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It's time for the 2025 Season 1 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $3,750 prize pool. 🏆
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MOBAFire Midseason 10 Guide Contest Winners!

Creator: Hades4u August 25, 2020 5:58am
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<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 5:58am | Report

It's time to announce the winners of our Midseason 10 Guide Contest! There were a lot of fantastic guides that qualified for this contest, but we could only pick up to three winners in each category. Check out the honorable mentions in each section for more great guides!

Contest Prizes
As a quick reminder, all winners of this contest will receive equal prizing. The winners of any category will receive $200 cash prize! Honorable mentions will receive a $50 RP Code.

We’ll be sending out emails to all the winners shortly asking for your PayPal information or prizing alternative. The most common alternatives are RP Codes and Steam Wallets.

In addition to the prizes above, the authors of the winning guides for each category will receive a unique badge for their profile. The badge will be linked to their guide so that anyone can easily check out their awesome guide with just one click!

Winners will also receive a title that goes along with their badge! Keep in mind that the badges and titles may take a little while to show up, so be patient!

Judge: I Am Goliath

Updated Guide

[Top/Mid/Support] Transcend Imperfection | Kayle
Author: qasddsa

A veteran author whose name you probably cannot pronounce, qasddsa impresses us this contest with a stellar guide for Kayle, The Righteous! With more written characters than words in the English language (over 220.000!), qasddsa covers everything you need to know in order to fully master Kayle in any role that suits your play style. Make sure to give it a thorough read, as every chapter has valuable information that could greatly increase your win rate with Kayle! :)

New Guide

[10.16] The TOXIC Doctor | a Diamond Dr Mundo Guide
Author: wallobear53

Nothing is better than finding gems like this guide from new authors. Wallobear53 has been with us only since July and he's already managed to create a masterpiece of a guide for the one and only, Dr. Mundo! Multiple builds to follow, great insight into summoner spells, runes, abilities and many more, plus beautiful formatting, GIFs, and banners with Mundo quotes. All of these together make for a very pleasing and informative read. Great job and we're happy to have you here!

Wild Card

Author: Sovereign Kitten

Whenever you step into Teemo's pesky little mushrooms, you can be sure Sovereign Kitten is partially to blame! This legendary guide has been the stepping stone for many skilled Teemo mains, and it might be the best resource for The Swift Scout available anywhere in the League world. Whether you're a Teemo fan or not, this guide has so much useful information that you can use to either master Teemo, or to counter him and his rage-inducing blowpipe!

Judge: PsiGuard

Updated Guide

Fear My Sting - Jungle Skarner [10.16]
Author: Maintained

Maintained still maintains two of the best jungle guides on the site. This guide builds on his first work (a Hecarim guide) with equally quality content, but even better formatting. All viable Skarner builds are covered, from speedy tanky engager to brawling juggernaut. In addition to the varied and well presented build information, this is also a terrific guide for players learning to master the jungle role, as Maintained breaks down a ton of general concepts that will help any player improve their consistency in the jungle.

New Guide

[10.16] Foxdrop's In-Depth Volibear Jungle Guide
Author: foxdrop

Familiar to many, foxdrop recently joined our community and created this wonderful guide for Volibear! With advanced tips on any topic that you could be looking for, this guide will surely satisfy all your questions and curiosities about the stormy bear. To make the guide easier to comprehend, foxdrop has represented some parts of the guide with different images and drawings for visualization while reading his tips. Check it out and let him know what you think! :)

Wild Card

r/KhaZixMains COMPLETE Guide to Kha'Zix
Author: KhaZix Mains

This guide is proof that multiple players working together to create guides can result in amazing and next level resources for all players to benefit from. Being one of the most comprehensive guides on the site, we can imagine how much time, effort and passion was put into the creation and development of this guide. If you plan to learn Kha'Zix, this guide is a must read, and if you ever have any curiosities, its authors will be happy to help!

Judge: Yeager

Updated Guide

A Lissandra guide | Feel the power of true ice!
Author: Katasandra

It's been a while since this guide won the previous contest, and we couldn't figure out how this guide could be more perfect. Katasandra managed to find a way to increase its perfection to a totally new level, continuing to be one of the best authors and probably the most skilled BBCoder of our community. With information about anything that you could ask for when practicing Lissandra, this guide will give you a complete overview of what you need to know and learn in order to fully master The Ice Witch!

