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Aphelios Build Guide by The Gaming Stadium

ADC TGS Guide to Aphelios | Match-Ups, Combos, and More!

ADC TGS Guide to Aphelios | Match-Ups, Combos, and More!

Updated on March 14, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Gaming Stadium Build Guide By The Gaming Stadium 47 3 117,070 Views 1 Comments
47 3 117,070 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Gaming Stadium Aphelios Build Guide By The Gaming Stadium Updated on March 14, 2020
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Bloodline
Coup de Grace

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Bot/Mid Aphelios
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order Passive Stats


Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

TGS Guide to Aphelios | Match-Ups, Combos, and More!

By The Gaming Stadium
Hi friends!

I'm Muse, and I'm one of the lead content creators at The Gaming Stadium. I'm here to bring you our guide on the newest champion, Aphelios!

As soon as Aphelios was released on the PBE, I was hooked. The initial complexity of his weapons, his fantastic lore, and high skill-ceiling were very appealing to me. I've made it my own personal mission to one-trick him for the rest of my League of Legends career.

If you're interested in reading the initial blog post, or want to check out The Gaming Stadium, check out our website here!

As more information about Aphelios is released, I will be updating it here. As of today, December 28th, this is what I feel to be his best build path/runes/match-ups/etc.
Aphelios is a Marksman with five (5) different weapons. These weapons are a sniper rifle ( Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle) , a scythe pistol with built-in sustain ( Severum, the Scythe Pistol) , a utility cannon ( Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon) , an AoE/waveclear flamethrower ( Infernum, the Flamethrower) , and a close-range DPS boomerang ( Crescendum, the Chakram) . Each weapon has a unique auto-attack interaction, which can be present even when that weapon is in the off-hand spot.

In addition, each weapon also has it's own individual active ability. These abilities have built-in synergies with it's other weapons, and each Q's cool down is independent from each other. This means that you can Q with one ability, then swap weapons (W) and activate your Q again.


+ Fun to play
+ High skill-cap, perfect for one-tricking
+ Insane damage output
+ Great dueling
+ Weapons provide built-in range, sustain, CC, etc.
+ Fantastic champion theme!

I genuinely haven't been this excited about a champion since Xayah and Rakan were released. Everything from his lore to his kit to his combos was immediately fascinating to me. He's satisfying to learn, and even more satisfying when you've begun to master his weapons and overall kit. Knowing combos and when to swap weapons/Q timers >>> spamming buttons.

- Low mobility
- Squishy
- Big learning curve
- Highly dependent on combos and positioning.
- Takes ~10 minutes to begin to understand what he does.

As Aphelios, you will naturally have games where you go 20/4, and others where your computer is stuck on a grey screen. Aphelios can feel really bad when you're behind, and it relies on your own skills as an ADC to come back. Fortunately, he will continue to pump out damage even when he's behind, so you won't feel too bad at the end.
Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle: This is your key to poke out your opponents, both early and late game. Equipping Calibrum gives you +100 range and gives you access to Moonlight. Calibrum feels especially nice when you are running the Press the Attack rune.
Moonshot (Q): This Q is the new-and-improved Caitlyn trap. Moonlight is a thin skill shot that, when hit by an enemy champion, marks them. You can right-click the marked champion from any range to get an additional hit on them with your off-hand weapon. For example: I hit an enemy with my Moonlight (Q), and I right-click on my marked enemy to damage them with my Severum scythe. That second attack grants me a bit of life steal from that attack.

Severum, the Scythe Pistol: The scythe pistol is your key to surviving lane and close-quarter duels. Your auto attacks heal for 11% of damage dealt, and can over-heal into a small shield that lasts 30 seconds.
Onslaught (Q): You gain 20% movement speed and attack the closest enemy with both weapons for 1.75 seconds. The effects of the off-hand weapon will activate during this time, such as a mark with your off-handed Calibrum. 

Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon: If you're unable to get some form of CC from your support or teammates, this is your new best friend. Similar to Moonlight's mark, as long as an enemy is marked by Gravitum's orbs, you can activate it outside your normal range. Auto-attacks will apply a decaying slow towards marked enemies, and this mark will apply when this weapon is in the off-hand during another weapon's Q.
Binding Eclipse (Q): This is the only active Q that does not use its off-handed weapon's ability. Instead, the active roots all enemies currently slowed by Gravitum. Eclipse is great in stopping and setting up ganks, as well as a reliable source of peel and control. Weapons like Runaans Hurricane apply Gravitum's slow to its multiple targets.

