if you havnt seen the other thread, he is a full tank in style of amumu/leona, where they will get on your *** and cc until their team kills you.
his signature move is also a hookshot, you can grab enemy champions and it'll pull them to you AND pull you to them so you meet up somewhere in the middle, or you can use it to grab terrain and pull yourself to it.
also he hits things with his anchor.
his signature move is also a hookshot, you can grab enemy champions and it'll pull them to you AND pull you to them so you meet up somewhere in the middle, or you can use it to grab terrain and pull yourself to it.
also he hits things with his anchor.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
This is funny, a champion with an anchor for a weapon was requested only last week. The champion was definitely already in the works, they probably just slapped the anchor on =x
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NinjaGinge wrote:
I like the concept, but that sneak peak let me down hardcore.
"i was gonna die, but i didnt"
oh snap riot. You really moved mountains with that one
Too true. I hadn't seen anything about this champ except the sneakpeak, must be why I'm so dissapoint.

Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
I'm calling Mage Bruiser on this one. Melee, probably a nuke ult, with a spell that'll increase his movespeed and decrease enemies, some sort of damage over time, then a basic attack modifier. His passive will be something like bonus armour. Basically, NOT A SUPPORT! Riot needs to make more supports -.-
Pudge with some mysterious black "water", like Morgana's puddle, instead of the whole plague thing.
Hence, I'd say AD with 1-2 AP scaling skills with more utility than dmg.
Maybe his anchor throw will scale with AP and some DoT aura.
A champ that can take on most guys 1on1, because of beefiness combined with moderate dmg output, like a good Mundo.
Hence, I'd say AD with 1-2 AP scaling skills with more utility than dmg.
Maybe his anchor throw will scale with AP and some DoT aura.
A champ that can take on most guys 1on1, because of beefiness combined with moderate dmg output, like a good Mundo.
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Once again Iordania