New Guide

One Stone At A Time! Taliyah S10 [All Roles!]
Author: Silverman43

Covering literally every role, Silverman43's guide will definitely help you excel at Taliyah in no time! So much knowledge is not easy to fully absorb, but thanks to the author's tidy formatting and writing skills, you will have the best time going through the guide. Make sure to take your time though, there's much to learn! ;)

Wild Card

[10.16B: Mid] Light 'Em Up (I'm on fiyaa): Luxeøn Style!
Author: LuxTheGreyWarden

When a player dedicates their username to a champion, you know they're truly invested. LuxTheGreyWarden's guides for Lux (yes, guides) have held their spots in the top since they were first published about two years ago, and rightfully so! The chosen guide that won this time is focusing on the mid role, so if you're a fan of Lux or simply playing mid, you have a lot to learn from this guide. If you prefer a more supportive approach, LuxTheGreyWarden's second Lux guide focuses on the support role instead. Reading them is worth every minute!

Judge: Vicious Skittle

Updated Guide

[10.17] IKeepItTaco's GrandMaster Jhin Guide
Author: IKeepItTaco

The most complex guide on our website with almost half a million written characters. A true compendium for Jhin, all beautifully formatted and put together by IKeepItTaco! The guide has been created a few months ago and it has quickly risen to the top as the best Jhin guide of our community, and dare I say the best existing one. Make sure to give it a shot for the most comprehensive guide reading experience you will ever see!

New Guide

[10.16] In pace,ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello! |QUINN BOT
Author: berronii

Berronii has managed to create a solid guide that can teach anyone to properly play Quinn after a quick read. With concise chapters covering everything essential from abilities and itemization to warding and game phases, this guide will be an informative read for all players interested in mastering Quinn!

Wild Card

Vapora Dark In-Depth ADC Tristana Guide Season 10
Author: Vapora Dark

To call Vapora Dark a prolific author would be an understatement. He's covered an incredible array of champions with detailed guides, but his Tristana guide is one of the best of all. For season 10, Vapora pulled out all the stops to update and improve this guide and make it one of the best resources for all ADC players, especially those interested in Tristana. Few authors can deliver such a strong experience to improve a reader's aptitude at an entire role, but Vapora proves he has what it takes to be one of the best authors on the site.

Judge: Jovy

Updated Guide

[S10] Surf's Up! - Taric Support Guide
Author: L3gislacerator

L3gislacerator's superb Taric guide has been around for two years now and it remains a masterclass in writing, content and presentation. The fact that this guide has remained at the top for this long is a testament to the author's unwavering loyalty and devotion to Taric.

New Guide

[10.17] Nami, the Fish (ex-Top 85 EUW) | Diamond 1 Guide
Author: PicklePantsLOL

PicklePantsLOL's newly-published Nami guide is just what you'd expect from an author of this calibre. Although the whole guide is quite remarkable, the highlights are probably its clean presentation, which makes the guide easy to read and process, and its crystal-clear and insightful content.

Wild Card

[10.17] Everything You Need to Know About Sett Support
Author: Guoblide

"Everything You Need to Know About Sett Support" is a perfectly apt name for this giant of a guide. Guobilde includes several different build options, with an in-depth look into which runes and items work best on Sett, along with a library of knowledge on Sett's abilities, combos, match-ups, synergies and more. If you've ever wanted to try Sett out, this guide is your one-stop-shop.

Judge: All Judges

Best Guide

Smurfing in Elo Hell - Alistar S10 Guide
Author: very hot

The author's username describes the quality of their guide. A new face on the community that already managed to impress us with his guide creation skills, always a pleasure surprise! This guide is not as fancy as others you might find above, but its information is top-notch and it's written in a pleasing way, making it a fun guide to read.

