You know, it gets to the point where I'm sick of this scenario. Juking the **** out of 3 invaders on my lane, pushing, killing and warding left and right, and my teammates simply won't understand that, maybe, the fact that I am rocking is because I know more of what I'm doing then them AND my opponents (those builds so smart, not sure why I built Void Staff).
Carries going alone facechecking brushes, targetting the "tank" (if that voli can be called a tank), Twitch trying to 1 vs 4 every time because "ulti op". Heck, enemy team was so bad they had map dominance and NEVER tried to baron.
Nerf stupidity.
After playing 100ish games with Janna, up until today, I didn't realize that her E grants attack damage. Like really. I'm a level 30 player.
I played Janna for about 20-30 games in a row and I'm ashamed to say that I never read the ult info right, so when I found out that my ult healed when I stood still my mind was blown
Had to shave completely for my new job, and I did not realize how much it was going to bother me at all until I did it. I really hate this ****.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
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But, **** the police, Nyx Assassin is still cool.