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MOBAFire Season 10 Guide Contest Winners!

Creator: Hades4u January 21, 2020 9:07am
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<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 9:07am | Report

It's time to announce the winners of our Season 10 Guide Contest! There were a lot of fantastic guides that qualified for this contest, but we could only pick three to win in each category. Check out the honorable mentions in each section for more great guides!

Contest Prizes
As a quick reminder, all winners of this contest will receive equal prizing. The winners of any category will receive $200 cash prize! Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code.

We’ll be sending out emails to all the winners shortly asking for your PayPal information or prizing alternative. The most common alternatives are RP Codes and Steam Wallets.

In addition to the prizes above, the authors of the winning guides for each category will receive a unique badge for their profile. The badge will be linked to their guide so that anyone can easily check out their awesome guide with just one click!

Winners will also receive a title that goes along with their badge! Keep in mind that the badges and titles may take a little while to show up, so be patient!

Judge: I Am Goliath

Updated Guide

Nature Strikes Back! Maokai Top, Jungle & Support S10
Author: Silverman43

Silverman is back again with his ambitious multi-role Maokai guide. Writing a multi-role guide is extra challenging, since you need to satisfy readers looking for information for each individual role. Despite this extra layer of difficulty, Silverman goes above and beyond to deliver a truly comprehensive look at Maokai. The guide is also easy to read and pleasant to browse due to the solid use of graphics and coding throughout.

New Guide

[10.1] (S10) Real's COMPLETE Darius Guide (All Match Ups)
Author: LoLReal

If there's one top laner where it's essential to master the laning phase, it's definitely Darius. As a powerful lane bully and potentially unstoppable snowballing machine, the key to success on this champion is to learn lane matchups and punish your opponents for even the smallest of mistakes. Luckily, LoLReal includes just about every conceivable matchup that you'll run into in the top lane, along with well-written tips on how to defeat each lane opponent. Definitely check this guide out if you want to win lane to win game.

Wild Card

[TOP/SUPPORT] An Iron Will Must be Forged | Ornn Guide
Author: WaffleMage15

This is an extremely in-depth and well organized guide for Ornn, including information on both top lane and support. The amount of care put into this guide makes it obvious that the author is a dedicated Ornn player with a real passion for the champion. As expected of an Ornn main, lots of details are well fleshed out, including a huge list of ideal Masterwork items for every possible teammate. The matchups section of this guide is especially well done.

Ready to Reap
Judge: PsiGuard

Updated Guide

Fear My Sting - Jungle Skarner [10.1]
Author: Maintained

Maintained still maintains two of the best jungle guides on the site. This guide builds on his first work (a Hecarim guide) with equally quality content, but even better formatting. All viable Skarner builds are covered, from speedy tanky engager to brawling juggernaut. In addition to the varied and well presented build information, this is also a terrific guide for players learning to master the jungle role, as Maintained breaks down a ton of general concepts that will help any player improve their consistency in the jungle.

New Guide

[10.1] Jax Jungle | FalleN3's Guide to Jax Jungle
Author: FalleN3

Jax jungle is one of the hardest-scaling champions available in the role and also one of the best duelists. This makes him a fantastic pick in low to mid elo, where you can gain huge gold advantages by punishing mistakes of enemy players and farming efficiently. FalleN3's Jax guide gives you all the tools you need to master Jax's build, mechanics and gameplay to start building those huge leads and dominating fights with brute force. If you're looking for a jungle champion who can farm, gank, duel and carry fights, give this guide a look and try Jax out for yourself!