Off-Meta Guides
Judge: Aqua Dragon

Best Guide

<New Meta>
Empress of the 8-Bit Jungle
Author: Sleepininthegarden

Time to think outside the box and break the meta with this Qiyana guide by Sleepininthegarden! If you're looking for a different style of play to spice up for Qiyana game play, this guide will b perfect for you. It covers all the relevant information on what you need to know in order to masterfully play Qiyana in the Jungle role!

Judge: Hoppermh

Best Guide

[En-US|Pt-BR] Art should terrify! In-Depth Jhin Guide
Author: KuuHaKu_OtgmZ

KuuHaKu demonstrates a tremendous amount of dedication by painstakingly coding this massive guide, which is basically two guides in one! The first half of the guide is in English, while the second half is in Portuguese! Despite this massive undertaking, KuuHaKu still found the time to code every section of the guide beautifully, even utilizing a consistent theme across all of his chapters. Even something as simple as adding colored borders around certain icons and embedded videos really adds to the overall cohesiveness of this guide.

Thanks to all the authors for writing all these awesome guides, and to the judges for spending the time to go through thousands of candidates. I hope everyone enjoyed the contest and may these guides help you with your ranked journey this season!

If you are a winner you will be contacted this week via email to coordinate prizing, check your email!

Special Awards
Thousands of guides were created and updated during the contest period and it was tough picking the best of the best. We cannot reward all the authors, but we would like to show our appreciation and admiration for some top-shelf creators that have amazing potential to become even better and win next contest. Make sure to check out their guides and give show them some love for their amazing work! :)

Think Beyond One Lifetime
<Clarity Award>

Dust em, Pix! | In-Depth Lulu Support Guide
<Complexity Award>

Pyke's Bible - Executing enemies like fish
<Versatility Award>

I Can Never Resist An Invitation To Climb
<Fluff Award>
These awards have been granted for the following qualities:

  • Clarity - how newcomer friendly and easy to understand the guide is;

  • Complexity - how many topics are covered in the guide and the depth of information;

  • Versatility - how many possible builds, roles and styles of play are explained in the guide;

  • Fluff - how funny and pleasing the guide is to read thanks to good writing, jokes, memes and puns;
They will receive this shiny award that will allow everyone to find out about their amazing guides. Make sure to give them a read and some nice comments for their work! :)

Our judges helped with going through all the guides that qualified for each category, to help us pick out the best of the best. Thanks to all our judges for helping make this contest possible!

I Am Goliath
Vicious Skittle
Aqua Dragon
All judges will receive a special badge as thanks for helping out with this year's contest. Give these dedicated folks a hand (or a +Rep or something)! :)
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:01am | Report
Congratulations to everyone who won the contest!

So many gorgeous guides out there, keep up the good work! <3
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Yeager's Forum Avatar
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Mar 8th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:02am | Report
freddy66623's Forum Avatar
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Apr 21st, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:05am | Report
Hot damn! I was sure @ Yeager's Yone guide would be in there! GG WP :p better luck next time.
<Lissandra Master>
Katasandra's Forum Avatar
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Aug 27th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:07am | Report
Congratz to all the winners! Really happy to see these guides & authors, they deserve it!
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:08am | Report
Hot damn! I was sure @ Yeager's Yone guide would be in there! GG WP :p better luck next time.

Yeager was a judge this contest and judges can't win any prizes. :) @ freddy66623
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
<Versatility Master>
Silverman43's Forum Avatar
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Nov 11th, 2017
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:10am | Report
So happy and proud to have won again!
A huge congratulations to all the winners! Keep up the good work!

Thanks to @ Jovy for the signature!
TXK_'s Forum Avatar
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Jul 14th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:29am | Report
A moderator won?! Did someone say rigged? Kidding all guides are great and well made, congrats!
Cuddly Kitten
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Jul 25th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:33am | Report
Congrats to everyone who won! I'm really happy to have a special award and I'm definitely looking forward to spending more time on mobafire, it's such an amazing platform! <3
🌸 Moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to 🌸
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2020 6:45am | Report
TXK_ wrote:
A moderator won?! Did someone say rigged? Kidding all guides are great and well made, congrats!

Moderators are not a part of the contest judges or admins so they are still allowed to participate just like everyone else. :)
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
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