She is pretty OP, her E steroid and her ult just make her almost unkillable even when build as glass cannon.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
IceCreamy wrote:
She is pretty OP, her E steroid and her ult just make her almost unkillable even when build as glass cannon.
Or you could just CC her and destroy the carry that's made from 'glass' when she's stuck in the middle of your team fight. She's fine. As soon as her ult ends (and it only really does half health damage to your carries at the most), you CC her and blow her up, just like Yi.
Before you say CC isn't an argument for a champion's strength, I direct you to Katarina.
Oh, she is strong, to be sure.
I love her. I've played 6 matches with her in the jungle so far and won all 6.
She -
Duels well against people that aren't exceedingly bulky
Kills carries fast
Jungles surprisingly well
Not completely devoid of sustain
But -
She's a melee carry. Dies fast.
Doesn't work well when built as tanky DPS.
Ult is her only means of staying alive in a team fight. You can't parry everything (apart from bullets, apparently you can parry bullets.)
Not easy to play. Can't just stroll into a team fight and kill everything.
I think it's actually better if you wait to use your ult until you've taken some damage. Makes you untargetable for several seconds and I'm pretty sure it applies lifesteal, so you can heal up quite a bit of damage.
Luther3000 wrote:
I think it's actually better if you wait to use your ult until you've taken some damage. Makes you untargetable for several seconds and I'm pretty sure it applies lifesteal, so you can heal up quite a bit of damage.
This isn't always the case. I've seen a Fiora ult, at around 200 HP mind you, and she dies from a Jax auto attack. Don't ask how it happened, it just did.
Xenasis wrote:
Depends at what point in the game. Too late and any CC will kill you, no exceptions. Earlier on, yeah. It has a very small range, however, so one does not simply walk through the tanky DPS, start hitting the carry, then start ulting them.
*refrains from making Mordor comment*
She snowballs hard in fights. But as you say she isn't unkillable. Apparently though there is a bug with her ulti. Tri Force proc doesn't go away during her ulti...Or so I've been told and because her ulti applies on hit affects it is quite possible that her ulti is considered ONE attack so the proc doesn't dissapate until AFTER she comes out of her ult and auto attacks someone.
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