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Creator: Thalia Kael September 13, 2013 4:38pm
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Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:38pm | Report
I just had an epiphany : how to not be reported every game

Okay so this is the situation :

If you don't talk, you will get reported for no communication
If you say something that's not a compliment or positive you will get reported for negative attitude or verbal abuse

I have gotten reported for verbal abuse by an enemy team in 3v3s where I didn't say a single ****ing word in chat because I was using skype.

so the answer is to only say good things, even though you have to lie about your teammates doing good in order to say good things because the wusses can't handle the truth. They won't report you for no communication because you're talking, they won't report you for the other things because you are only saying good things even though they're lies.

Example :
Reality : In a game, I told a Garen not to rush Sunfire against ap teemo and Ahri was fed. *He rushes Sunfire* I tell him he should have bought magic resists. He then says he's going to report me for negative attitude. Then his duo partner gangs up on me and decides that me telling him not to rush Sunfire is verbal abuse and reports me too.

What I should do : Garen, it's so great that you have a Sunfire Cape, you can take less damage from their 1/5 ADC. We got this.

You see, I lie about my teammate being good and then he won't report me.

For those who have this problem, use this.

Also never be sarcastic, people report you for doing things like *Katarina gets a pentakill and is legendary* I say "report this Kat" as sarcasm and suddenly 2 people are reporting me.

Never make jokes, because they will report you for *Kayle saves my life* "Don't you love me Vi" "No I hate you" "Reported" "jks" "too late im reporting you"

Always call mias or else you will get reported for not communicating, even if you're the jungler

Off topic a bit :

Tip for junglers, don't expect lanes to follow when you invade the enemy jungler's red, 1/20 times they will come despite 200000 pings. And definitely do not ask them why they didn't follow, because they will report you
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:41pm | Report
Well aren't you just a genius :3

(am I doing it right?)

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:44pm | Report
Reported for negative attitude, sarcasm detected

I don't care if you're 50/0 and just 1v5 penta'd the enemy team and got baron in the process, you're getting reported.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:50pm | Report
Yeah, it's definitely your fault if you're losing with that attitude.

Cheer up and give less ****s, acquire elo.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
Thalia Kael
<Inhouse Addict>
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Dec 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:53pm | Report
I'm thinking of turning into one of those "gets to [insert tier V here] and then just trolls" people. It's not like I'll stand out from the other players.
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 4:58pm | Report
I hope when I smurf I run into you on my team to show you how little that matters in a Gold V game.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
Encross's Forum Avatar
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Apr 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 5:28pm | Report
Or just, you know, not get mad.

Novel idea.
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 5:29pm | Report
Rewriting Riven Guide Useful Programs Thread Sig making
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 5:39pm | Report
you tend to get very angry in the games ive played with you, the real way to not get reported is to sit back and remember "this is just a game" and try to enjoy it, or do what i do and say "gj" to people when they get a kill instead of "wow wtf" when they die
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 6:02pm | Report
i just kill people with kindness...when people flame at me i just respond with...

'I love you too...can we hug?'

that usually shuts them up.

or when they do **** like 'hey i guess you like to feed huh nami?'

i say 'yes i really enjoy it thanks for asking! you are my new best friend!'

at the end of the game it is just a game...and at the end of the day i get to go to bed with my fiance after taking my dog for a walk...get up in the morning and work in R&D making medical products. what they think matters zero to me if they aren't being constructive.

Thanks to Hogopogo for my signature!

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