He looks like he could be interesting. I love the sound of that anchor ability, too.
Check out my guides- Ziggs: Mr Bombastic
his entire skillset has been confirmed by xypherous the guy who designed him. except his passive.
Q - Hookshot, pulls Nautilus towards terrain, or if hits champion (any enemy?) pulls anchorman and that enemy together, but presumably moves Nautilus than enemy less because he's big and heavy
W - Shield that scales with hp
E - Slow version of Tidehunter's ult, keeping enemies close to you unless they choose to run and get cc'd by the spikes.
R - Homing tidal burst that travels up to a maximum amount of time towards a target/until it hits the target. blows up things it hits along the way, blows up and slows on impact of actual target.
Q - Hookshot, pulls Nautilus towards terrain, or if hits champion (any enemy?) pulls anchorman and that enemy together, but presumably moves Nautilus than enemy less because he's big and heavy
W - Shield that scales with hp
E - Slow version of Tidehunter's ult, keeping enemies close to you unless they choose to run and get cc'd by the spikes.
R - Homing tidal burst that travels up to a maximum amount of time towards a target/until it hits the target. blows up things it hits along the way, blows up and slows on impact of actual target.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
caucheka wrote:
his entire skillset has been confirmed by xypherous the guy who designed him. except his passive.
Q - Hookshot, pulls Nautilus towards terrain, or if hits champion (any enemy?) pulls anchorman and that enemy together, but presumably moves Nautilus than enemy less because he's big and heavy
W - Shield that scales with hp
E - Slow version of Tidehunter's ult, keeping enemies close to you unless they choose to run and get cc'd by the spikes.
R - Homing tidal burst that travels up to a maximum amount of time towards a target/until it hits the target. blows up things it hits along the way, blows up and slows on impact of actual target.
Confirmed for support, no AoE clearing for jungle.
Tri lane for life.
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If I would take a guess I'd say that he'll have a slow, a damage over time and that anchor hook everyone is talking about.
For passive I would guess on something like an armor increaser, an armor decreaser to nearby enemys or something like Brand's passive.
For ulti I would guess on some sort of massive damage increaser, or maybe a summoning, either like Fizz's ulti, or Annie's ulti.
Probably AP scaling.