XeresAce wrote:
I wonder if league is becoming more graphically demanding cuz I lag in teamfights since newest patch Q_Q and I mean like, 10 fps lag. Usually I would just drop to 30 D:
Odd, not for me even though I'm already using an older laptop that runs at 25 - 30. I believe they did do something though, I think I remember seeing something in recent patch notes, could be wrong though.

Thanks to YayaFTW for the sig.
you'd think my allies would be able to hold three points when 3 of the enemy champions are futzing around bot because their Riven can't 1v1 the AP Soraka...
but you'd be wrong.
but you'd be wrong.
OTGBionicArm wrote:
Seen that happen before very recently, can't remember if Zed was the one killing him though. I just remember saying to my team "... wasn't aatrox's passive up?" when we killed him, and they were all also pretty sure that it had been up too.
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Will report how it went once we lose...:D
EDIT: against all odds, we won.....