it's bad

And here is the next ranked game I played :

Here in this wonderful game we have a combination of an AFK Amumu and a feeding botlane despite my camping of their lane (hence my pitiful farm)

Jayce was a good player, this was another stupid loss, not much else to say.

It sends shivers down my spine that a Nasus that rushed Chalice vs a Jayce and then started to build a BotRK when none of us have any real health items won a game.

EDIT : If you're going say my Fizz build is bad at least include an explanation please
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures

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