Wild Card

✔️ How to smash Rocks
Author: Fruxo

This guide feels really unique, as it uses some classic coding techniques with a bit of a spin on them to make them feel fresher. Because of this, it's pretty fun to read or browse through despite its massive size. Fruxo has put a lot of time and effort into making this guide great, and it shows. In addition to the wealth of information on Vi available in this guide, Fruxo also adds in some general info about jungle camps and objectives, making it a great resource for players new to the game or the jungle role. It still has plenty to offer to veteran players too, of course. :P

You're Out of Your League
Judge: Yeager

Updated Guide

A Lissandra guide | Feel the power of true ice!
Author: Katasandra

I feel completely confident in saying this is one of the best guides on the site. The amount of effort put into both the information content, the formatting and visual flair is just on another level. If you as a reader can fully absorb the information in this guide and put the author's advice into practice, you're practically guaranteed to climb to a solid rank. There's just so much valuable information and tips that even seasoned veterans can learn from that this guide is required reading for anyone who plays mid lane or any guide author who wants to make their guide the best it can be. If you're a Lissandra player, you'll benefit from the super high quality matchups section, with recommended runes and tips to beat all your lane opponents.

New Guide

Author: snu***z

This guide covers all the strongest Vel'Koz builds and playstyles, as well as offering essential information like how to properly combo abilities, how to play the laning phase and how to crush team fights. The author also includes links to videos of various high elo Vel'Koz games to showcase how to handle different matchups. Definitely check this one out if you're looking to pick up Vel'Koz mid; you won't be disappointed.

Wild Card

It Ain't Luck, it's Destiny - A Guide to AP Twisted Fate
Author: Stinger7480

Twisted Fate is a difficult champion to master, despite having a fairly simple kit. To be a great TF player, you absolutely MUST understand core concepts like wave management, splitpushing and when to roam. This guide covers all of these essential topics perfectly, along with a solid command of BBCode and supporting visuals to keep readers engaged in the information. Overall this is a well written and presented guide that's perfect for players looking to pick up Twisted Fate and dominate the map.

You're Outgunned
Judge: Vicious Skittle

Updated Guide

Vapora Dark In-Depth ADC Tristana Guide Season 10
Author: Vapora Dark

To call Vapora Dark a prolific author would be an understatement. He's covered an incredible array of champions with detailed guides, but his Tristana guide is one of the best of all. For season 10, Vapora pulled out all the stops to update and improve this guide and make it one of the best resources for all ADC players, especially those interested in Tristana. Few authors can deliver such a strong experience to improve a reader's aptitude at an entire role, but Vapora proves he has what it takes to be one of the best authors on the site.

New Guide

[10.1] Retribution Approaches | Kalista
Author: qasddsa

For a new creation, qasddsa hits all the right marks to be one of the best guides on the site. It's well put together, looks good, has a plethora of relevant information and is backed by a skilled player. Kalista is a fairly unpopular champion at the moment, so It's even more important for authors like qasddsa to keep people updated on the best builds and informed on the proper way to make the most out of her. Definitely check out the gifs in the later gameplay sections for some great demonstrations of Kalista mechanics.

Wild Card

[10.1] Emiru - Jinx to Diamond Guide
Author: Emiru

Emiru is a great ADC player who understands the matchups of her champion pool better than most. She puts this knowledge to good use with her extensive matchups section in this guide, which covers pretty much every champion you're likely to encounter in the bot lane. As the laning phase is one of Jinx's biggest weaknesses, mastering matchups is a great way to improve your win rate and start snowballing to victory in more of your games.

I'll Get Us Through This
Judge: Jovy

Updated Guide

[S10] Surf's Up! - Taric Support Guide
Author: L3gislacerator

I'm running out of ways to praise this guide. L3gislacerator constantly shows up in guide features and guide contest posts because he consistently updates and improves his guide as the game changes over time. This is one of the best-looking and best-written guides on the site, and it has been for quite a while. Few authors can masterfully execute all the fundamentals of great guide writing while simultaneously injecting a fun writing style. Both the visuals and the writing itself engage readers all the way through the guide. This is a great example of superb guide writing and a boon to Taric players everywhere.

