Cowstep wrote:
Pff, people that say shes OP is stupid.
Easy to counter, just CC/Burst her,
I'm not saying she's OP, but this is a catch-all argument that applies to any champion in the game.
Just because a champion can be killed by CC/burst it does not mean they are balanced.
Katarina is different because of her ult, and she isn't balanced anyway.
You can say 'just CC/burst' about any non-tanky champion in the game. It's a counter to Fiora being a squishy champion, not to her skillset.
You can say 'just CC/burst' about any non-tanky champion in the game. It's a counter to Fiora being a squishy champion, not to her skillset.
Luther3000 wrote:
Katarina is different because of her ult, and she isn't balanced anyway.
You can say 'just CC/burst' about any non-tanky champion in the game. It's a counter to Fiora being a squishy champion, not to her skillset.
I thought Kat was a great example since both her and Fiora are underpowered because of being shut down by CC.
You can. Her skillset requires her to build like a glass cannon or do balls all damage. She has absolutely no way of helping the team, so building tanky is out of the question. All viable tanky dps bring something to the team. Jarvan has his flag, knock up, slow, armour reduction and ult, for example. Irelia has +75 damage on every auto attack innately along with her stun and incredible tanking ability from her passive. Fiora has an AS boost (which is only good if you have AD to back it up) and +35 AD from her W. Other than that, she has no tankiness, no CC, no buffs, no debuffs.
Building Fiora as a tanky DPS is subpar, both compared to her built like Riven and to other tanky DPS. There's not much more to it.
So -
CC counters AD oriented Fiora
Tanky DPS Fiora sucks

Ya but what I'm saying is, for example release Vayne you could say 'It's okay, Vayne gets countered by CC/burst'.
It's true but it doesn't change the fact that she was completely broken. You have to compare everything about the champion with other champions in the same class. Which in this case would be just Yi and Tryndamere I guess.
It's true but it doesn't change the fact that she was completely broken. You have to compare everything about the champion with other champions in the same class. Which in this case would be just Yi and Tryndamere I guess.
Luther3000 wrote:
Ya but what I'm saying is, for example release Vayne you could say 'It's okay, Vayne gets countered by CC/burst'.
It's true but it doesn't change the fact that she was completely broken.
There's a large difference with Vayne and Fiora.
Range and 'avoidyness'
Vayne is ranged. You can't easily stroll up to her and stun her. Furthermore, if she's hitting a melee, they have to walk up to her whilst Vayne's hitting them.
Fiora has to be up in your grill to do any damage - hence, anybody with a CC can use it on her, or hit her back.
Vayne has a stealth and pushback, meaning you can't get close and she can dodge stuff. These are all on small CDs.
Fiora has her ult, that's it. She can't parry abilities and therefore CC. It's one of the longest ult CDs in the game.

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She snowballs hard in fights. But as you say she isn't unkillable.
That was my intention, my friend.
Indeed. It's like Yi. Sure, he'll destroy you if kept unchecked, but they need to actually come close to you to deal damage!