While its cool that ryze got a nice new skin, there are alot of classes out there that have very few skins, (I.e. most support champs) and I just wish riot would show them some love every now and then a well.
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dbug87 wrote:
But doesn't Ryze already have fifty gatrillion skins?
+100500. But I found this new ryze skin really epic, even in-game model (http://www.lolomod.com/ryze) and not just art . Before only Demonblade Tryndamere and Jurassic Cho'Gath were the best in whole game for me.
Wren wrote:
As nice as this skin is, there are plenty of champions that only have 2 skins out there, and some not very good, that need more skin attention.
Ryze didnt need another skin to add to his 203984209 others.
I agree, I want a new skin for Shyvana, and since Skyrim is so damn popular (taking over the world more like it), why not give her a frost dragon skin with blue fire effects rather than red, that'd be awesome!
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig(s)!
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