Infernum, the Flamethrower: You want wave clear? We've got wave clear! All auto-attacks with this weapon will deal damage in a cone behind the targeted enemy. The primary target takes 110% damage, other enemies take 75% damage, and minions take 34% damage (if not targeted). This is fantastic in lane, and in applying constant pressure both in wave clear and in damage spread.
Duskwave (Q): Aphelios hits enemies in a cone, dealing 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (based on level) (+ 80% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP) physical damage and marks them. After a short delay, he'll then attack all marked enemies with a basic attack from his off-hand weapon. 

Crescendum, the Chakram: Crescendum has two different components: an innate quality and an arcing quality.
    For its innate quality, the Crescendum acts as a boomerang-- once you auto attack, the weapon lingers for about 0.25 seconds before returning back to Aphelios. He is unarmed during this time; however, the weapon returns to Aphelios faster the closer he is to his target.

    His arcing quality comes into play while Crescendum is in the off-hand position, or when Crescendum is used in his ultimate. When Aphelios casts an ability that requires to throw this weapon, he'll throw a spectral Chakram instead that returns back to him. He can hold up to 20 of these Chakrams at a time. These Chakrams act as bonus damage to basic attacks made with Crescendum, dealing 30 / X% AD (based on number of Chakrams) bonus physical damage.
Sentry (Q): This Q puts down a turret that auto-attacks in a fixed range with your off-handed weapon. The on-hit effects will apply for its autoattacks. Sentry synergizes well with all of the guns, but does especially well with Calibrum. Sentry should be used to extend the range of your attack.

Aphelios introduces a few new mechanics into the game that are organized within his own custom hud.

1. Aphelios' tool-kit and stat selection.
    Instead of leveling up abilities, you level up stats. Each section (Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Bonus Armour Penetration) can have up to 6 points in each. The first slot gives 4/8/12/16/20/24 attack damage, the second gives 6/12/18/24/30/36% attack speed, and the third gives 3/6/9/12/15/18% bonus armour penetration.
2. Aphelios’ main-hand weapon and its ammo count.
    When you run out of ammo for this specific weapon, the next weapon in-queue (5) will take it's place. In the example above, his sniper rifle Calibrum will be replaced with the slow cannon Gravitum. His off-hand weapon, Severum, will continue to be available so long as it has ammo.
3. Aphelios’ Q ability, which reflects the active ability of his main-hand weapon.
    The weapons and their specific Q abilities will be explained later. For a break-down of it's in-game description, check out the Aphelios Kit Primer.
4. Aphelios’ off-hand weapon and its ammo count.
    Switching from Aphelios' main-hand weapon to his off-hand only has a quick half-second cool down. There is no cool down as to how many times you can switch between weapons. In addition, with an exception for Gravitum, your off-hand weapon will always interact with the Q activation of the main-hand weapon.
5. The next weapon Aphelios will get when one of his current weapon runs out of ammo.
    The order of the guns is the same at the beginning of every game: Calibrum (main-hand), Severum (off-hand), Gravitum, Infernum, and Crescendum. This order will change as the game goes on; as soon as the ammo of one of the weapons is out, it will automatically go to the end of the queued line.
6. Aphelios’ ultimate ability, its cool down, and how many upgrades it has.
    Like his Q, the main-hand weapons have their own unique interactions with his ultimate, Moonlight Vigil. On top of the base AOE damage his ultimate does, the effects of his main-hand weapon will be applied to all champions targeted.
Applies an empowered mark that deals 20 / 45 / 70 (based on level) additional physical damage per mark.
If at least one enemy is hit, Aphelios heals for 200 / 300 / 400 (based on level) health.
Enemies are slowed by 99% for the same duration.
The initial blast deals an additional 50 / 100 / 150 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) physical damage. Attacks splash in a circle instead of a cone. Enemies will take damage from overlapping areas.
3 additional spectral chakrams return to Aphelios from the first enemy hit, for a total of 4, on top of those from other enemies hit.


As Aphelios, you're going to have a harder time against champions that can out-tempo you and lock you down in lane. Stay away from champions like Leona and Braum if you're able to. It's these tanky, CC-heavy champions that will give you the biggest headache in the game. Champs like Kog'Maw and Ashe will also prove difficult if you're not able to win your lane hard.


