In my years of playing WoW clicker syndrome has only been encountered several times. Usually we had very strong applicants but as soon as we found out they clicked we denied them immediately. Try to stress to him that in a game that seconds are everything you need to be as fast as possible. Sit down with him on the same champion and both of you see who can get off skill shots on target faster. That should be enough to show him how he is wrong.
Stress to him that he isn't worth his weight if he keeps playing that way, and you don't want to play 4v5s just so he can have fun. Brute force is the only force my friend.
Stress to him that he isn't worth his weight if he keeps playing that way, and you don't want to play 4v5s just so he can have fun. Brute force is the only force my friend.
+Rep if I helped you! | Ahri guide out soon!
Thanks to LeCorpse for my Signature!
There's basically no way to ever be any good if you're clicking skills off the bar to use them.
Hell I'd even say your chances of being really good are massively increased by using smartcasting on most of your skills and removing clicking from the equation altogether.
Also, he plays on a laptop so he uses the track pad to click. This ends up in him going negative and a few more losses for me and him. And he says that if he goes over to the mouse and keyboard, he'll just get the **** beaten out of him.
Even when I first started playing LoL I at least used a mouse, even if I did click skills and use the arrow keys to move the map. :P
Hell I'd even say your chances of being really good are massively increased by using smartcasting on most of your skills and removing clicking from the equation altogether.
PikaLox wrote:
Also, he plays on a laptop so he uses the track pad to click. This ends up in him going negative and a few more losses for me and him. And he says that if he goes over to the mouse and keyboard, he'll just get the **** beaten out of him.
Even when I first started playing LoL I at least used a mouse, even if I did click skills and use the arrow keys to move the map. :P
Okay, I'll put it to him like this. Tell him just try playing League of Legends with his mouse for a week (a few days will do but preferably the former), since one encountering problem people have in making transitions is that they only try it like once or a few times when it takes some time to get used to the change in order to be more effective.
I'd also add that no LoL player in the history of tournament play has ever not used a mouse (as far as I know, I haven't inspected every game but its a plausible assumption to make) and its not due to it being "a matter of taste" but rather that they're professional players who making a living out of LoL and wish to play the most effective way to win > earn $$$ or £££ or oh nevermind Euro is crashing.
I'd also add that no LoL player in the history of tournament play has ever not used a mouse (as far as I know, I haven't inspected every game but its a plausible assumption to make) and its not due to it being "a matter of taste" but rather that they're professional players who making a living out of LoL and wish to play the most effective way to win > earn $$$ or £££ or oh nevermind Euro is crashing.
If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
I'd bet if you did a survey or something at least nine out of ten of them would be using smartcasting on almost every ability, too.
Seriously, smartcasting is awesome. Use it.
Seriously, smartcasting is awesome. Use it.
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What should a say to him so he'll finally start playing with a mouse, and stop getting rofl stomped online. This is serious. He's a good kid and i think he might be good if just played like everyone else. Any words of advice?