Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
RottedApples wrote:
I was so sad when I realized what happened, such a godly play followed by walking right into a boomerang that was clearly there but I didn't notice. :(
Wasn't that godly..
..Unlike what I did this game, flash ult as Morg onto 3 (getting a double then 1 more kill) winning us a close teamfight in a close game even though we had 2 inhibs open at the time and no nexus turrets! 6-4 Plat 3, I'll take it. but last season I got plat 3 after 4-6 from dia 5 grr

Got an S- too!
..Unlike what I did this game, flash ult as Morg onto 3 (getting a double then 1 more kill) winning us a close teamfight in a close game even though we had 2 inhibs open at the time and no nexus turrets! 6-4 Plat 3, I'll take it. but last season I got plat 3 after 4-6 from dia 5 grr

Got an S- too!

Wasn't that godly..
Wtf yes it was, 0:25 to 0:28 was amazing. I had no vision in the brush and my trinket was down so when I saw

You just clicked D and R onto mispositioned enemies, so FK U.
Also, to you and anyone else who's confused about where they're being placed, remember this goes to Dynamic Q rather than solo Q, Riot said the rank is based off of solo Q but it's not necessarily based on it the same way solo Q placement is, so it's not unusual that your new placement doesn't make sense when compared to last season's placement. I think everyone's forgetting that this is ranked but not solo Q. (Despite it currently literally being the same old solo queue...)

Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
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This was my last death of that game by the way.