Jack Rubino wrote:
I TRIED HIM ON RANKS FOR THE FIRST TIME, AS AD JUNGLE AND TOP, AND HE IS A DEMONIAC BEAST. Or at silver elo where i've been placed, at least.
I TRIED HIM ON RANKS FOR THE FIRST TIME, AS AD JUNGLE AND TOP, AND HE IS A DEMONIAC BEAST. Or at silver elo where i've been placed, at least.
QQ indeed.
I'm guessing Chum the Waters is working like cutthroat now, and Fizz is mixed damage if he builds AD and stuff.
My QQ: I'm so tired because my sleep schedule is ****ed. I have class until 10 PM and I'm probably gonna pass out in it. @_@
My QQ: I'm so tired because my sleep schedule is ****ed. I have class until 10 PM and I'm probably gonna pass out in it. @_@
Thalia Kael wrote:
Every time I see AD Fizz it just fails. I don't even understand why it exists, can someone shed some light?
His ult now increases his damage output by 20% on a target. All damage, I believe. They gutted his base damages a lot, meaning his AP burst is somewhat reliant on his ult. AD Fizz deals pretty good damage innately and makes good use of Trinity Force and Blade of the Ruined King.
I just tried it myself and I was skeptical at first but it actually felt really strong.
Lugignaf wrote:
I'm guessing Chum the Waters is working like cutthroat now, and Fizz is mixed damage if he builds AD and stuff.
It's not just that, they moved his W's damage based on % missing HP to the on-hit rather than the DoT. Remember when Kha'Zix'z Q used to do like 8% of the enemy's missing HP when they were isolated? Fizz now does that on every auto-attack while he has W proc'd. Which is why you see Fizz building tons of attack speed with BotRK and Triforce.
Yesterday I played a ranked game where adc&supp went afk at start. Adc(MF) was afk something less then 10 minutes, supp(Lulu) was afk >12minutes. Of course we didn't recover from that... our top and mid were decent, but I as a jungler couldn't be everywhere. So we lost hard.
I asked to report our bot in the end game lobby...
and I got reported for negative thinking.
I didn't rage. It was hard, but I knew it would be pointless. I didn't vote for surrender. I just asked for reporting bot as afkers after everything ended. Without accusing them of bad play, calling names or anything. Well it seems I was really asking for it:(
RITO PLS do finally something about the honor system!
I asked to report our bot in the end game lobby...
and I got reported for negative thinking.
I didn't rage. It was hard, but I knew it would be pointless. I didn't vote for surrender. I just asked for reporting bot as afkers after everything ended. Without accusing them of bad play, calling names or anything. Well it seems I was really asking for it:(
RITO PLS do finally something about the honor system!
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I TRIED HIM ON RANKS FOR THE FIRST TIME, AS AD JUNGLE AND TOP, AND HE IS A DEMONIAC BEAST. Or at silver elo where i've been placed, at least.