New Guide

[10.1] Weather Queen | D1 Janna Guide for Climbing ELO
Author: PicklePantsLOL

It's always great to see a brand new guide released that instantly competes with the best guides on the site. Janna players should be excited to have a fantastic new resource from PicklePants. The stunning visuals and breadth and depth of information are incredibly impressive for such a fresh guide, as many guides can take years to reach this level of quality. Definitely check out the matchups section for a number of useful tips for counterplaying each support you'll encounter in lane.

Wild Card

Embrace The Ethereal
Author: Sleepininthegarden

This is one of those guides that you know the author takes seriously as soon as you open it. The sheer volume of content across a huge amount of topics is impressive enough, but the coding and graphics take the guide to another level. This must be one of the most time-consuming projects of every guide in this post and the results are at times breathtaking. Terrific visuals aside, this is also a guide that serves players of all skill levels and doesn't leave new players behind. The information covered ranges from League of Legends fundamentals, to Lux-specific tips, and even to advanced League concepts that all the best players must master to excel at a high level. Even if you don't play Lux, just open this guide and scroll through to appreciate the amount of work and polish that went into this masterpiece.

You May Now Appreciate Me
Judge: Hoppermh

Updated Guide

[En-US|Pt-BR] Art should terrify! In-Depth Jhin guide
Author: KuuHaKu_OtgmZ

KuuHaKu demonstrates a tremendous amount of dedication by painstakingly coding this massive guide, which is basically two guides in one! The first half of the guide is in English, while the second half is in Portuguese! Despite this massive undertaking, KuuHaKu still found the time to code every section of the guide beautifully, even utilizing a consistent theme across all of his chapters. Even something as simple as adding colored borders around certain icons and embedded videos really adds to the overall cohesiveness of this guide.

New Guide

TGS Guide to Aphelios | Match-Ups, Combos, and More!
Author: The Gaming Stadium

This is a new guide for one of League's newest champions: Aphelios! While this guide is on the shorter side, there's definitely a visible level of care taken in each chapter to present information in a clearly organized and visually pleasing way. As Aphelios is arguably the most complicated champion released to date, it's really valuable to have visual reference points throughout the guide to help break up the text and make it easier for readers to absorb.

Wild Card

Ashes to Ashes
Author: jhoijhoi

As the author of the famous Making a Guide guide, it should come as no surprise that jhoijhoi is quite a capable code-smith. Throughout this guide, you'll find neat little visual treats related to Ashe and her skins, while the content of the guide is expertly handled to smooth out the reading experience. Despite the impressive length of this guide, it never feels like a chore to read, partly due to the clear organization of text, and partly due to the way jhoijhoi changes up the formatting just a little so the aesthetics never get stale.

Believe In Our Future
Judge: PsiGuard

Updated Guide

❄️ Xin Zhaofend / To The Arena [10.1] [Season 10] ❄️
Author: Ir.Defender

Xin Zhao is a fairly simple champion with a flexible build path, allowing him to be played in several different playstyles. Whether you're focusing on reliable tankiness and engage, or gambling on a higher damage build to carry through skirmishes and duels, you'll find what you need in this guide. The author includes a number of early jungle routes to help get you snowballing as quickly as possible, as well as a useful breakdown of a number of common junglers so you know what to expect from them and what your goals should be to beat them in pressure. If you want to try a simple, but effective early game jungler, give this guide a shot.

New Guide

[10.1] Galio Wanna Smash (Mid/Support)
Author: TheBlueImperial

It's clear this guide is the result of hours upon hours of hard work. The runes section is detailed and well-explained, and it only gets better as you get further into the guide. One of the most important aspect of playing Galio well is his combos, and TheBlueImperial wisely demonstrates them with videos so any reader can easily see and understand how the champion works. The guide also includes useful matchup information, as well as tips geared towards defeating both ranged and melee matchups.

Wild Card

Trundle: The Troll King
Author: CptTeemoOnDuty

This guide covers the necessary information to play Trundle in either the top lane or the jungle role. Top lane Trundle players will especially benefit from the detailed matchups section with evaluations, quick tips and breakdowns for a variety of champions you'll see in the top lane. Overall this is a solid guide with good presentation and is enough to get you started on the champion.

