Error. Move speed does not exist.
EDIT: I'd probably be going 9/21/0 masteries for him just to improve that AA animation. It's damn slow.
EDIT2: @ Duff, I think... 4:00 game time was when he hits 4. I might be off by a couple seconds.
Stonewall does essentially the same path just a little more optimization. He's also a bit slower for some reason. :/
I think I'mma try his path with some different runes to improve the speed. :P
Runes I was using; Armor marks and seals, MR/lv glyphs, Don't remember quints.
EDIT: I'd probably be going 9/21/0 masteries for him just to improve that AA animation. It's damn slow.
EDIT2: @ Duff, I think... 4:00 game time was when he hits 4. I might be off by a couple seconds.
Stonewall does essentially the same path just a little more optimization. He's also a bit slower for some reason. :/
I think I'mma try his path with some different runes to improve the speed. :P
Runes I was using; Armor marks and seals, MR/lv glyphs, Don't remember quints.
^ That's average for someone with no AS buff/AA resetter.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
His kit actually looks fun....stick him bot as an off support tank (as you would sejuani or blitz) or send him to the jungle...I might pick him up...idk yet depends if his damage or durability are up to snuff....could see him owning top lane with a lee sin or maokai jungler dat grab and passive....
just faced one botlane,me as sona.omg i never fed that much in my can buy how many wards for 1 fking bush you want and they will get you.hes hilourus and fking scary
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Only, boots of mobility instead of Mercs.
nah, just get the ms quints, and ms from initiator and swiftness masteries. with mercs thats 404 ms.