My buddy played him solo top last night as I jungled GP. I'll put it to you this way, Nautilus top+Ganky jungler like GP, Lee Sin, Maokai...The amount of CC Nautilus has makes it incredibly easy to secure kills. He was 2v1 and I was able to constantly gank the lane for him and get 2 kills every time...Granted the Ashe+Ziggs up there were terrible, but still even if the lane was only pushed to middle, his grab+aoe slow and root is just a disgusting set up for a jungler. I'd say forget putting him in the jungle, give him cloth armor+health pots and ~5 minutes of leveling it's an easy gank.
IDK if he'll become a tournament pick though. I'd say he's a strong counter to Shyvana's ability to perma push a lane.
Others may disagree, and it was only 1 game thus far that we had him top...But it looks like it might be a new set up.
IDK if he'll become a tournament pick though. I'd say he's a strong counter to Shyvana's ability to perma push a lane.
Others may disagree, and it was only 1 game thus far that we had him top...But it looks like it might be a new set up.
i like him top, been building ad bruiser and liking it, maybe try ap some time, or full tank seems nice. he feels to me a bit like a malphite top, almost un-killable and good at securing the gank, but otherwise not that super. in teamfights he's a beast tho.
I don't know how his jungle speed is. IMO if it's like he, Nautilus is, a slow and tanky character, then he'd get out jungled by a few champs. But he'd be amazing at stopping invasions.
His clear time is like... 3:10 or something. Skill order, WEWQ. Level 4 mid ganks, etc. Starting at blue buff with Cloth+pots.
Speed was gauged with no leash and very little optimization.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
do you know what his time to ding level 4 was?
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Just a few questions before I consider purchasing :P Thanks.