ELO doesn't say anything about skill level. Because LoL is a team based game, it's impossible to decide the outcome of a game. After watching even my friends who play at 800~1200 elo, myself playing 1300~1400 elo, and watching streams of 1500~2000 or higher, I can see that there isn't much of a difference between skill level.
My Elise Guide | My Kassadin Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi, albableat, Arcana3, GMD and I for the awesome sigs! im a zombie
I'm always amazed about people's bad cs. Sure I could up mine a few notches but mid I rarely have under 140 at 20 minutes. I ought to be better at taking wraiths more often though.
Solo top I often play a bit too passive and thus miss a few more. And I have no wraiths close by for extra farm.
Solo top I often play a bit too passive and thus miss a few more. And I have no wraiths close by for extra farm.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot wrote:
I'm always amazed about people's bad cs. Sure I could up mine a few notches but mid I rarely have under 140 at 20 minutes. I ought to be better at taking wraiths more often though.
Solo top I often play a bit too passive and thus miss a few more. And I have no wraiths close by for extra farm.
Play a champ with strong AoE clearing. Works wonders for Maokai/Gragas. :D
As Gragas I always win, and then I mean both teams win and not only mid. Same with Cassiopeia and Karthus and Vlad. My 4 best mids.
Same with solo top Nida and Irelia.
Cs is the key to carrying. My problem is that if I don't have good Aoe I have a really tacky translation to teamfights. It's hella easy as Karthus, Cassiopeia and Gragas to know what your role is. Harder for me with other's since I always am dying to initiate xD
Same with solo top Nida and Irelia.
Cs is the key to carrying. My problem is that if I don't have good Aoe I have a really tacky translation to teamfights. It's hella easy as Karthus, Cassiopeia and Gragas to know what your role is. Harder for me with other's since I always am dying to initiate xD
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Thats true. But these guys can even get higher (like 1,8k Elo)...
Always fun to say: So you 1,8k Elo pro just got owned by 100Elo (cus I dodged my Elo down to start from 0 (to prove there is no elo hell))...
Well from that point they start with 'haha, I still have 1700Elo more. me so pro bla bla blubb'...
well Elo is just some Internet-pen15 ****..
Always fun to say: So you 1,8k Elo pro just got owned by 100Elo (cus I dodged my Elo down to start from 0 (to prove there is no elo hell))...
Well from that point they start with 'haha, I still have 1700Elo more. me so pro bla bla blubb'...
well Elo is just some Internet-pen15 ****..
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So naturally I accepted and crushed him as GP when he was WW. So for those of you struggling in elo hell, just realize there are people like this, TedyRo, and hundreds of others who are higher elo than you but far worse