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Joxuu wrote:
Yeah well now this looks like a hate message, didn't expect it to take long until someone would say yo it's him.
In all due fairness, if it is a hate message (which it pretty much is, given his recent vote on your guide), it's a fairly justified one. He's pissed off a fair amount of people to finally have one brought up.
Joxuu wrote:
I just feel bad for the guys who he downvoted, because there were actually some good stuff along the actual bad guides. With little bit advice, they would be good guides, but instead just instant -1 from scout makes others downvote it as well and suddenly AP

Meh. It's only one vote. Yes, he usually adds pressure and there are people who are encouraged to downvote because they see Master Laggers voting. But, by the large, if the guide is any good, this will not be a problem. It will be a minor stumble at best.
Joxuu wrote:
The point of this thread is something like shouldn't scouts be helping instead of "trolling" the guides they don't like. The really horrible ones I understand, but downvoting because of 1 movementspeed quint instead of saying "You could switch around it to X"
You missed my point. Past the extra upvoting powers on guides they deem should be featured, they hold NO obligations to help whatsoever. There is nothing they 'should' be doing at all. Past the above, they are but normal members with normal voting powers.
Joxuu wrote:
Most of the scouts are really good and help others out much, could be giving several names, but I was quite unhappy with laggermeister's actions, being cocky and I know it all attitude really bothers me and I'm sure I am not the only one.
Exactly. He is one, but the Scouts are many. Go appeal to other Scouts if it bothers you that much. I'm sure he bothers a lot of people of late, more than he used to when he actually gave constructive criticisms and was similarly abused despite the efforts he gave. However, if he says something wrong, it is likely that someone will call him out on it and give reasons as to why. People with brains should then be able to judge what is right based on the arguments given (if any).
To be honest, I think it is completely justified to downvote a guide for a champion that has only been out for 1 day. Remember: It can take people a damn long time to realize a champion's potential.
If he wouldn't do that, the risk would be ending up with this:
Besides, I would do the same if I had the time :3
And yeah, the discussion would be whether some of the arguments he uses are justified and perhaps should be a bit more flexible.
Go appeal to other Scouts if it bothers you that much.
hihi that is a problem on its own, but I won't start that discussion all over again.
Is a temporary punishment possible?
How about no punishment at all. Even though he is really harsh, is work is 100% justified and we need him, otherwise MobaFire gets even worse than it already is
If he wouldn't do that, the risk would be ending up with this:
Besides, I would do the same if I had the time :3
And yeah, the discussion would be whether some of the arguments he uses are justified and perhaps should be a bit more flexible.
Go appeal to other Scouts if it bothers you that much.
hihi that is a problem on its own, but I won't start that discussion all over again.
Is a temporary punishment possible?
How about no punishment at all. Even though he is really harsh, is work is 100% justified and we need him, otherwise MobaFire gets even worse than it already is
Vynertje wrote:
hihi that is a problem on its own, but I won't start that discussion all over again.
By the large, the scouts seem a bit more sensible in their voting at least. But then again, many of them are passive voters who'll only vote every now and again. There may be a problem with them, but I don't completely believe the problem you're referring to is completely relevant to this topic. I'm withholding my final judgement on that statement, though. XD
The main problem that we all seem to be perceiving at the moment is that Lagger's advice (when he does actually give it) doesn't seem to be as accurate as it used to be, whereas most other Scouts tend to at least have SOME idea of changes that happen in this game.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
I'm really not understanding the "we need bad guides downvoted" mentality. We don't. They will be ignored anyway if they suck. Only bad guides that get any attention is because it's funny or because the author is acting like an ***hat.
I suppose you also don't wonder why we now have a really really ****

Laggermeister, as stupid as it may look, is quite necessary to keep all the baddies out. If someone cannot handle Laggermeisters comment, then why would they handle any other comment? They should just leave/improve.
Laggy does still explain some of the downvotes if the author just asks him to. This time - I have to agree with you. If they can't handle Lagger, how could they be able to handle some of the other votes?
OTGBionicArm wrote:
I'm really not understanding the "we need bad guides downvoted" mentality. We don't. They will be ignored anyway if they suck. Only bad guides that get any attention is because it's funny or because the author is acting like an ***hat.
My example proves why. There actually are many, many other examples to be given of utter trash guides at high ratings.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
That's one of those examples of guides that got popular cause it sucked the least at the champion's release. No amount of downvoting will remove it anyway, so why bother.
That is exactly why you need to get it down on release.
I don't wanna lose Lagger, cuz I need him :O
Is a temporary punishment possible?