Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Lugignaf wrote:
Going to re-write my Maokai guide and I realize that Season 4 is going to start soon with all its new masteries and stuff. <_<
Hopefully it won't change jungle/mid lane too much.
At least every single cheese jungle route you make doesn't get changed or simply made useless every other jungle change.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
if you think that 4 premades make you loose games you havent seen me play :)
hi i am the best
ich komm mit mehrsilbigen nomenreimen die mehrsilbig sind und sich auf nomen reimen CHECK OUT MY AWESOME GUIDE BUT NO DOWNVOTES PLX
ich komm mit mehrsilbigen nomenreimen die mehrsilbig sind und sich auf nomen reimen CHECK OUT MY AWESOME GUIDE BUT NO DOWNVOTES PLX
QQ... Another Won ranked lost.
Top nasus vs cait(hard time early,) our bot fed hard ez , tho our zyra was good(we had jungle grag) Btw we made such plays tfs and had a comeback, insane. My team full build (except our sup zilean , might be)we own every ****ing tf, killing almost all, leaving 1-2 alive every of them and dieing only 1 or 2(gragas or zilean) on my team. The problem was so clear tho. That ****ty early game had bot. Throwing so hard early making ez and leona push to inhib,then all lanes got pushed cause i couldnt stay top for keep cait away turret,otherwise my team would lose tfs. Our inhibs were down on all lanes, more then once. but we were able to keep the situation for about 20-30ish mins. But ez almost got nexus(1/4 life) and then when me twitch and zilean were catching cait, she flashed,then net throu base wall, and shot the last 2 hit nexus hp in the moment my q hit her.
comeon. we were something like around 10-20 kills and their team more then 20, and when the game ended we were around 60+-40ish. So stronk teamwork. but bot. meh
Top nasus vs cait(hard time early,) our bot fed hard ez , tho our zyra was good(we had jungle grag) Btw we made such plays tfs and had a comeback, insane. My team full build (except our sup zilean , might be)we own every ****ing tf, killing almost all, leaving 1-2 alive every of them and dieing only 1 or 2(gragas or zilean) on my team. The problem was so clear tho. That ****ty early game had bot. Throwing so hard early making ez and leona push to inhib,then all lanes got pushed cause i couldnt stay top for keep cait away turret,otherwise my team would lose tfs. Our inhibs were down on all lanes, more then once. but we were able to keep the situation for about 20-30ish mins. But ez almost got nexus(1/4 life) and then when me twitch and zilean were catching cait, she flashed,then net throu base wall, and shot the last 2 hit nexus hp in the moment my q hit her.
comeon. we were something like around 10-20 kills and their team more then 20, and when the game ended we were around 60+-40ish. So stronk teamwork. but bot. meh
Why do people think it's necessary to tell me to uninstall when I'm 0/5? Don't they understand I know I play like **** when I'm 0/5? There's really no need to tell everyone to report me for feeding...
God, ****ing premades seriously ruining my evening, great job community, love you.
God, ****ing premades seriously ruining my evening, great job community, love you.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
IceCreamy wrote:
Why do people think it's necessary to tell me to uninstall when I'm 0/5? Don't they understand I know I play like **** when I'm 0/5? There's really no need to tell everyone to report me for feeding...
God, ****ing premades seriously ruining my evening, great job community, love you.
but it is necessary

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Hopefully it won't change jungle/mid lane too much.