She's not OP. She's shut down easily by health and resistances. Simply said, she works pretty well in Blind Pick, but not in Draft Mode or ranked, where she's easily counter-picked. Once you see an enemy Akali in Draft Mode / Ranked, you can adapt your team comp accordingly.
She's a hypercarry. She either does really well and snowballs, or is just there doing nothing, which is why you either play her if you have an enemy laner that's weaker than her, or you simply don't pick her at all.
She's a hypercarry. She either does really well and snowballs, or is just there doing nothing, which is why you either play her if you have an enemy laner that's weaker than her, or you simply don't pick her at all.
TwixTrip09 wrote:
Oh okay, sorry if I sound like a troll. I'm level 27 right now, but I'm still learning the in's and out's of 5v5 games so I'm a little slow on the tactics and stuff .
At that level people should be calling champions like Akali, Talon, etc. OP.
Simple answer: No.
Akali has just got a nice burst that lots of people around your level do not know how to prevent. She can easily take out a good chunk of your HP early laning phase. After a few kills she snowballs and her burst is pretty strong. From playing her, I can say she's fun to play. Great early-mid game damage. Late game she starts to fall back, but still strong. She's fairly squishy, but building MR > building for damage. MR will shut down her burst, and after that she's pretty useless while on CD.
Take advantage of her early game damage potential. Let the haters call you OP. All champions have their pros and cons. Akali's pros just happen to be high burst potential early game, and the ability to get snowball fairly well.
Nope, she's never been "OP" people just don't know how to buy a simple Oracle's Elixir/ Vision Ward to counter her Twilight Shroud. She's easy to shut down with silences/snares.
People are just dumb~
*is still bitter about last Akali nerf*
People are just dumb~
*is still bitter about last Akali nerf*
I've learned from playing her that feeding her is the LAST thing I want to do lol. When it comes to the opponents stacking MR, I find that building her as a hybrid helps a lot along with buying a void staff late game just in case. Also, I usually buy Phage mid game in order to increase her health and that usually lessens her squishy-ness. Towards the end of the game I'll have around 2.5k in health so I can take on most tanks on my own. The main problem I'm having is during team fights. I know that I should be focusing the enemies that are out of position or are running away with low health, but I'm having trouble escaping afterwards. Are there any pro players that are good to watch or do you have any advice for escaping after a team fight initiates?
So many noobs; will matchmaking ever be in balance?
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