Aphelios is strong against squishy, low-mobility mage supports such as Soraka and Janna. I would argue that right now, your Aphelios will counter any ADC on the other team provided that you set the tempo for lane. This section may change as more information about ADC match-ups become available; however, passive lane ADCs like Vayne, Varus, and Ezreal should usually be favorable-- if not equal.

For a live update on win-rates and match-ups, check out this site!


Aphelios feels good with a variety of different supports. The most success I've seen have been with champions that buff his damage while helping him sustain in lane ( Yuumi, Nami). Mage supports like Lux and Brand are also great if you're looking to dominate the lane phase and run away with the game. Any champion that can help him peel while providing some CC is always valuable.

tl;dr: Aphelios' counters, and how well he does in lane, is strongly dependent on both team's supports.

Early Game/Laning Phase

The initial order of his weapons were designed to assist Aphelios in the early game. The starting combo of Calibrum and Severum gives him both range to poke as well as life steal to sustain. I cannot stress enough how crucial the support picks are in this situation. Aphelios is very immobile, and he needs to set the tempo of the lane early on.

As for items, start out with your traditional Doran's Blade and Health Potion, and rush for Essence Reaver. This item is necessary for any build path you might take on him because of the AD, Crit, CDR, and passive mana sustain. It's an overall great item, and it's necessary when you begin to optimize his Q. You'll experience his first damage spike with this purchase.

Mid/Late Game

Aphelios, although very strong, is very squishy and very immobile. Your combos will be important (see below), but you positioning is even more important. In fortunate situations, your Aphelios gameplay will have carried you through your laning phase, and your lane domination has set you up in an ideal hyper-carry situation. Other times, it'll feel like you're missing out on a ton of DPS while feeling very vulnerable. In either situation, playing smart and building optimally are your best friends.

Aphelios' extra stat maxing should follow this order: AD > AS> Bonus Armor Penetration.  While this is the most optimal way to max his stats, it's not uncommon to take a point of Bonus Armor Pen when dealing with a very tanky team (especially in the laning phase). Any more than the one before Level 9 may be detrimental to his damage spikes.
Naturally, Aphelios has a lot of weapon combinations. While there are a ton of different combos out in the world, here are a handful of combos that I find to be the best. iiGazeii did a great job of putting together a list of combos on this League forum, so if you’re interested in seeing all the possible combinations, check it out here! Otherwise, here’s some of Aphelios’ strongest weapon combos.

This is the highest damage-output combo you can do. The AOE from Infernum's Q ability will tend to give you the most of Crescendum's bonus Chakras. Swapping from Infernum's Q to auto-attacking at close range with Crescendum + the bonus Chakras gives you an insane amount of damage.

As mentioned before, activating Severum, the Scythe Pistol's Q grants +20% movement speed and unleashes a fury of attacks from both weapons for 1.75 seconds. Every target hit by this Q will also get marked by Calibrum, which grants an additional attack with no range restriction. Utilizing short trades is ideal with this combo, and it will keep you safe with the range from Calibrum as well as the sustain from Severum, the Scythe Pistol.

This is the combo you want to take if you want to run down an opponent without taking any damage (thanks to Severum‘s lifesteal). This is a great combination for dueling your opponents. To add some extra sustain, drop Crescendum‘s Sentry to get some extra life steal before starting off the fight.

Our sole Gravitum combo for this list! This combo is great for setting up engages from a distance. Moonlight applies the Gravitum mark, allowing for your teammate to follow up Eclipse‘s root. These two are fairly safe picks in general, with Calibrum’s range keeping you safe and in the back-line while providing Gravitum as a means of peeling for yourself. While this isn’t a game-breaking combo, it’s reliable and secure..

... Enough said.

*sharp inhale*

Congrats for making it this far! Aphelios is a complicated champion with a very high skill ceiling, but feels fantastic once you get to know how he works.

If you're interested in learning more about The Gaming Stadium, or checking out some of my other work, feel free to visit our website here! Please leave any feedback if you'd like, and if you want to see more content like this let me know!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Gaming Stadium
The Gaming Stadium Aphelios Guide
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TGS Guide to Aphelios | Match-Ups, Combos, and More!

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