Short answer, no.
Lang answer: She dominates most champions in a 1v1 simply because of her fast damage, healing and energy regen. The fact that she doesn't need any energy to use her ult, and she can use it 3 times in a row if you're trying to escape is just tragic for whoever she comes across. If you're in said 1v1, and it's not going her way, she can break focus with her shroud and heal up or escape. This also punishes stupid people who stay in the shroud because they can't hit her, for the most part, if she's invis. Most people in soloqq will not or do not want to spend gold on vision wards to counter 1 champ, much less 75 for the map control.
Lang answer: She dominates most champions in a 1v1 simply because of her fast damage, healing and energy regen. The fact that she doesn't need any energy to use her ult, and she can use it 3 times in a row if you're trying to escape is just tragic for whoever she comes across. If you're in said 1v1, and it's not going her way, she can break focus with her shroud and heal up or escape. This also punishes stupid people who stay in the shroud because they can't hit her, for the most part, if she's invis. Most people in soloqq will not or do not want to spend gold on vision wards to counter 1 champ, much less 75 for the map control.
I spent some months playing as Akali when I bought her, and I was amazed. She was my first assassin, and the role's name says everything, shes meant to kill the squishies, tons of damage
She's not OP tough, people doesnt know the difference between fed, high burst and OP
She's not OP tough, people doesnt know the difference between fed, high burst and OP
TwixTrip09 wrote:
Are there any pro players that are good to watch or do you have any advice for escaping after a team fight initiates?
Westrice, I guess? He's the one that I know of, but there's probably others.
Akali is considered OP by some players because she free wins a lot of match ups, and she can snowball games.
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