A place where I can QQ without being judged too harshly! Well slap me in the face and call me Amumu!
I am so sick and tired of everyone screaming over Darius while Jax exists. No game is ever even, my team is ******ed, or theirs is. Unless you're the jungler, ganks are non-existent and/or complete failures. Too many people exaggerate over ELO hell. It exists, just not to the extent some people think.(My duo partner refuses to play ranked because he is afraid.)
I am so sick and tired of everyone screaming over Darius while Jax exists. No game is ever even, my team is ******ed, or theirs is. Unless you're the jungler, ganks are non-existent and/or complete failures. Too many people exaggerate over ELO hell. It exists, just not to the extent some people think.(My duo partner refuses to play ranked because he is afraid.)
Never again will I allow anyone else to play it in the same game as me.
Somehow, I find it easier to carry games as a support, than a carry and anytime I don't go support.
Last two picks:: Draven and Vayne
"Guys don't worry we got full Ar pen."
No. Just no.
What's that? We fed terribly and you're about to get a triple? Better relieve you of two of those kills then go die again.
Never again will I allow anyone else to play it in the same game as me.
Somehow, I find it easier to carry games as a support, than a carry and anytime I don't go support.
Last two picks:: Draven and Vayne
"Guys don't worry we got full Ar pen."
No. Just no.
What's that? We fed terribly and you're about to get a triple? Better relieve you of two of those kills then go die again.

HOLY ********. If I had option to kill via IP/TP protocol, there would be so ****ing many corpses today. I lost holy ****ing 21/7/12 akali game which started as 12/0/2. I roamed the map, secured buffs+drake, invaded, assisted other lanes, I did everything as from ****ING BOOK. Then my lee sin decides to steal my red for some GOD****INGDAMN reason, cuz apparently, Lee with Frozen Mallet needs that redbuff! (I went for warmogs+mejai since I was so fed instead of Rylai's). After this, my ****ING ******ED TEAM starts to do **** like soloing baron, going 3v5 and we end up losing this ****ing game. Seriously, if I had option to cut off their balls and feed them with it, I would do so. And I have like 450/400 W/L in normals, I'm so ****ing MAD how I can be paired with such IDIOTS.
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I hate solo laning against a f*****g Tryndamere! He is so freggin OP!
Kite kite kite