First time AD Kennen, gotta say; I like the guy :P
Had to sell my

Decide to go into a normal for my last game of the night, our team is Lux, Ashe, Vlad(who called mid), Kat and I round this out with Poppy. No jungler on our team. We joke around in pregame chat.
We get placed against a super tanky team of Olaf, Amumu, Morde, Darius and jungle Panth. We bush-gank Olaf for first blood and we completely deny Olaf. He's at about 9 CS at 15 minutes or so. I zone out and CS top being greedy and taking it from Ashe.
Anyway, mid game comes and Lux says, "We're all magic damage except for Ashe and she has 16 CS." Lux goes AD. What in the actual hell happened that game and how'd we win?
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