General Guides
Judge: PsiGuard

Updated Guide

A Table Coding Guide
Author: Katasandra

Katasandra's Lissandra guide should be clear enough evidence that she's mastered using BBCode, especially tables. If you want to build up your knowledge and develop your coding skills to that level of mastery, this is the perfect resource to learn from. With this tables guide, nothing is stopping you from bringing your guide's visuals up to the level of some of the best on the site. Though we usually try to get unique authors for each category, the small amount of General guide submissions forced us to bend the rules a bit to get the third General winner in, so Katasandra gets to win two categories for this contest.

New Guide

League of Legends Etiquette
Author: Tauricus2017

This is a rather unique and new guide covering League of Legends Etiquette, or in other words, how to behave as a League player. For players new to the game, or those who may struggle with mentality, this is a good tool to use to improve your relationship with random players you encounter in matchmaking. As simple as some of these tips may sound, they're a super reliable way to tilt less and enjoy the game more, whether you're grinding solo queue or just playing normals for fun.

Wild Card

📜A Short Detailed Guide to TFT 2📜
Author: Sovereign Kitten

This is probably the best TFT on the site. Players new to TFT, or those looking to better understand the game's mechanics and develop consistent strategies, should give it a read before they queue up for their next game. Teamfight Tactics is a game about knowledge, strategy and adaptation, so a proper understanding of the game is essential for success. Since you don't need mechanics to win games of TFT, the only thing between you and the best TFT players is the knowledge and wisdom to make the right choices at the right times. If you haven't played TFT yet, give this guide a read and then give the game a shot!

Thanks to all the authors for writing all these awesome guides, and to the judges for spending the time to go through a ton of candidates. I hope everyone enjoyed the contest and may these guides help you with your ranked journey this season.

If you are a winner you will be contacted this week via email to coordinate prizing.

Our judges helped with going through all the guides that qualified for each category, to help us pick out the best of the best. Thanks to all our judges for helping make this contest possible!

I Am Goliath

Judged: Unbreakable

Judged: Ready to Reap, Believe In Our Future, General Guides

Judged: You're Out of Your League
Vicious Skittle

Judged: You're Outgunned

Judged: I'll Get Us Through This

Judged: You May Now Appreciate Me
All judges will receive a special badge as thanks for helping out with this year's contest. Give these dedicated folks a hand (or a +Rep or something)! :)
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 9:14am | Report
Now this is an unexpected turn of events.

Congratulations to everyone that won, beautiful guides as always! Let's hope the next contest will be as amazing as this one! <3
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 9:40am | Report
I am once again jumping up and down from excitement, can't believe I actually won twice!
Congratulations to all other authors that won! It's always amazing to see what others create, good job everyone!

Also props to the judges! I know that some of these guides are really really really long, so huge thanks to them!
Ir.Defender's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 9:45am | Report
no i can't .. it must be a dream ..
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 9:48am | Report
no i can't .. it must be a dream ..

Haha sike! It is not a dream!
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
CptTeemoOnDuty's Forum Avatar
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Aug 31st, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 10:09am | Report
After participating and getting honorable mentions finally won yay :3
TheBlueImperial's Forum Avatar
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May 26th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 10:16am | Report
Holy mother of Petricite >_> This has honestly made me so happy, I'm going to have a smile glued to my face for sometime :D

Congratulations to all the other winners, so many awesome guides!
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 10:27am | Report
After participating and getting honorable mentions finally won yay :3
Holy mother of Petricite >_> This has honestly made me so happy, I'm going to have a smile glued to my face for sometime :D

Congratulations to all the other winners, so many awesome guides!

Congratulations to the two of you! :P
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Ir.Defender's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 10:27am | Report
ah i almost forgot.
Congratulations to all the winners, you all did a great job guys <3
Bouhhsolene's Forum Avatar
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Mar 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2020 10:35am | Report
Congratulations everyone !!!
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